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Can Anyone Id This Fish?


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the jury is in then...... good thing i chucked it back in the drink!

there were a few carcasses around where i was today, maybe whoever was there b4 me got sick of em!

there were a few other interesting ones there too though.... im guessing whoever caught them a) really had to leave in a hurry or B) is an ignorant moron who doesnt deserve to fish

deadset there was at least 6 ( 3 different species- no pesky rock fish either and i could of sworn one was a just legal tailor)

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the jury is in then...... good thing i chucked it back in the drink!

there were a few carcasses around where i was today, maybe whoever was there b4 me got sick of em!

there were a few other interesting ones there too though.... im guessing whoever caught them a) really had to leave in a hurry or B) is an ignorant moron who doesnt deserve to fish

deadset there was at least 6 ( 3 different species- no pesky rock fish either and i could of sworn one was a just legal tailor)

Yeah so it's only sweep but it's better than zilch n better than the c#*p at most take aways when battered. I've been on charter boats who will target them till we whinge loud enough. Wonder if there still going?


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A big jewie was recently taken off the northern beaches using a live sweep for bait - so they are not without their uses.

i heard jewie jim on no no no's new dvd mention exactly what you said mondo

Edited by frankp
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Sweep are fantastic to eat Thai Style:

Thai Crispy Fish with curry sauce:

Clean and scale fish.

Coat whole fish in egg/cornflour

Fry in a shallow pan of hot peanut oil until golden and crispy/ then flip over and do the other side.

For the Sauce mix a can of coconut cream with either a spoon of red curry paste/laksa paste/tom yum paste

depending on you taste preference. Heat up in a pan

Place crispy fish on a bed of steamed rice, pour heated curry sauce over fish and serve.

Sweep stay very white and solid in the flesh and like most reef fish taste good. You just need to catch

one over 30cm to make a meal for two which is not to hard on the offshore reefs.

This cooking style works very well on snapper/nannigai/morwong/bream and is my favourite way to eat reef fish.

I have done it several times for dinner parties when I've caught a big sweep and the fish was sweet and tasty.


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