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Can You Tell The Difference Between Male & Female Blackies?


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Hi guys

Continuing the debate on how to tell male from female blackies (especially if the males are not in milt!)

I took some photos of the lips of my bigger fish today - there seemed to be noticeable differences between male & female in the lips of all except the smallest fish (30cm)

Female blackie's snout - very pronounced 'rubbery' lips


Male blackie snout - more streamlined & not as pronounced


Both together side by side - an appreciable difference, don't you think? Female left, Male right

Same fish - just closer photo & I 'brightened' it a bit to show more detail!


Talk about Mick Jagger lips!! I got all bar one correct when I filleted them today. It was the smallest fish & I called it for a female & it was a male (unless the juvenile roe looks like the male internal bits?)

Anyone else got a theory on how to tell the difference (especially when the males are not in milt!)



I am hoping that some of our more 'senior' members who have decades of experience with blackies will jump in on this one! It is a continuing quest - how do you identify female from male over 90% of the time??

Edited by Roberta
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Yes you are right about their lips - if you look closely you will notice that females have waterproof MaxFactor on :1prop:

Actually I have no idea!!

It's something I should learn though - I'm fairly ignorant of fishy gender in general. I know the thumper flatties are female, and when I'm gutting if roe is in there I assume it was a female but I am generally not too good at telling the boys from the girls.

Edited by Webby
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