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Squid Driving Me Crazy


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i spent 3 hours in a spot tonight where for ten years i have got squid and for the last month i have not got one for some reason un known to me on my first cast about ten came out from every angle and then nothing that was it i tryed 5 differant jigs nothing i left then came back still nothing what could it be the water was so clear i did not see anything else around.

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I've caught a couple but they are usually in roe I find when I cut them up. In a month or so there will be little schools of squid everywhere. Just need to wait for the eggs to start hatching.

i got around 6 babies last night at one of my new squid spots with the aid of egimax, a few others did quite well also but all the squid were on the tiny side.

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the eggs have already hatched, KingsRule, Lurespinner and I were down at Clifton the other week and saw a school of baby squid swimming past.. :P

Egimax is a spray which stinks for humans but really attracts the squid and cuttles towards the jig.. its great.. although all ive ever got are cuttles! ARGH :05:

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I've caught a couple but they are usually in roe I find when I cut them up. In a month or so there will be little schools of squid everywhere. Just need to wait for the eggs to start hatching.

Interesting. Maybe I need to move spots.

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I read in a post the other day that some raiders were fishing for squid using a snapper rig set up and drifting. I have never heard of this before (sheltered life), I have only used the squid jigs? Is this other system productive?

Regards, Hutcho

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