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Coogee Beach 4/9


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headed off the coogee beach last night, as soon as i stepped out the car it started raining... got down to the beach, and saw some fishos but they were leaving because they didnt want to brave the elements... thats ok, me and my brother are from kiwiland so we arent really bothered by the cold...

fished on the in coming tide, nothing for the first hour or so and it got dark kept raining too, then bam i hit 2 wobbegongs almost sequentially with a running sinker on a baitholder using pillies... btw, what do you guys do with wobbegong?? can i live bait it?? or can i train it to round up all the other fish on the beach so i can fish them all?? i was soooo hoping it was a massive flathead but na.....

anyway, jumped off the swimming pool area and starting casting along the beach, i didnt get nothing the wind was so strong i started flying like a kite... my brother, on the other hand, got a 40cm whiting!! woohoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i ask though, what type of whiting is the one with teeth, and what is the type that has no teeth?? is there any difference??? ive caught some of the whiting with teeth before, at yarra, didnt really like it although most everyone says whiting is good eating... i want flathead...

anyway, so there ya go, fish still do exist its just that im not that good at catching anything decent... im goign again too, will just stuff my uni assignment due tomorrow... seriously, i will trade both my degrees in for ONE 1M+ FLATHEAD

take care all!!

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That whiting with teeth is a yellowfinned pike and not that good to eat :(


Cheers Stewy

id have to agree there, most probably a pike but the big ones arnt all that bad when filleted and shallow fried, they just have too many bones.

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..................... damn i suck at this fishign thing eh... dont even know what i got.... it was indeed a pike, thats why it didnt taste too good... oh well... at least got first whiting at coogee last night, will have to make half a fish finger out of that....

went again tonight... conditions similar to yesterday - strong southerly, outgoing tide... but today, NOTHING... not a single bite all night... was dancing around near the rock pool tryng to find a spot to cast further out to catch some sailfish etc but ended up getting owned by massive waves and got drenched all over.... and then i fished for 4 hours after that... surprisingly, after 4 hours in the wind my clothes had still not dried... hmmm...

anyway, damn i really cant seem to get it right eh..... anyway

good luck everyone!!

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Wow! Thats an amazing report dani!o !!!

Coogee is probably the best spot in Oz for live baiting wobbegong when targeting sailfish at night...you just gotta get the tides right... :1prop::biggrin2:

Cant wait to hear what you catch up to tonight! :D


haha hey dude ya damn right sailfish it is!!

so yes, i did go again tonight but to yarra bay because its a little more sheltered... got there at just after high tide, fished for 6 hours straight... used a 20 pound trace, pillies and small squid...

chucked the big rod in there, waited about half an hour and hooked up!!!! i pulled and pulled, the fish didnt fight back at all just felt like a lead weight but a big lead weight at that... it was getting dark, but i just managed to see it when i pulled it in and then BAM line snapped... i couldnt see very well but i think it was a big flathead... so heartbroken blood pressure ruptured 2 veins, but it didnt hurt too bad so kept fishing... chucked in with a bit more pillie and took a while but hooked up again!!! here we go i thought here comes my 40 pound bream, or 80cm kahwai.... but no.... it was a port jackson shark... and just to top it all off, it ran off with all my hooks and sinker and i was once again so very heartbroken.... in my angst i ruptured 3 arteries but that didnt hurt too bad either so kept fishing... as soon as i chucked in got one!!! finally!!!! here comes my sailfish!!!! but no... it was a friggin yakka.... my brother quickly shouted livebait!!! so yeah, quickly stuck a couple of hooks through it and chucked it out.... when i reeled it in next, the yakka was destroyed... looked like it had gone through a mincer... my guess is crabs... aiiiii..... by that time i just just getting too frustrated... i chucked in one last time while my brother jigged around for squid... and bam i am on again... i was thinkign hoorah!!! i am the new whalerider!!! but no.... another port jackson... this one was massive, about 1.4m i think... it spat out my hook after i got it near the rock jetty.... and that was it... just another fishless fishing trip...

i want to ask though, for anyone whos bothered to read through all that... how do i stop port jacksons from giving me vein ruptures and stuff?? is there like an anti port jackson pheromone??? and why am i not catching much????????????????????? i feel so very disheartened... please help me catch something..... i am so sick of eating bark and grass (student life = crap) and i just want to eat some fish!!! please!!!

anyway good luck all

Wow! Thats an amazing report dani!o !!!

Coogee is probably the best spot in Oz for live baiting wobbegong when targeting sailfish at night...you just gotta get the tides right... :1prop::biggrin2:

Cant wait to hear what you catch up to tonight! :D


haha hey dude ya damn right sailfish it is!!

so yes, i did go again tonight but to yarra bay because its a little more sheltered... got there at just after high tide, fished for 6 hours straight... used a 20 pound trace, pillies and small squid...

chucked the big rod in there, waited about half an hour and hooked up!!!! i pulled and pulled, the fish didnt fight back at all just felt like a lead weight but a big lead weight at that... it was getting dark, but i just managed to see it when i pulled it in and then BAM line snapped... i couldnt see very well but i think it was a big flathead... so heartbroken blood pressure ruptured 2 veins, but it didnt hurt too bad so kept fishing... chucked in with a bit more pillie and took a while but hooked up again!!! here we go i thought here comes my 40 pound bream, or 80cm kahwai.... but no.... it was a port jackson shark... and just to top it all off, it ran off with all my hooks and sinker and i was once again so very heartbroken.... in my angst i ruptured 3 arteries but that didnt hurt too bad either so kept fishing... as soon as i chucked in got one!!! finally!!!! here comes my sailfish!!!! but no... it was a friggin yakka.... my brother quickly shouted livebait!!! so yeah, quickly stuck a couple of hooks through it and chucked it out.... when i reeled it in next, the yakka was destroyed... looked like it had gone through a mincer... my guess is crabs... aiiiii..... by that time i just just getting too frustrated... i chucked in one last time while my brother jigged around for squid... and bam i am on again... i was thinkign hoorah!!! i am the new whalerider!!! but no.... another port jackson... this one was massive, about 1.4m i think... it spat out my hook after i got it near the rock jetty.... and that was it... just another fishless fishing trip...

i want to ask though, for anyone whos bothered to read through all that... how do i stop port jacksons from giving me vein ruptures and stuff?? is there like an anti port jackson pheromone??? and why am i not catching much????????????????????? i feel so very disheartened... please help me catch something..... i am so sick of eating bark and grass (student life = crap) and i just want to eat some fish!!! please!!!

anyway good luck all

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haha hey dude ya damn right sailfish it is!!

so yes, i did go again tonight but to yarra bay because its a little more sheltered... got there at just after high tide, fished for 6 hours straight... used a 20 pound trace, pillies and small squid...

chucked the big rod in there, waited about half an hour and hooked up!!!! i pulled and pulled, the fish didnt fight back at all just felt like a lead weight but a big lead weight at that... it was getting dark, but i just managed to see it when i pulled it in and then BAM line snapped... i couldnt see very well but i think it was a big flathead... so heartbroken blood pressure ruptured 2 veins, but it didnt hurt too bad so kept fishing... chucked in with a bit more pillie and took a while but hooked up again!!! here we go i thought here comes my 40 pound bream, or 80cm kahwai.... but no.... it was a port jackson shark... and just to top it all off, it ran off with all my hooks and sinker and i was once again so very heartbroken.... in my angst i ruptured 3 arteries but that didnt hurt too bad either so kept fishing... as soon as i chucked in got one!!! finally!!!! here comes my sailfish!!!! but no... it was a friggin yakka.... my brother quickly shouted livebait!!! so yeah, quickly stuck a couple of hooks through it and chucked it out.... when i reeled it in next, the yakka was destroyed... looked like it had gone through a mincer... my guess is crabs... aiiiii..... by that time i just just getting too frustrated... i chucked in one last time while my brother jigged around for squid... and bam i am on again... i was thinkign hoorah!!! i am the new whalerider!!! but no.... another port jackson... this one was massive, about 1.4m i think... it spat out my hook after i got it near the rock jetty.... and that was it... just another fishless fishing trip...

i want to ask though, for anyone whos bothered to read through all that... how do i stop port jacksons from giving me vein ruptures and stuff?? is there like an anti port jackson pheromone??? and why am i not catching much????????????????????? i feel so very disheartened... please help me catch something..... i am so sick of eating bark and grass (student life = crap) and i just want to eat some fish!!! please!!!

anyway good luck all

haha hey dude ya damn right sailfish it is!!

so yes, i did go again tonight but to yarra bay because its a little more sheltered... got there at just after high tide, fished for 6 hours straight... used a 20 pound trace, pillies and small squid...

chucked the big rod in there, waited about half an hour and hooked up!!!! i pulled and pulled, the fish didnt fight back at all just felt like a lead weight but a big lead weight at that... it was getting dark, but i just managed to see it when i pulled it in and then BAM line snapped... i couldnt see very well but i think it was a big flathead... so heartbroken blood pressure ruptured 2 veins, but it didnt hurt too bad so kept fishing... chucked in with a bit more pillie and took a while but hooked up again!!! here we go i thought here comes my 40 pound bream, or 80cm kahwai.... but no.... it was a port jackson shark... and just to top it all off, it ran off with all my hooks and sinker and i was once again so very heartbroken.... in my angst i ruptured 3 arteries but that didnt hurt too bad either so kept fishing... as soon as i chucked in got one!!! finally!!!! here comes my sailfish!!!! but no... it was a friggin yakka.... my brother quickly shouted livebait!!! so yeah, quickly stuck a couple of hooks through it and chucked it out.... when i reeled it in next, the yakka was destroyed... looked like it had gone through a mincer... my guess is crabs... aiiiii..... by that time i just just getting too frustrated... i chucked in one last time while my brother jigged around for squid... and bam i am on again... i was thinkign hoorah!!! i am the new whalerider!!! but no.... another port jackson... this one was massive, about 1.4m i think... it spat out my hook after i got it near the rock jetty.... and that was it... just another fishless fishing trip...

i want to ask though, for anyone whos bothered to read through all that... how do i stop port jacksons from giving me vein ruptures and stuff?? is there like an anti port jackson pheromone??? and why am i not catching much????????????????????? i feel so very disheartened... please help me catch something..... i am so sick of eating bark and grass (student life = crap) and i just want to eat some fish!!! please!!!

anyway good luck all

Very funny post danilo :074: There's not enough of those and they are good for the heart!!

Danilo I'm proud I put you onto the good old faithfull Yarra Bay when you got out of quarantine after you flew over from Kiwi land.

Forget about targetting Wobbiegong mate. Don't believe the locals, there's no sailfish there.

This is the go and I mean it. When the flatties slow down at Yarra beach after sunset, walk back to that long rock jetty on your left. This time grab hold of a few occies and fresh squid from a fish shop and gang up about four occies and a big squid together on 3x 6/0 hooks with about three inches of line in between. You could also tie a mullet bound tight in light braid against the top squid.

The rubbish won't bait you with stuff like that and the snifter activity will make any jew within kiwi fisherman's cooee and chant, get in there right amongst it as they all scatter and flee and I tell you they'll get there pretty quick when they sniff out the contraption and that lot out .

Keep watching your rod tips and have a great night Danilo and I'll be looking forward to your next comedy and the fishing report. Don't call your new topic Yarra Bay Jewfish. Just call it Yarra Bay toads and there'll plenty of be room for me and my mates Taren Point Julius and Mulloway Mark, to target our Wobbiegong next time.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Very funny post danilo :074: There's not enough of those and they are good for the heart!!

Danilo I'm proud I put you onto the good old faithfull Yarra Bay when you got out of quarantine after you flew over from Kiwi land.

Forget about targetting Wobbiegong mate. Don't believe the locals, there's no sailfish there.

This is the go and I mean it. When the flatties slow down at Yarra beach after sunset, walk back to that long rock jetty on your left. This time grab hold of a few occies and fresh squid from a fish shop and gang up about four occies and a big squid together on 3x 6/0 hooks with about three inches of line in between. You could also tie a mullet bound tight in light braid against the top squid.

The rubbish won't bait you with stuff like that and the snifter activity will make any jew within kiwi fisherman's cooee and chant, get in there right amongst it as they all scatter and flee and I tell you they'll get there pretty quick when they sniff out the contraption and that lot out .

Keep watching your rod tips and have a great night Danilo and I'll be looking forward to your next comedy and the fishing report. Don't call your new topic Yarra Bay Jewfish. Just call it Yarra Bay toads and there'll plenty of be room for me and my mates Taren Point Julius and Mulloway Mark, to target our Wobbiegong next time.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

hi there jewgaffer!!!

sorry for the late reply to everyone whos been reading this thread... i had to do an intellectual property exam on tuesday, which is basically how i died... but anyway, with talk about fishing and dreams about fishing i am slowly coming back to life (until the next exam that is)

anyway, headed to yarra bay again on friday night, but couldnt get any occies so just decided to go with squid and pillies... with my thoughts constantly veering towards my impending intellectual property doom, i could only hope that a nice big mahimahi would come and visit me and let me be happy for a while....

i used 20 lb trace, couple of baitholders and squid, and so did my brother... we eventually moved on to pillies but for most of the night there was nothing... until....

BAM, the rod gets a good bend, and im thinking WOOHOO, I CAUGHT THE FLYING DUTCHMAN!!!!!!!!! but after pulling it up, i found it was none other than my arch nemesis - A PORT JACKSON SHARK... cant tell you how :mad3: i was...

for the rest of the night, nothing... after coming home in my sheer frustration, i continued to study for intellectual property but every second word i read looked like FLATHEAD or BREAM or DAVY JONES.... come to think of it, wouldnt davy jones octopus head make good bait?? hmmmm......

anyway, can anyone tell me why i am being stalked by port jacksons?? between me and my brother we have had 4 PJs over 2 fishing trips... and no bream or anything edible at all...

anyway, i will probably go to parsley bay, watsons bay, or camp cove tonight... wil let everyone know how badly i screw up this time (ill probably end up foul hooking some driftwood)

take care all!

Edited by dani!o
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anyway, can anyone tell me why i am being stalked by port jacksons?? between me and my brother we have had 4 PJs over 2 fishing trips... and no bream or anything edible at all...

I'll have a go mate.

It seems to me that you're fishing no mans land. I don't mean your physical location - Yarra Bay is a great spot - I mean your set-up and tactics.

20lb line with big baits is too heavy for most ordinary fish, i.e. your bream, flatties, whiting etc, so by fishing heavy you're almost immediately ruling them out. Your rig isn't too heavy for some of the pelagic options, like tailor, salmon and bonito - but you're fishing the bait stationary on the bottom and these fish generally like moving baits at the top of the water.

Big slab baits fished on the bottom in an estuary will amost always restrict your catch to sharks, rays and eels. Jewfish are a possibility, but they are a 'once in every five trips' type of option (or in my case 'once in every 50 trips'), and really are a specialty target. Even if you did hook one up - 20lb line will make things very tough for you if it's a decent fish. Most of those who fish bait for jewies use a 30lb mainline and 60lb leader.

I can't tell if you're joking about the sailfish and mahimahi - although I assume you are. It goes without saying that these are not fish that can be caught from land in Sydney and certainly not in Yarra Bay.

So I reckon you've got to change your approach Dan. You need to abandon the attempts to land prizewinning fish in your first few outings and start at something more achievable. Target tailor and salmon with a floating pilchard bait, or re-spool your gear with lighter 8lb line and fish bream baits, like worms, nippers or (good quality) prawns on the bottom (with as little lead as you can get away with).

They key is to pick a target species that is a common land-based catch around Sydney (i.e. not jewfish, sailfish, mahi-mahi, kingfish, marlin or tuna) and then customise your gear and approach. Use these forums to figure out what people are catching at the moment from the shore - like salmon, tailor, squid and whiting - and then rig up specifically for them.

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I'll have a go mate.

It seems to me that you're fishing no mans land. I don't mean your physical location - Yarra Bay is a great spot - I mean your set-up and tactics.

20lb line with big baits is too heavy for most ordinary fish, i.e. your bream, flatties, whiting etc, so by fishing heavy you're almost immediately ruling them out. Your rig isn't too heavy for some of the pelagic options, like tailor, salmon and bonito - but you're fishing the bait stationary on the bottom and these fish generally like moving baits at the top of the water.

Big slab baits fished on the bottom in an estuary will amost always restrict your catch to sharks, rays and eels. Jewfish are a possibility, but they are a 'once in every five trips' type of option (or in my case 'once in every 50 trips'), and really are a specialty target. Even if you did hook one up - 20lb line will make things very tough for you if it's a decent fish. Most of those who fish bait for jewies use a 30lb mainline and 60lb leader......

.....So I reckon you've got to change your approach Dan. You need to abandon the attempts to land prizewinning fish in your first few outings and start at something more achievable. Target tailor and salmon with a floating pilchard bait, or re-spool your gear with lighter 8lb line and fish bream baits, like worms, nippers or (good quality) prawns on the bottom (with as little lead as you can get away with).

They key is to pick a target species that is a common land-based catch around Sydney (i.e. not jewfish, sailfish, mahi-mahi, kingfish, marlin or tuna) and then customise your gear and approach. Use these forums to figure out what people are catching at the moment from the shore - like salmon, tailor, squid and whiting - and then rig up specifically for them.

Hey Mondo. I agree, the set ups danilo has are pretty general for Yarra bay. When Dan mentioned he had 20lb gear, it seemed he had braid. Dan speaks of his big wobbygong, mahimahi and game fish and landbased and Yarra Bay in amongst that. I like his style of thinking and learning though.

Dan was looking for a top spot and said he also had light gear as well which was the reason I sent him down there to initially to watch and learn from the flathead boys, at their art. It's a very safe and easy place to fish and at least we know he know that Dan and his brother wont get washed off the unpredictable rocky surf areas mentioned.

You know the flathead waders and spinners down there and good results are regular in Yarra Bay, and in particular for specialist fly fishermen as well.

I even mentioned to Dan he should just walk around eating from "a bag of apples or something" and not fish at all first off and learn from what they do and where they fish and have good look around at the water and find good spots for night fishing which Dan and his brother wanted to do and in rather long sessions at that.

In posts Dan wanted to know what fish was what and being a newbie and from New Zealand what fish you can eat in Australia.

The reason I gave him some each way night spots at Yarra Bay was I had a plan for him to get results there at night and "test the areas out ", when the flathead went off.

After all said, Dan and his brorther are as keen as it gets and wanted to fish the day and on into the night.

I thought, due to the warmer water in little Yarra Bay there would be various smaller fish schooled up in there for certain and active sometime in there during the night. This was due to the conditions in which they chose to go fishing. Jew often surface hunt and swoop in to very shallow water and they do surprise you

surprise at times.

The weather conditions were extreme at the time, but the possibilties for jew on the night overruled the windy and stormy weather . Besides Dan's favourite sport fish, wobygong may well be the toast of New Zealand but I think the ones down there must be slower than the speed "hogs" of Yarra Bay. :lol:

The jews, as we all well know have been scarce around Botany Bay and the two bridges this winter.

The only success this winter for Julius and myself was a 7 kilo jew caught by Julius at 5.45 am on low tide, and a rod and line break by myself under the bow by a jew we estimated to be about 60-70 lb, where my lighter 79 model President rod got pulled around and broken when caught up in the shafts of two 14' beach rods Julius had left in the way. The only other result I had apart from a few undersize jew this witner were 5 at Tom Uglys one awefull windy and cold night when everyone else was huddled up inside and I went to prove my point. 0ne weighed near 35 lb with photos to prove.

So I am still trying to fathom out, and I think fathoms is the still answer, what happened to the winter jew schools which as we know, hunt the larger winter yakka around 10 inchs and more, which are still around everywhere and still go unchallenged, and unnaturally so, due the fact that yakkas are the food for many other big fish.

Dan and his brother were pretty good men to have on hand to test out the waters, were very friendly and they were willing to fish all night.

Mondo your point of view is excellent for Yarra bay but there is always another point of view in fishing these days, and when combined, the views carry more weight especially with the fish one gets to take home at night.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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JewGaffer - I will always defer to your experience in matters of Sydney-based fishing!!

I certainly didn't mean to suggest that there weren't other options available from those that I provided, and I have absolutely no doubt that the flathead tactics you advised the boys to pursue will pay dividends if they just keep at it. In fact, I reckon that fits in pretty well with an overall strategy of targeting a species and then going for it.

As for the Jewies - well I guess my perspective is significantly compromised by the fact that I am now a veteran of probably 35+ land-based jew attempts and have yet to land a single fish!! I tend to see them as a target that only the most dedicated and experienced local fishermen can expect to catch from land on a regular basis, and therefore that they're not an appropriate target for someone new to fishing the area. There's probably an element of projection in that view though - perhaps I just want it to be really hard so that I don't feel so bad about my lack of success!

Anyway - hopefully, between the two perspectives he has received from you and I, Dan will be able to formulate his own successful strategy. Maybe one day he will be teaching us the secrets of fishing Yarra Bay!

Edited by Mondo
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JewGaffer - I will always defer to your experience in matters of Sydney-based fishing!!

I certainly didn't mean to suggest that there weren't other options available from those that I provided, and I have absolutely no doubt that the flathead tactics you advised the boys to pursue will pay dividends if they just keep at it. In fact, I reckon that fits in pretty well with an overall strategy of targeting a species and then going for it.

As for the Jewies - well I guess my perspective is significantly compromised by the fact that I am now a veteran of probably 35+ land-based jew attempts and have yet to land a single fish!! I tend to see them as a target that only the most dedicated and experienced local fishermen can expect to catch from land on a regular basis, and therefore that they're not an appropriate target for someone new to fishing the area. There's probably an element of projection in that view though - perhaps I just want it to be really hard so that I don't feel so bad about my lack of success!

Anyway - hopefully, between the two perspectives he has received from you and I, Dan will be able to formulate his own successful strategy. Maybe one day he will be teaching us the secrets of fishing Yarra Bay!

hello there mondo and jewgaffer!!!

hope this post finds both of you well... i should have explained myself, because being a newb i have asked and asked, and i understand 25lb (sorry got it wrong i forgot i respooled with 25lb shogun) is too heavy although i have caught some tailor with it... anyway, i cant really respool the big rod that often so i use a 12 pound trace which is kept a bit longer, which i hoped would help out a bit... well, it didnt seem to work too well... should i try some floats next time at yarra?? how long for trace/how deep is the water off the rock jetty??

on the other hand though, me and my brother both have little rods spooled with 8lb line, which we always take along with us... strangely enough, even at yarra it is these small rods which have been most unproductive... the trace i use is either 8lb or 12lb, but certainly nothign heavier... usually i would use worms prawns or squid... but still didnt get much at yarra... i personally have caught nothign on my small rod, although my brother has landed a pike (boooooo thought it was a whiting) and a yakka.... and the last time we went, on his 8lb 2-4kg rod, with a bit of squid on the hook, my brother got a............. you guessed it, PORT JACKSON... when reeling in we thought we'd caught our first lochness monster but noooooooo....

so yeah, in terms of yarra i dont know what im doign wrong, especially because we have 4 lines in the water, all with different things on them, in hope of that one yarra bay mahi mahi (ya ya im joking)... any more tips???

and ya jewgaffer, i have gone to yarra in the daylight although without the apples (apples and carrots etc = bad, steak = good) to check the place out... although i dont know what im looking for though... i noticed there was that little reef in the water close to the jetty, but thats about it... i think when i get some time i will go for a swim there, check out what its like below... how about i swim out with the baited hooks in my hand, swim out and drop it as far as i can swim, then get back and wait for something to bite??

anyway, thats all for now... until i figure out what im doing wrong, i shall continue learning!!!!

no update to the fishing reports though, havnt been back to the bay for a while... been too busy with exams and job interviews... and even during the exams, all i can think of is 'i wonder what it looks like when a leather jacket bites my hook'... hmmm...

thanks again jewgaffer and mondo!!! take care!!

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