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Wastin Time

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All right ppl's,

Heres one for all you who have an idea on the subject.

We are considering getting a laptop/notebook for home, as we have lost our computer room, can i get some advise on what to look for/how much I should pay.

It will be for basic home useage, that means i can finally read FR at home :yahoo: , some basic MYOB work, games, email etc. I dont want to spend a fortune either say no more than $1500.00

I am also looking at getting unwired broadband, any comments would help on this too.

Thx in advance :thumbup:

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Mac or PC ? Personally I would get a Dell Notebook mate. I'd suggest the following:

Inspiron 6400

15.4" widescreen

Windows XP (not Vista, but you can if you are willing to risk it .. quite new operating system software)

80-100GB hard drive

upgrade to 2.0 ghz motherboard

1 gig RAM

standard video card (for viewing FR :)

DVD dual layer drive (should be standard I think)

Bluetooth (standard)

Internal wireless card (standard)


Standard 12 month warranty (should do)

Laptop bag + other accessories as you need ..

Note 15.4 is not that light but good if you intend to use it on a desk and not really carry it around. Otherwise 14" may suit your needs better.

This will last you for years. Approx $2k - not all upgrades necessary if you want to stay under $1,500 BUT will be worth the $2k.


Internet I would go the route of any of the larger companies .. I have Telstra broadband and it is good. Unwired I assume you mean "wireless" so you can read FR in the loo - you will need to get the "wireless router" in addition to a modem which should be supplied on connection to the broadband carrier. To purchase separately, the cost is about $100 or so.

If you already have (braodband) internet at home - you only need the wireless router.

Get started here..


and here !


"Whirlpool forums" may complicate you more than do you any good but you can have fun searching through that.

Edited by stylo
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As I understand it, if you want to go 'wireless broadband' you have to have a telstra account!? This seems stupid to me, as I am with aapt, so why would I want to pay 'telstra' as well!??

Anyone put me right on that??


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No need for a "telstra" internet account - just a "broadband account" in general.

If you have an "AAPT braodband account" all you will need to go wireless is a laptop, wireless network card (that goes in the laptop, if it does not already have one) and a wireless router.

Then you are good to go !

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For what it's worth. I own a publishing company (not desktop but full on Colour glossy magazines) and we produce 2 x 56 page mags every 2 weeks,

MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC, I think you get the drift.

And don't be fooled by clock speed, the Mac equivelant is heaps faster than a PC



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MACs are great but are a little more expensive than comparable PC machines, also if you have experience with PC's you may find a MAC takes some getting used to. They are however much more stable than windows based machines and you will not have the same issues with virus, phishing etc.

If you opt for a PC you may find that ACER make very high spec machines at a good price, I have found that in spite of their low cost they are as reliable as any other PC based notebook.


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I went through this same process about 5 months ago and in the end bought a sony Vaio and have never had one problem with it compared with the 5 guys i sit next to at work 3 have dell and all have been sent back and the 2 with macs one guy sent his back twice finally got it working and the other guy is trying to get his money back after going through 3 machines and it still not working Apple have had it longer then he has out of the last 4 months

i know sony are a bit pricey but a problem free computer is worth the money in my mind

Cheers Kane

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Gotta say i agree with stylo.

I bought two Dell Inspirons and they have been great.

Spent 2k each and did get a few glitchs with Vista but Dell were fantastic in sorting it out ASAP. They are both high tech with the lot. You can get less stuff and pay less.

One of them had a screen problem and they came out next day onsite and replaced. I run 7 Dells and love them all.

Best thing about Dell is they look after you. Not all companies do that.

Go the Dell and buy it over the internet from their site and you will get all sorts of upgrades for free.


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in the PC world it does not matter what brand you buy because they all use roughly the same chips, ie. intel... some times you find that you are paying more for a name brand rather than a no name but they have the same chips. i use a PC but if i had to choose and money was not an issue i would choose one of the new MAC s that run both windows and Apple. great computer worth the money

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Thanks for all the input guys!!!

I am tossing up between a Dell & a Toshiba (as a few IT guys have recommended them too)

Its a real head .........


Panasonic Toughbook is the go :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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I've got a Toshiba. It's not bad. Prefer it over a Dell.

Honestly, I'd get a Mac (Got my toshiba for free so can't complain)

As Mark said, it runs on Core 2 Duo which means you can install Windows on it.

Sent you a pm too..... :1prop:

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Wastin' time, let me know when you've made a decision. If it's a non-Dell you decide on, I'll see if I can get you a competitive price from my work.


Nel - thanks for that, will talk to you soon

Panasonic Toughbook is the go

Claudia - i believe they only work on a part time basis :tease:

Ikanbilis - PM sent

Thanks again everyone :thumbup:

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