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This weekend ended up with two very very happy anglars.

My mate and i had gone to secret loaction to chase some freshwater species whatever they may be. Loaded with bait (worms,bread and corn) we managed a pair of herring on bread under a float.

One such cast Upon landing of the float, it rockets down. We call it for a nice mullet. To our surprise a nice average healthy Bass.

After this tactics were changed as we were not expecting the Bass to be on this early in the season. With the water still fairly cold.

After we riged on our lures. Between the two of us we landed about 20 Bass!!!

This hot bite ended, but we would return again tomorrow!

The next day the Bass were coming in thick and fast!

They were revenous! taking divers,spinnerbaits,surface lures,plastics.

The Bass were coming in thick and fast! With almost every cast being smashed by a bass! We experimented with different lure types different lure sizes, the bass did not mind. Riged on the biggest spinnerbait in hope of a real big girl and pulled out he bigger diver.

No fish of a life time however about 50 Bass landed in this session!

The fish ranged from about 10cm - 44cm. Sorry no pics only on crappy camera phones.

All smiles!

The Bass are on!

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I am glad someone got some. I spent about 5 hours with my son in our caneo between Yarramundi and Richmond.

My son got a hit and had a fish on for a minute or two on his first cast. This plus one other follow were the only to fish we saw all day.



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