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Blackfish And Salmon


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Hi guys,

what a great day it was to be on the water!!

Had the good fortune to join Roosterman this morning at one of his favorite spots for a blackfish session: :1fishing1:

Collected fresh weed yesterday from Turrametta, and the place is still carpeted in it, and it looks fantastic.

Slept in so didnt arrive until 0600, but it didnt seem to matter as the action was decidely quiet. Around 0730 we had our first downs and soon after I landed the one and only fish for the morning, a nice sized male going 37cm. Thanks to Steve for the netting skills. :thumbup: We had another hook up each , only to have them pull as they headed to the pylons. :ranting2: Finally gave it away around 0900, and wandered home.

Had fun this afternoon, spent about 21/2 hours chasing salmon of Longreef from my kayak. :biggrin2: The fish were boiling up everywhere, and it was a real challenge to keep up with them as they moved around, thanks to the small wind driven swell I had to punch into most of the way. Finally landed one after a 10 minute fight, :1clap: and it went 55cm but only about 1.8kg, and lost 3 others. There were 2 boats around the schools and they were well into the fish every boil and it was good to see them fighting hard and also loosing them. Made me feel a little bit better about a lot of effort for a small reward. <_<

Bled the fish on the beach when I got in and it bought up lots of big worms, so tomorrow I will be paying them a visit. :thumbup:

Isnt it great that spring is here!!

tight lines.


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Too right Sails, it was a beautiful day :thumbup: Nice work with the sambo! Mate, where do you put your yak in at longie? Ive been thinking about it for a while but the entry always looks too daunting, any tips would be appreciated!



Hi Bobfish,

I live in Collaroy, and so I usually put in on Collaroy beach or occasionally around at the end of Florence or Ocean street, which is at the northern end of Fishermans beach. I built a trolley to trundle the yak around with so I just have to get across Pitwater rd and its all good.

The action yesterday was frantic, and it was great to boat that fish. Once I had worn him out I realised how unprepared I was, as I had no gaf or net, and he was only held by a small strip of lip flesh. I opened the centre hatch and while rolling the yak to the left slid him straight in to the hatch.

It was interesting to hear the noise that the schools were making when they were on the surface. There was something that was charging through the salmon and I was wondering what would happen if I managed to get on to one of those. Next time I'll take a rig especially to put a sambo out as a live one and see what happens. NZ here I come!!

Drop me a PM if you want to give this area a try out, as I usually go by myself and it would be good to share the time with another 'raider.



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hi sails,

it was nice to catch up again,pitty the fish didnt respond the same.. it was a real nice morning except the :frozen: wind but once moved from spot x to spot y it was very nice in the sun.. the fishing was very quiet and only a couple of very fussy sort of downs for me..one on cabbage and one on string weed.i thought the one i hooked was an average one as he was very quiet until he got closer then he upped the ante and really gave me a hard time..unfortunately i had to lock up as he headed under structure and the hook pulled....sails had one simmilar and pulled hook also..... the one he landed earlier was much better behaved and followed the script :biggrin2: oh well better luck next time... thanks again for the company sails.... steve....

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Unfortunate for you two not to get a few more fish in the bag, still better than being at home! It might be of interest but at the moment the fish have moved well upstream in the harbour as the water is decidely gin clear in the lower end we are getting fish well up past Cabarita in places not known to be frequented by the blackies at all we are getting them in 6ft of water over reefy ledges that arealmost uncovered on the low! And they are not small either, i have also heard of a few fish starting to show on the stones down south so i think they are on the move.

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Unfortunate for you two not to get a few more fish in the bag, still better than being at home! It might be of interest but at the moment the fish have moved well upstream in the harbour as the water is decidely gin clear in the lower end we are getting fish well up past Cabarita in places not known to be frequented by the blackies at all we are getting them in 6ft of water over reefy ledges that arealmost uncovered on the low! And they are not small either, i have also heard of a few fish starting to show on the stones down south so i think they are on the move.

Hi Luderick -angler

I think you're right, I have heard of good catches of late from areas such as Cottage Point and around Coal and Candle Creek, both well up the system.


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Hi Sails

Glad to hear you got your rod out & got into some fish! Shame the blackies are a bit thin on the ground just now. Well done on getting the sambo on the yak! Good luck next time - hopefully with Bobfish!

Will be heading home from Qld on Thurs morning, hopefully spending 2 nights at Yamba on the way back (if there is room in the inn!!) Hope to try Spot X that worked so well for me last time .... the weed & cabbage is about 10 days old already ... time will tell



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