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Stupid Goddamned P's Test!

Brad Duffell

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Hey raiders

Very dissapointed today i didnt get my licence :( my damn stupid p's tester had me do a ridiculous reverse park behind this pissy litttle excuse for a car on a bend so it was like impossible... as i was backin up i hit the curb... wich you are allowed to do... i corrected and finished the test. We got back to the test center only to have me find out i failed cause i apparently "mounted the curb" :1badmood::mad3: . does anyone else hink they should back off p platers and give em a chance? . very frustrating cause now i have to wait 2 more weeks before i can go for em again wich means i cant drive to the raider social.... thankfully though flightmanager kindly offered me a lift up there so ill see how it pans out...

anyway :05:



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Mate I agree they should back off p platers and give them a chance, however I do think the current driving test (where you actually drive) needs to be expanded upon and go for longer. The Green P's test and the one after it is a ludicrous money making exercise that serves no real purpose so I don't support them but the driving test I think is OK and should maybe be longer.

It just seems like you got a crappy tester!

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I agree 100 percent it should be longer and its goin to be increased to 1 hour on the 11th of june but the thing is that i souldnt have got marked down for what i did :thumbdown: and what makes it worse is i got 100 percent on everything else.....

Just an asshole of an examiner then mate! They were probably having a bad day!!

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in my opinon all p plater should be put throw a driving school

that drives in all conditions rain an slippery roads would be a good start

a drive around with a parent on a nice sunny day is not practice

i have seen to many p plate acidents where lack of skill was to blame

this is just my opinon



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Welcome to the rest of your life.

Back off on P-Platers ???


My daughter just got her red P's (first go) and I honestly don't believe that she is a great driver yet.

mate, it's all called experience, and included in that experience is attitude, of which all the young ones I see(plenty from my girls schools) have the big bad "I know what I am doing cause I have my licence and no one is gonna tell me what to do" attitude.

My girls go to Layola at Rooty Hill, the school that tragically lost those young kids last December at Glendenning.

It is ALL about attitude. Both my girls compete in Motorsport and as I write this we are still in the USA after racing here. Now I totally believe that they are under absolute control on the dragstrip but on the street I'm not so sure.

As a Dad I have done all I can to get them to this point in their lives, the rest is up to them, but if I can prevent something tragic from happening I will, and at ALL COSTS.

As I said at the start of this rant, if that's the worst thing that ever happens to you life will be a breeze.

Keep smiling cause you will get your licence, and than the responsibility you have will be huge.



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This might hurt :mad3:

This rule has been in place for many years an I have had my license for abit over 10years, an back then when I got my P's it was hit the curb an IMMEDIATE failure. So you might not have been aware of this, but at least now you are. Pity as you should have known that when parrallel parking any contact with the curb is automatic failure. It would have saved you alot of time an effort

As for going easy on P platers,,, HAH! Shouldnt happen, they are still in a state of learning/transit of acquiring road skills, so they need more attention. Hence they should be accessed harder.

Finanlly everyone has to get past the same thing that is annoying you, not just yourself,,,, look at every other person on the road they have got their license.

Sorry if I Pissed any1 off

Dan (D&G)

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:dito: Tafc010 & Miller. If it's not mandatory for Learner drivers to undergo some form of defensive driving course by the time my two kids get their L's, then I'll put them in one myself. I've seen or heard of too many P platers getting killed or injured, and I truly believe no parent should outlive their kids.
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Sorry but I think it should be harder to get your P's.

I got knocked back the first time many moons ago for having a hole in the exhaust.

2nd time round I took Dad's car. Handbrake didn't hold and the electric windows wouldn't work.

Luckily I took Dad with me and I think the examiner was a bit scared to fail me.

As for hitting the gutter - one of my pet pevs I hate scratches on the tyre.

Learning to reverse park was a breeze - I'm too lazy to walk a long distance so if there is a few inches each end of the car I WILL fit in. (no I don't bumper park).

Just one more thing.

I think you should also be tested before you can tow a trailer, boat, caravan, float etc. YES backing as well.

Oh I also hate slow 'oldies' not only p platers. :biggrin2:

Good luck for the future. Keep safe.

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yup. on account of all the tragedies on the roads, p-platers need alot of experience, as the test only examines a TINY bit of what you have to do while driving on the roads. when i went for my reds, i got it first go, but only coz the examiner was a kind lady. as mentioned before it really depends on the examiner as well.

before going for your reds again, even if youve done more than 50 hours etc. i suggest you keep driving and driving until it is second nature to you. practice parallel parking in your street until you have got it down pat.

good luck with the second go!



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Stop saying it should be harder to get your P plates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Making Learner's do 50 hours of driving practice before taking the test isn't going to make P plater's stick to the speed limit and obey the rules any less. As for 100 hours that is just ridiculous.

I go for mine in 4 and a half months and can't wait to drive to my various LB fishing spots and some new ones away from the Hacking in Sydney Harbour. Not to meantion the ability to take the boat out by myself :yahoo:

I'm not worried about the time the test goes for but the strictness of it. If you hit a curb that isn't endangering anyone is it?


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I'm not worried about the time the test goes for but the strictness of it. If you hit a curb that isn't endangering anyone is it?


BUT also hitting a curb it could of been a young child or elderly person or anythng so thats


its like hitting a dog and saying oppps i dndt mean it thou or i dndt see it,

not having a crack at u IFS but i think thats

the general thought of most learners as i had the exact same thing but its only

once u been driving for a few years u see alot of things and having lost 2 mates 2 years

ago to a car accident i just hate when young ppl say ohh its to much 100hrs

or it shouldnt be this or shouldnt be that,

times change , i think they should challenge learners more be4 giving out the p plates.

and agreed 100% with miller wet roads, gravel roads, night driving should all be tested..

i failed my first test it was about 5 years ago and i hit the curb reverse parking so i was in the same

boat once i got back i questioned it as everythng else was 100% i was like

but i only hit the curb rah rah rah and the lady said rules are rules im sorry and she told me the curb could of been a child or anythng and ive ALWAYS rememberd that little quote,

sorry boys as cool as it is to get ur p's straight off, if u stuff up u gotta deal with it,

i know id rather get my p's knowing i got it all 100%.. driving is a BIG responsibiltiy and if u stuff up

u can kill urself or innocent people,

just my 2bobs worth

so practice harder buddy and go back in a fortnight and ace it,


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I'm not worried about the time the test goes for but the strictness of it. If you hit a curb that isn't endangering anyone is it?


No it's not mate, but it proves that you have preception of depth of feild and control over the vehicle which you are in charge of, two very basic requirments for driving..

I have a heavy vehicle licence and every time I renew it I have to do the eye sight test with each eye, not just read the bottom line with both, it sounds stupid because I will probably never be in the position to drive with one hand over my right eye. But once it was explained to me it made perfect sense, we need two eyes to guage length and speed... Simple.

Any way I personally think P platers get it easy considering the ratio of deaths attributed to under 25s compared to over.

This thread will probably be divided down the middle by younger people going how unfair!..... And older folk going you guys got it to easy.

I am with the later, as your Nan used to say "listen to your elders" :1prop:



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Chris, you took the words right out of my mouth.

When towing horses we had to be careful about the weight of the car vs. trailer +horses + gear.

The station wagon was no good so we bought our first 4WD

I don't know how it works nowdays.

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Commiserations on the unhappy result of your test Brad , sometimes stuff like this happens. At the end of the day , you are being asessed on your ability to control a motor vehicle , which has the potential to cause major damage , and even kill. The RTA examiners have been told to be less flexible with the way that testees are marked , so you really need to be 100% on the ball , and ahead of the game when you do the test.

As for what you were asked to do , it is in no way an unreasonable thing to do . Sometimes the only parking spot available is going to be in a similar position , and you need to know how to do it right. I have held a Heavy Vehicle Drivers licence for over 25 years , Semi Trailer for over 20 and a Multi Combination ( Road Train and B Double) for the last 10 years. I have been examined on the road rules , and my ability to control a heavy vehicle on average every 3 years for the last 20 years. I have also driven well in excess of 2,000,000 Kms in that time frame , with only one at fault accident. Good luck? Not completely , good driving skills ( learnt from day one) , and a good attitude , so , I think I have a reasonably good idea of what Im talking about.

As for the new requirements for being issued a licence ( and I am by no means limiting this to the under 25's) , I say this is only the first step. There are far too many "licenced " drivers around who have absolutely no right to be in control of a motor vehicle! There seems to be a perception that a Drivers Licence is a right. It is a priveledge , getting your licence is the easy part , keeping it is what is difficult!!!!

There have been far too many fatalities , far too many people (many in your age group ) killed in motor vehicle accidents . The combination of speed and inexperience is a deadly mix , but the second you take hold of your first licence , both of them are available to you. Dont ever think " it will never happen to me , Im a good driver". Australian cemetaries are full of "Good Drivers".

Please , take the time to learn to be a good driver . Never become complacent about what it is that you are doing behind the wheel , it should never become automatic , you need to think about every action , and the consequence of that action. Always. Learn about roadcraft , positioning your vehicle , buffer zones , escape routes. Look out for bad driving in other vehicles , it is not always going to be you who is in the wrong , the ability to spot a dangerous situation and avoid it is probably the best way of staying alive out there.

Sorry for the length of this rant , but it is something I feel very strongly about , sadly , I have had to pull more than one deceased person from an MVA , and so many accidents are avoidable.

Best of luck on your next attempt!!


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Sorry you didn't pass first go, better luck next time.

As a mother of 2, one who has her L's and one who is at the age he can go for his L's, I constantly worry about how they will go with driving.

I feel that new drivers whether they be young U25 or older O25 they do not get enough driver training.

If you are going for a motorbike licence, before you can get any of them, L, RP or GP you have to attend rider training courses and pass. I feel that this should be made compulsory for drivers just getting their licence with refresher courses in the first few years of being on a full licence.

This would give them a better understanding of the road and also different conditions.

Unfortunately of late we have lost too many P Plate drivers not only through speed, but also through lack of experience.

Last December 3 young adults returning from their Year 12 formal were tragically killed in a car accident at Glendenning. These kids were from Loyola Senior High and St Mary High Schools. The driver had only had his P's for a short time. #1 Son attended Loyola last year, although he was a year behind them and I think that could have been him.

Hubby is a truck driver and although he has had many years of experience and quite a lot of extensive driver training, I still worry when he is driving, not for himself but for the people with the "It wont happen to me attitude".

It doesnt matter how safe a driver you feel you are, accidents can occur.

There should be more driver training and more safety training. Wet, dry, fog, rough and smooth.

It will not stop the carnage, but it may help to reduce the toll a little bit.

Stay safe on the roads.

Mrs Flightmanager

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G`day Fellas ,

That Curb you mounted , could just as easily have been a Small Child , so lets stop blaming The Tester.

Thats a bad attitude , and that = a bad driver , so Learn from it and take a bit more care next time.

In My opinion licences are too easy to get these days , and I Firmly hope , that one day All Learners will be made to attend and have to Pass The Advanced Driving Course before a Licence is Issued .

Thats where you really learn learn how to drive a veichle with Skill , and skill is w3hat will surely one day save your life.

Better Luck Next time mate .


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its like hitting a dog and saying oppps i dndt mean it thou or i dndt see it,


Well mate, if you bring pets into it, it's a whole new can of worms

Sure you should try and avoid a dog or cat when parking, but while on the rod doing 60km/h the WORST thing you can do is:

Hammer your breaks (endangering the car behind you)

Swerve to the left (endangering the child running after the dog to save it)

Swerve to the right (just plain common sense that you and the car on the other side of the road will be obliterated)

The safest thing you can do is break resonably and beep your horn at the little bugger, too many people make these mistakes


Edited by IFishSick
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BUT also hitting a curb it could of been a young child or elderly person or anythng so thats


its like hitting a dog and saying oppps i dndt mean it thou or i dndt see it,


Just a example mate so dont get your knickers in a knot, :wacko:

lets get back on topic aye and respect every1 elses views and thoughts...


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Hope you are not beng overwhelmed by all of this Brad , but trying to give you over 100 years worth of sound driving advice in a short time is a big ask. I am sure everyone that has posted only has your best interests at heart , and we all look forward to your next post saying that you have passed !!!


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mate I feel your pain at having failed the test. I didn't get mine first time either, and when looking back, to be honest I probably didn't deserve the time that I passed.

It took me a good couple of years before I was truly competent behind the wheel. That didn't stop me driving like a dickhead with my mates though, thankfully I never had a serious accident.

Like some of the other guys here I have held a variety of vehicle licences and spent heaps of time on the road with work and have come across heaps of accidents that can be mostly put down to a lack of common sense and poor basic driving skills.

After spending a large amount of time on two wheels over the last 10 years, it has given me a real appreciation for the amount of dickheads out there on the road, particularly P platers. This is not directed just at you, but as a nation we really need to increase driver education and skills. maybe the L's needs to go for longer, with more hours, or a compulsary subject needs to be run through schools from Yr 6 up?

what ever the case, I hope that you pass your test next time round



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thanks for all the input fellas, much appreciated sorry for starting a topic wich put may have sparked up bad experiences... Lets just hope i dont hit the curb next time aye



I'm sure everyone just doesn't want you to have a bad experience on the road. If you take just some of the advice on board, I'm sure you'll be a better driver for it! :thumbup: Good luck next time!

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