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Windy And Wild But A Good Day With Good Company

Ross Hunter

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A bloke has to be mad sometimes. We decided to lick our wounds and give away the wide grounds and the non existent tuna with a forecast that changed in the morning to be upgraded from light, nor east breezes to winds of 25 to 33 knots of horror.

The tuna had been scarce so we headed south…maybe some salmon on the way, maybe snapper or maybe some big blue spot flathead.

We had a beaut crew made up of Hardin, Josh, Nathan and Joe, so after a board meeting they agreed that the wide grounds were not sensible given the conditions and forecast.

Having trolled south close to the cliffs we encountered a school of salmon that were not in the least bit interested in our lures…”.bugger” I thought, a few of them would have been fun.

With trepidation we continue south, the weather is calm and it is a beautiful Spring day, except for the insects, moths and bugs….mmmm ..I thought it won’t be long.

Bugs means hot westerly winds at sea, the moths and insects always appear in front of a wind front if you ever encounter this phenomena and your at the Mountain then make your self scarce because your in for a pounding home.

We reached the flathead grounds and first drop a double on big blue spots just as the wind hit at 25 to 30 knots …….bugger I thought

The lads worked hard in the blustery conditions all day and ended up with a great feed of good sized blue spot flatties. The biggest going 62 cm .

We were left with no other option because of the weather but the lads and I had a beaut day.

They were all great anglers and nice people and even in the 25 knot winds fished hard and laughed and joked all day and we all enjoyed making the best of the conditions.

We cruised back to Botany Bay and I was wishing we had a sail it would have saved a lot of fuel, but the seas were wind blown and white capped but from the sou west and it was a superb troll home on Broadbill as we took in the beautiful scenery of the area.

Wind who cares!

Billfisher is out today on the tuna will advise results We had a shocker on them with only a mako and seven striped tuna in two trips, however Glenn caught three fin last Friday maybe he's the lucky boat.



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Great work guys, and i really love the artistic display of the flatties!!! I was sitting there trying to make objects out of it as you do with clouds!!! :1prop:

It was a matter of keeping them together on the fish box... as the boat moved so did they.. "Slippery little suckers"..so they made their own art.


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