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North Head 22/9


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Decided to try and get a fish in before the predicted southerly. Myself, Matt his son Clancy and my daughters Tayler (11) and Siena (10) headed out early for a fish in Matt's boat. A qick troll from Grotto to Dobroyd resulted in 2 pike so we headed over to Quatantine to try for trevally. Siena caught a nice Blue Spot Flathead but it was otherwise very quite. Matt spotted a school of fish just showing round the Monkey so we decided to go and have a look.

Rounding the headland into Old Mans Hat we were greeted by a massive school of Salmon smashing (rather than slurping) the surface and only one other boat out. We rigged up the 6lb casting gear and I got the girls onto a double hook up. These were the biggest fish they have caught and the excitement in their voices as the fish jumped and pulled drag was wonderful. Both were boated going 56 and 59cm. Complaints of sore arms and comments of being 'the best fun ever' put a smile on my dial (I was a very proud dad).

Setting up again it was not long before we got another double hookup for the girls using a Halco Twister Gold 10gm and a 2in Gulp Minnow Grub in Pumpkin Seed on a 1/8 berkley jig head. Siena busted up after a few minutes fight and Tayler landed the 3rd Salmon for the day at around 50cm. We then put Clancy on strike, unfortunately the salmon started to go down and we failed to get a hookup for him. Then the rain and wind hit so we high tailed into Balmoral for a fish, picked up a legal chopper on the troll just out of Balmoral but nothing else so we headed home. Kept 2 Salmon released the other.



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Excellent post Southerly

nice size salmon the girls must have really enjoyed the fight they

put up by your description

I was wondering how the girls and your yak fitted together :1prop:

before I read the report

Looks like the girls out fished the boys again wait till Mrs Swordie

sees this :074: I think Donna has a secret list going for girls V boys

and we'll hear all about it at the Xmas party


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Well done to the girls...I recognise one of them...I'm sure that's St Johns blazer they're both wearing...

Cassie also goes to their school and will be showing off her fishing club trophies this Tuesday...

Hi Capt Hook,

You got the school right. Yrs 4 & 5.

And Chris, Siena joins me in the yak sometimes as it is a double, however I would not take her offshore in it.


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Hi Capt Hook,

You got the school right. Yrs 4 & 5.

And Chris, Siena joins me in the yak sometimes as it is a double, however I would not take her offshore in it.


I showed Cassie the photo and the year 5 girl is in her class...although Cassie's in year 6...they have that composite class thing going there for the last couple of years...they'll be swapping fishing stories today no doubt...


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