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Sussex Inlet?


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Howdy Raiders,

Just wondering if anyone can tell me where to pump nippers at Sussex Inlet?

Ive tried a few spots that were a lot of hard work for not much return...... :thumbdown:

Also, anyone had a session down there recently? Much going on?



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Someone must know if there are Nippers down that way and we need an up to date report ? anyone :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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Cheers for that Paul. I had tried somewhere down that way, but dont think it was Berrara Ck.

Has anyone got any fishing reports of Sussex or the Basin?

G'day Scott, try the southern side of Berrara Ck it hasn't failed us yet. Approx 5 min drive from Sussex township.

Cheers Paul


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My father lives at Sussex and the nippers he pumps in the Inlet and at Berrara Creek are plentiful but tiny.

The best spot in the Inlet is on the flat downstream from the Alemein boat ranp.



All of the fish in the Basin at present seem to be in the shallow water around the edges.

When the warmer currents arrive they will go back into the deeper water.


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