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Stumpy Has Had A Little Accident


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G'day Raiders ,

Sadly , the title says it all , Stumpy had an altercation with a chainsaw yesterday , and came off second best.

Hes has done a fair bit of damage to his left paw , and had surgery to repair the damage. He is in pretty good spirits , and at home , but he has requested that NO reports of YFT captures are made until he is allowed to go out after some himself !

Still early days as yet , but we wish you a speedy recovery .




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Get Well Soon Stumpy,

I'll bet you were day dreaming bout fishing? As a tradie i know what it's like to get busted up at work and i hope you are back on your tools soon. Maybe you have upset the fishing gods, i saw the post of that motorised deck winch and maybe the gods thought they would teach you a leason for cheating. Might be a bit of over kill for hairtail but. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Lata Raida.


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Get better soon, please look after yourself. Speedy recovery, and let us know if we can help out in anyway

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Bad Luck, Stumpy - take care & do what they say, to expidite recovery! Make haste slowly. My brother nearly lost fingers in an industrial lathe accident & eventually got back over 90% use of the whole hand. The surgeons were amazed as they expected less than 40%. He ended up being used by the surgeon as an example of how well someone can recover from a catastrophic event.

When it is time to do the physio - do it well, even tho it will hurt!



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:04: stumpy faught the chainsaw and the ..... chainsaw won!

Tuff luck there mate!

Hope all goes well and you get a rod in your hand in no time!

If you need someone to take your boat out to Browns so it doesn't get "Home Sick", let me know!

Take care buddy, and catch you soon!

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Amazing - I read about this story in the paper. Not good at all to hear that it was Stumpy!!

Modern medicine is astounding and I have every confidence that he'll be back up and running in no time.

Get well soon Stumpy!!

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Gudday Everyone,

Thankyou for all your posts reading them certainly brightens the day up.Its good to see everyone getting out there amongst the fish again :thumbup: the posts have been nothing less than spectacular.

Unfortunately my "Official" trip to Browns Mountain has been pushed back a fair bit and the :wife: has grounded me for the hairtail social before I got to even say "boo"

I sort of had a plan that dad could help me out and be my deckie, bait putter onna, anchor boy, chef, rod setter, rod winder inna, beer opener etc.... but I think its the Pink Elephants that I see in the night thats got everyone spooked.The drugs I am on are really cool.Actually, there is a pink elephant sitting on my desk as I type.Her name is Dorris.

Well, my hand got a good thrashing with every finger and my thumb getting a workout.I lost a bit of bone and a fair bit of 2 tendons. They have inserted 2 rods down my fingers with the missing tendons so they can't move and have tried to "cobble" the tendons together in the hope they will bind.The saw missed the nerve on my thumb but did a good job ring-barking it. The Doc came and saw me after the operation and was happy with what he had managed to do.Especially because I am right handed and the injury was on my left.He sort of dropped his head a bit when he heard I played guitar and bass though.I think he implied that"I did the best I could"Oh well, :05:

I have been eyeing these stainless steel rods in my fingers off Pete and reckon that they will make good Flattie Hooks for the giant ones at Narrabeen Lakes. The Doc even put eyes at the end of them.Not too many people will be able to say that the're fishing with surgical grade 5'0 hooks!(Beat your rusty nails hands down)

Well,once again, thank you all for your posts. Fishraider is truly a family site with some bonza members to boot!



ps, Dorris the pink elephant says hello aswell.

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Gudday Everyone,

Thankyou for all your posts reading them certainly brightens the day up.Its good to see everyone getting out there amongst the fish again :thumbup: the posts have been nothing less than spectacular.

Unfortunately my "Official" trip to Browns Mountain has been pushed back a fair bit and the :wife: has grounded me for the hairtail social before I got to even say "boo"

I sort of had a plan that dad could help me out and be my deckie, bait putter onna, anchor boy, chef, rod setter, rod winder inna, beer opener etc.... but I think its the Pink Elephants that I see in the night thats got everyone spooked.The drugs I am on are really cool.Actually, there is a pink elephant sitting on my desk as I type.Her name is Dorris.

Well, my hand got a good thrashing with every finger and my thumb getting a workout.I lost a bit of bone and a fair bit of 2 tendons. They have inserted 2 rods down my fingers with the missing tendons so they can't move and have tried to "cobble" the tendons together in the hope they will bind.The saw missed the nerve on my thumb but did a good job ring-barking it. The Doc came and saw me after the operation and was happy with what he had managed to do.Especially because I am right handed and the injury was on my left.He sort of dropped his head a bit when he heard I played guitar and bass though.I think he implied that"I did the best I could"Oh well, :05:

I have been eyeing these stainless steel rods in my fingers off Pete and reckon that they will make good Flattie Hooks for the giant ones at Narrabeen Lakes. The Doc even put eyes at the end of them.Not too many people will be able to say that the're fishing with surgical grade 5'0 hooks!(Beat your rusty nails hands down)

Well,once again, thank you all for your posts. Fishraider is truly a family site with some bonza members to boot!



ps, Dorris the pink elephant says hello aswell.

Good to hear from you Stump and glad the op went as well as can be expected.

Those chainsaws show no mercy eh?

You were probably lucky in hindsight.

Keep taking the meds mate and don't worry about Dorris...it's only when Dorris wants to go walkies that you may be in trouble.

I'll take one of those SS rods and try it out for you...probably only get "fingerlings" on them though :074:

Take care and recover quickly....The doc must have taken out your grumpy tendons while he was in there too...You sound almost cheerful...Must be the meds.

Cheers and heal well.


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...probably only get "fingerlings" on them though :074:


Murray, I think you should forget taking your Dad to the social, take Dorris instead. Who better to be witness to your great catches than a pink elephant!

BTW - I think you'll find that Dorris has always been there mate, its just that now you have time to reflect & appreciate the good things in life. Probably time you started paying some attention to that bloke behind you too!

Glad to see you posting again.

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It would be a hoot to see Stumpy at the weigh-in on Sunday trying to claim victory for the 11 metre pink and purple hairy that he caught.

"What do you mean where is it!?! I'm holding it!!!"

(Juvenille-minded raiders should please refrain from the temptation to comment on my use of the words, '11 meter', 'pink and purple', 'hairy' and 'holding it').

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It would be a hoot to see Stumpy at the weigh-in on Sunday trying to claim victory for the 11 metre pink and purple hairy that he caught.

"What do you mean where is it!?! I'm holding it!!!"


Yeah.......I'll give you that one Mondo..... Dorris is pretty pissed though! :1badmood:

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Hey Muz

sorry to hear about your oooops

Sounds like you had a good surgeon on the job

and we found out that made a huge difference

when the :wife: had an argument with the mower

All the best and keep up the medication :1prop:

:beersmile: cheers Dorris


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Ok Pete, you and Mondo get the funny awards for the night.

Dorris will be back from the pub soon, I just dropped another one of those really cool pills. :1prop:

I expect her to be in any minute and I will be sending her to bed without any peanuts.

Good luck tomorro

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sorry to hear about ur accident stumpy, hope all get s well, goes to show what a small world it is, i was in the hospital bed next to him on monday arvo in nepean hospitals emergency acute care ( i have kidney stones) I tell ya what for someone who had a run in with a chainsaw, he only sounded like he scratched his knee, very calm the whole time i was there, held himself well. Good luck with the recovery stumpy!!!


hey i might have it wrong, just read over some of the replies to the original post, if i do have it wrong, sorry all, but ur not alone stumpy, as there was a guy next to me in the hospital the other day who had also had a fight with the chainsaw and lost, u might pick ur fights a little more wisely next time hey.


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