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St Geoges Basin Oct Hol's


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Went down to Basin View to visit my brother and get stuck into some quality Basin fishin'

on the water Sunday arvo 'bout 1.45

blowing like crazy but we managed to find a few spots out of the wind

as usual Dave gets a nice bream on a lure

i get a couple of flatties and a nice fan bellied leather jacket

tough going for about 4 hours but still managed a nice mixed bag of 7 quality fish

Monday was blowing a gale but we still went out for a while and managed quite a few good fish

including this nice flattie by Dave on a sp

went out in the arvo for a session up the creek and got 2 flatties each and one Bream each as well , lovin' it

Tuesday greeted us with a beautiful still morning , how's the serenity ?

tried a drift along the front for zip and decided to head to one of the artificial reefs for Snapper

first cast with a pumpkingreen turtleback and a small flattie is landed , followed by about 6 more

so much for the Reddies

then in about 21 ' of water i'm on

big hit , then a couple of big thudding head shakes , Dave say's , BIG FLATTIE

the thing doesn't want to budge taking good runs along the bottom

my brother keeps telling me to take it easy (i'm only on 6 pound line ) and take my time

while shaking like a leaf and laughing nervously i battle the fish for about 10 minutes or so

finally tiring and raising the fish i see leader ( thank God )

Dave tells me again to settle as the old girl is near the net and She doesn't like it

a couple of tense moments and she's on board

a PB of 84 cm's and i cant stop shaking and laughing (smashed my old PB by 21 cm's )

after a couple of pic's we swim her a bit and she's off like a shot

the wind started picking up again so we head to another spot and we both drop a couple of good flatties

Dave being busted off on 4 pound by a serious fish

we came in for lunch but headed out later to get a couple for tea ,

including a nice mid thirties Tailor i got on you guessed it , pumpkingreen turtle back worm

woke up Wednesday to a calm morning but we were both buggered and didn't go out

all in all a great little break from Sydney and my freezer is chockers

Back to work tomorrow ( bugger )

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