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New Rocket Launchers? Help!


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I need some help designing some new rocket luanchers for the boat, i have a s/s grab rail at the back of the cabin, and i have almost gone blind looking at all the photos of boats on the site to get ideas!! My mate is a top stainless fabricater and will make up what ever I draw up so my options are pretty unlimited! HALF THE PROBLEM!!!

any advice on pros and cons that people have found, and photos would be great!!!




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I don't have a photo as yet but I will get one this weekend ( the boat is moored so i dont have easy access)

sammy I am planning on copying a design, but which one?? personal preference i guess!


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I don't have a photo as yet but I will get one this weekend ( the boat is moored so i dont have easy access)

sammy I am planning on copying a design, but which one?? personal preference i guess!


If it is on a moored boat make them so they can't be removed easilty without breaking them. Thieves are scum and hell knows where they sell the stuff but they don't seem to bother if it looks like they won't have the complete item in one piece. Sad we even have to consider this.

Along the same lines what is the advantage or disadvantage of having them mounted on cabin top as opposed to side of cabin? Angled back how far or is it all about how it looks!!?. If tip height above water is infinately adjustable by a good adjustable bracket would it make any difference or just more convenient to load them?

Have seen some great ones on game fishing internet sites on the 50 plus footers with unlimited budgets...gotta be some ideas worth stealing


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one thing with rod storage i've found is that rocket launchers have a tendency to come loose after a couple of bumpy rides home

also im short-ish, so even reaching rocket launchers on big cabins is a problem

you should perhaps look at another option for transient rod storage. eg some sort of cabin arrangement maybe?

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I went through this some time back I did like the looks of an overhead but Height became a problem getting into the Garage so I went with cabin side mount holders one on both sides


good idea mate but surely the rods+ reels would cop a hell of a lot of wash when on the side?

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yeah oz i was looking at how you had yours set up and are thinking of a variation along those lines! probably dual bar mounted on the roof rather then the gunnells!

Thanks for the ideas boys, i don't really have a problem with height as the boat is moored and if the theives want to rip them off good luck to them they have a hell of a swim getting to my boat!!!

I spent most of last night drawing ideas I'll post a photo when complete!!

cheers brett

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good idea mate but surely the rods+ reels would cop a hell of a lot of wash when on the side?

not at all, they are mounted high enough and being a Haines its a pretty dry spot. I make sure that the drags are nipped up to prevent water entry. They are strong on a trip outside generally have 1 TLD15 and a 25 and 6500 Baitrunners in them.


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yeah oz i was looking at how you had yours set up and are thinking of a variation along those lines! probably dual bar mounted on the roof rather then the gunnells!

Thanks for the ideas boys, i don't really have a problem with height as the boat is moored and if the theives want to rip them off good luck to them they have a hell of a swim getting to my boat!!!

I spent most of last night drawing ideas I'll post a photo when complete!!

cheers brett

These are on ebay, pretty smart looking set with the gradual curve on them.



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Thats a nice set of launchers for sale on ebay, you would want to get measurments before purchasing.

cheers james

The OP has got a mate who can do the fabrication so he is just looking for ideas. I like the way the top bar has a gentle curve. Would not be easy to make IMO.



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