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Tide Charts


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Hi guys

I always thought the tides were roughly 12 hrs apart plus 15min-30mins per tide, therefore changed from one day to the next by about an hour! So I would have expected a 7.20am low to be at about 7.40pm low on the same day.

Checking out the current tides, today has low tide this morning at 7.20am, but the evening low tide at 21.30 - making it a 14hr turn around? The high tide this morning is 1.55am then 14.15 which is a 12hr turnaround (give or take a few mins)

My tide watch basically follows the 12hr (plus some mins) principle.

Checking my printed tide chart, the low tide often shows more than 12 hrs change in time, but some show less as well!! July 5th, eg, shows morning low at 0545 & evening low at 1726!

V E R Y I N T E R E S T I N G!


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Hi Roberta,

Check out this link if you want to do your head in and try and work out tides :)


:Funny-Post: funny post of the year award Robbielites :thumbup::074:

I clicked on Tide and copped the Slovenian rock band :lol:

I cicked on High Tide and copped the 1960's British Band :074:

I didn't fall for the link to Tide which gave me the tide brand detergent HAH HAH

Good one Robbie :thumbup:

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks RObbie

Some good info there. I usually expect the low tides here in the estuary to be up to 3hrs after Sydney time (especially when there are the big tides trying to get in & out) but guestimate them normally to be about 2hrs difference. Looks like I need to consult the actual charts more, rather than relying just on my watch! Up till now, I've been happy with it & only had to wait the odd long time for the tide to change. Looks like I would then have to allow up to 4-5hrs difference at times!! It is not as if the tides just now are extraordinarily high!!

Hi Jewgaffer! I can see you clicked on Tide (disambiguation)!! Hope you enjoyed the music! Good luck at Mona Vale!



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I didn't fall for the link to Tide which gave me the tide brand detergent HAH HAH

Jewgaffer :1fishing1:

haha jewgaffer but on a side note, and being totally honest, TIDE IS THE BEST DETERGENT EVERRRRRRRRRR..... why??? because next year, i will be working for the company that makes tide... so yeah, even though ive never used it before, they're the ones paying me... so if you ask me, tide just works better ;)

haha take care

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