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A Good Day On Yellowfin

Ross Hunter

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post-2782-1189979197_thumb.jpgHad a great day on Broadbill on Saturday and had fish up most of the day.

The first 22kg fish came to the boat and eat every cube but the one on the line.We dropped to straight 50 lb and bingo that fooled him. We had Fishraider Craig Kermod onboard and he did a great job on the fish on his custom made rod. The fish came and went in spurts, however the last fish hooked was the best, maybe 30 kg but to our horror we snapped line and lost it . Upon examination the line, although brand new had a nick in it, probably from a fish last week that got a bit out of conrol on an angler and touched the boat.We also hooked a giant 200 kg plus mako a couple of times and had a good viewing of the big fish it was pretty special. See photos

All in all a great day. To see all the photos of the weekend on Billfisher and Broadbill visit www.gamefishingcharters.com.auMy Webpage








Edited by Ross Hunter
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I bet you are glad it got off??!! Would you normally land the thing or tag it?


We release all sharks ..most times they bite us off and hopefully go away...I don't like fishing for sharks at all ...they stink..they do not fight and they are no good to eat and they are endangered from long line overfishing.

Give me real fish anyday.. a big mako is great to look at ..they are a beautifully proportioned shark

Give me a blackfish any day


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