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Best Fishing/ocean Show On Tv


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Hi guys

Are you aware that one of the best ever fishing/ocean shows on TV is on SBS at 6pm on Sunday night???

It is called THALASSA (I set the video to 'set & forget' so I never miss an episode!) & it is narrated by the same guy that does Global Village (also worth taping & watching, 6pm most week nights!)

Really Brilliant! It is a French show & they go all around the world, doing stories on fishing related activities, from farming fish in China to catching Tuna in the oceans, using boats shovelling tonnes of pilchards overboard to keep them under the boat, whilst they are poled aboard! The episode on catching Halibut of Nova Scotia was amazing! The size of those fish was gi-normous! Just a big flounder, really, but weighing up to 300kg! (well, maybe a bit smaller, but they were huge!) I don't exaggerate - if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times .... I DON'T EXAGGERATE! Now that we've got that out of the way .....

Mark it on your TV guide & give it a go. Very informative show! Let me know what you think of it!!



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Bugger! Haven't got TVS - is that a freebie available to those elite that live in Sydney, or is it pay TV for those with nothing better than watching Sport all day????

I'm only jealous, really! What with fishing & Fishraider, I don't have time to do anything else!! Right now, I should be getting dinner ready, but stuff it! :1prop:

It only take 15-20 mins to toss something together, specially when you have blackie fillets in the freezer! :biggrin2:

Just did a google on Thalassa & this came up (amongst other stuff)

Thalassa Sunday evenings at 6.00pm

Silvio Rivier presenter, of the popular SBS Television series Global Village, hosts and narrates a brand new series of Thalassa, a documentary series of diverse stories of people around the world and their connection with the sea, screening Sunday evenings at 6pm on SBS Television.

Thalassa has been a major hit in France for nearly 30 years and is still on-air! This wonderful series of people's livelihoods and traditions connected with the sea is a must for armchair travellers who don't want to get their feet wet and those who wish to marvel at the fascinating interaction between humans and the sea.

First conceived and produced in 1975 by ‘Round The World’ yacht race adventurer Georges Pernoud, Thalassa continues to draw over 5 million viewers every week in France and constitutes a library port-folio of over 1000 hours of programming.

“Two-thirds of the world is water, the great oceans and seas. Not surprising then that the livelihoods of millions of people round the world are connected with the sea. Aptly named, Thalassa (Greek for "the sea") now brings us a long-running series that travels the world, offering us glimpses into this fascinating world. It is often entertaining, surprising and at times dramatic but NEVER boring”, said Rivier.

I will be seriously disappointed if any Fishraider is disappointed when they watch it!!



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G`day Fellas ,

Heya Robbie , I have been watching that show for over a Year now.

Best part is , they will repeat it in the off season as well , so It`s possible to catch up on missed episodes.

Top Show , I really enjoy watching it Later at night .


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thanks for that roberta!


for those of you who get TVS, switch over to it at 8pm thursday nights to watch some amazing aussie fishing... last week they fished for kings, massive calamari and sharks off south australia

the show runs for a half hour but i cant remember what it is called


Pardon my ignorance, but what is TVS?? :1prop:

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the newest free to air channel in sydney

scan through your tv to find it and save it :thumbup:

it regulary has fishing shows but there is no TV guide as such for it

a program can be found through the ninemsn tv guide though


Ninemsn do include TVS on their TV Guide but it's next to useless.

They provide programme title but absolutely no further information on what the programme is about. Perhaps it's a problem with the telecaster - maybe they should provide more details?

If you can let me know the name of any fishing/boating programme on TVS I would be grateful.

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Hey Chris

That 4WD stuff is amazing! I accidentally found TVS when I was at Cronulla for the other half's triathlon & saw both shows. Even Fishraider could put something together & get it aired if we had someone good at editing videos!! I believe it is free - you just have to send it in??

I emailed them when I got back, to see if they would be getting a stronger signal so us 'Rurals' could watch it, but it is not happening in the near future.

Back to Thalassa - it is not individuals fishing - usually professionals or villagers of some far flung tiny nation, trying to scrape a living, but every episode is terrific. Last week it was about a stretch of land/sea that Russia & an ex part of Russia (forgotten it's name) now share & associated fishing problems. The other week, it showed Greek or Italian fishing boats trolling for fish & getting cluster bombs that were dumped in the Mediterranean as part of the Yugoslavian conflift. I don't care if I am watching repeats!

Whilst we are on SBS - also check out Food lovers Guide to Australia - fantastic show going all around Aus, showcasing different ethnic group's cooking styles etc. For a while there it was on Tues/Wed at 3pm. A fork in the Road is also worth taping for a dull evening! He goes around the world interviewing unusual characters - the one taped in Capetown was a hoot! Seems the winner of Big Brother there did a crap in the back yard. The Cape Coloured that was narrating the show said "If I do a crap in someone's backyard, I wouldn't get a Million Dollars - I'd be slammed in Jail'

Enjoy - SBS has some of the best shows! I just tape them & watch them when everything else is DULL!



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Love watching food lovers guide and the wine one that used to be on as well There is also another one by Maeve Omeara called gourmet safari which has its own website as well and they run gourmet tours

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Hey Iceman

Gotta agree with that - the Gourmet Safari was excellent. Wrote out some great recipes from that one - now only have to cook them (along with the other 2000 I have collected over the years!)



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