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2000 Posts


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Well Pete,

How good is that! ...........2000 posts :thumbup::thumbup:

I can just see it now, you and Ross down at Narrabeen Lake in your wheelchairs (stainless steel of course) trying desperatley not to lose your false teeth whilst casting out with your rusty nail hooks on the end of your Huckleberry Finn bamboo poles. :1yikes:

I tell you , there will be no such thing as a quick sesh my friend. It will take half the day to figure out where you've parked the car; only to remember that Ross was driving his car. :wacko: Don't worry about him though, he will have forgotten who he was fishing with and most probably have wandered up to my house in search of an answer. Help will be slow to come as he will have allready forgotten the damn question anyway.

Just like owning a cocker spaniel dog.............. take them outside the house and their bloody lost !

So, dear Pete,

May your next 1000 posts be full of quick seshes and abundant flatties.

Congrats and.........er........."Up Ya Go"


Stumpy. :biggrin2:

(The beauty about writing a post like this, is.......... you'll forget who wrote it in no time,,,,,,,,,, oh, and get a German Shepherd, a Cocker Spaniel just won't help!)

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:Funny-Post: Stumpy!

Congratulations, Pete on 2000 posts!!! Where do you get your amazing info posts from??? They are brilliant!

Look forward to hooking up with you one day at Narrabeen & give those flatties & blackies a shakeup!!



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Onya Pete 2000 posts is quite an effort.

And not one of them extolling the virtues of sp's. Stick with the whitebait (it does work just doesnt make the multinational tackle companies rich) and bring on the next 1000.


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Well done Pete :yahoo: , looking forward to the next 1000 and beyond! :thumbup:

I can just see it now, you and Ross down at Narrabeen Lake in your wheelchairs (stainless steel of course) trying desperatley not to lose your false teeth whilst casting out with your rusty nail hooks on the end of your Huckleberry Finn bamboo poles.


Edited by KingsRule
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Thanks guys...and Stumpy :074: .

It's a great site to work with and it's the members that make this place

such a welcome refuge in our busy lives.

The rec. fishing fraternity are a vast audience and fishraider brings together like minded fishos

to communicate,educate and help out a fellow raider.

It's growing fast and has the best members anyone could ask for...a moderators dream.

I'll keep pumping those stories out as I see 'em...some interesting or just plain info.

See ya again at 3000

Watch this space.



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