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Squiding At Watsons Bay


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alright harro evely oneeeeeeeeee

it would seem that quite a few squidding threads have popped up and i have also received a few pms about them, so last night thought stuff the uni assignments due in like 2 days I MUST SQUID... ya thats right due to my lack of mahi mahi success i thought i would give the blood cholestoral level a boost... nothing like one of them heart attack brain hemmorage strokes to get some extensions for uni assignment

anyway, got there at 2am, which is 2 hours before the high tide.... was completely windless which was great because squiddies hate that damn wind messing up their hairstyles.... started by trying my pink super prawn pro zuri (thats a name i made up for my fake yo zuri immitations)... to no avail!!!!!!!!!!!!! angryness........ anyway, i decided to investigate what was going on and watched the way the jig sank and realised it bloody nose dives... i was like whoever made this ate too many prawns but never seen them in the water eh... its not a pro zuri, more like a poo zuri...

anyway, remembered that guru MONDO told me that cheapos tend to do that so its best to cut away some of the weight... tried it, and realised my teeth werent strong enough... i then started feeling a bit dizzy and i realised the weight is lead and i probably should have had it in my mouth for too long trying to bite bits of the weight off.... hmmmm....

anyway, put my trusty green prawn $1 pro zuri on and chucked it out... now, this is my all time favourite (its a 2.5btw) jig and its caught me my biggest squiddo despite being only a $1 and not so good quality... anywya, chucked it out a few times and nothing i was thinking eh????? bloody impossible i have never left this place without higher cholestoral and tonight will be no exception!!!! after a few more casts i realised something must be wrong, because i know the squid are there.... anyway, so i moved to underneath the big light, next to the no entry sign, and cast out again... just as expected, when reeling back my super green prawno a big brown squiddo came in hot pursuit... i reckon mantle length 20cm it was a fairly good one... anyway, i jigged and jigged and EVERYTIME the little thing would just touch the jig with 1 tentacle and then run away... then i would reel back and cast right in front of it's face and it would follow it into the light again and the same one tentacle touch thing would happen... this went on for about 15 minutes before i decided bloody give up....

so yeah, i reckon some egimax or whatever that squid spray thing is called would have helped... also, the water was a bit murkey yesterday so i reckon some brighter glow or ones that make them rattling sounds would have been goood....

there seems to be quite a divergence of results - some fishos are getting like 36 squid in one night and others have been frustrated the hell out of... i think thats because only some of the squid are coming on the chew atm.... others will be shy and do nothing but frustrate you till your veins pop... the water wasnt particularly warm last night either... so perhaps just a couple of weeks from now they will well and truly be on the chew...

last but not least

im sorry to all the people i have told to try watsons bay i didnt mean to waste your time!!! i apologise... please feel free to feed me to the squiddies

anyway, assignmenting time now... and to all the other uni students on this website i reckon you have 2 options - 1) study hard for the finals, drink v, and dont sleep 2) RIOT AGAINST EXAMS WITH ME

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ha! nice one mate! go the poo zuri!

did you try mixing up your retrieve?

hey dude ya ya tried all i could!! i usualy do the double tap, where i raise the rod a couple of times in quick succession before letting it sink... then i tried just a slow retrieve... then i tried a quick retrieve... then i tried letting it sink and then pulling all the way to the surface and letting it sink again... and then i just gave up...

hmmm hopefully will do better next time.... next time maybe try la perouse or somethign else eh... camp cove is ok too i think...

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Guest squido

unlucky mate, just keep trying and you will succeed. it took quite a while for a mate and i to get on to them proper and they were only interested in a medium sized orange jig with egimax.

Danno i am the 'Grand Poo -Bah' of Sqtiddys the squid is 'tasting' the lure when it does that Egimax or a smooth surdace willwork when others fail

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Mate keep trying - another good report though.

I too am in the "can't catch a squid" boat (though at least you've caught them in the past so you're way ahead of me!!), I've got some Mako Pro jigs which are supposed to be good but haven't got around to trying them yet.

Just wondered about this line though...

i reckon mantle length 20cm it was a fairly good one... anyway, i jigged and jigged and EVERYTIME the little thing would just touch the jig with 1 tentacle and then run away...

never seen a squid RUN away...was he wearing Adidas? :1prop:

I didnt have any luck with the Mahi Mahi on the weekend either.

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anyway, assignmenting time now... and to all the other uni students on this website i reckon you have 2 options - 1) study hard for the finals, drink v, and dont sleep 2) RIOT AGAINST EXAMS WITH ME

Which uni are you at and what are you studying? Man i feel your pain and im all for number 2. LETS RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!

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PETER :1fishing1:

hmm dude thats something to think about eh, so you reckon bobby cork not the running float?? will the crimp in my line make some tangles... hmm but thanks heaps for the idea eh, will definitley try that!!

unlucky mate, just keep trying and you will succeed. it took quite a while for a mate and i to get on to them proper and they were only interested in a medium sized orange jig with egimax.

ahhh orange eh??? hmm most fishos i have seen have a full array of different size and colored jigs... i have 2.. so maybe its time to invest in an orange one eh?? by the way is that a yo zuri or a fake pro zuri?? if the cheapos work i will probably just go for that eh...

hmmm and saving up to buy egimax...

Danno i am the 'Grand Poo -Bah' of Sqtiddys the squid is 'tasting' the lure when it does that Egimax or a smooth surdace willwork when others fail

oh tasting the lure eh.... hmmm.... so they taste with their tentacles?? kinda figures cos i assume squid have no tongue... anyway, what smooth surface would that be are you talking about ike those hard plastic full glow ones?? and what do yu think about the soft plastic jigs?? if they tsate that will they still be interseted??

Mate keep trying - another good report though.

I too am in the "can't catch a squid" boat (though at least you've caught them in the past so you're way ahead of me!!), I've got some Mako Pro jigs which are supposed to be good but haven't got around to trying them yet.

Just wondered about this line though...

i reckon mantle length 20cm it was a fairly good one... anyway, i jigged and jigged and EVERYTIME the little thing would just touch the jig with 1 tentacle and then run away...

never seen a squid RUN away...was he wearing Adidas? :1prop:

I didnt have any luck with the Mahi Mahi on the weekend either.

no luck with the mahi mahi??? bro i will have to take you to my spot X for that... its near north sydney... near the shopping mall of north sydney actually..... alright stuff it ill jsut tell you now, spot X is DE COSTI'S SEAFOOD shop.. definitely get good fish there first time, everytime!!!! haha

never seen a squid run??? bro, this a special squid eh it parts the water, kinda like moses... then, strangely enough for a sea creature, it had some CONVERSE AIR FORCE ONE'S and does the crip walk.. yeah

haha but seriously dude it shouldnt be too much longer before we break out... from what the other fishos have been experiencing id like to have a night where i catch a full 20 squid!! haha take care bro

Another entertaining report mate well done and better luck next time.


ya thanks bro and haha definitely thanks for reading!! i havnt been out and about much these days so ya, till next time!!

tight lines to you too dude!!

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Which uni are you at and what are you studying? Man i feel your pain and im all for number 2. LETS RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!

man, im at sydney uni doing my last semester of law school.... im dying bro... but no one hears my paaaaaaaaaaaaain..... seriously, apart from my love of fishing, i also do it to supplement my diet... all the seafood at coles are like 2X.XX per kilo... so yeah.... riot it is man!!!

in the meantime bro, check this out... the reason we get an education, is so we dont have to work at places like............................


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KEEP it up BOY!!!!

The more you try the better your odds will be!!!

Did you have a glowstick near your jig? or was there enough light on the jetty?

Think about it, after you clean all your squid you can take the hoods home to eat , then take the heads

and use then as bait later on either "fresh as" or snap frozen for another time soon.

THERE is your EL PRIMO (that's CHOICE, for kiwi's) Surf bait that only cost you your time.

See you at the 'BRA soon i reckon.

BOOM!!!! Bring on Daylight Savings!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch Ya


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alright harro evely oneeeeeeeeee

it would seem that quite a few squidding threads have popped up and i have also received a few pms about them, so last night thought stuff the uni assignments due in like 2 days I MUST SQUID... ya thats right due to my lack of mahi mahi success i thought i would give the blood cholestoral level a boost... nothing like one of them heart attack brain hemmorage strokes to get some extensions for uni assignment

anyway, got there at 2am, which is 2 hours before the high tide.... was completely windless which was great because squiddies hate that damn wind messing up their hairstyles.... started by trying my pink super prawn pro zuri (thats a name i made up for my fake yo zuri immitations)... to no avail!!!!!!!!!!!!! angryness........ anyway, i decided to investigate what was going on and watched the way the jig sank and realised it bloody nose dives... i was like whoever made this ate too many prawns but never seen them in the water eh... its not a pro zuri, more like a poo zuri...

anyway, remembered that guru MONDO told me that cheapos tend to do that so its best to cut away some of the weight... tried it, and realised my teeth werent strong enough... i then started feeling a bit dizzy and i realised the weight is lead and i probably should have had it in my mouth for too long trying to bite bits of the weight off.... hmmmm....

anyway, put my trusty green prawn $1 pro zuri on and chucked it out... now, this is my all time favourite (its a 2.5btw) jig and its caught me my biggest squiddo despite being only a $1 and not so

good quality... anywya, chucked it out a few times and nothing i was thinking eh????? bloody impossible i have never left this place without higher cholestoral and tonight will be no exception!!!! after a few more casts i realised something must be wrong, because i know the squid are there.... anyway, so i moved to underneath the big light, next to the no entry sign, and cast out again... just as expected, when reeling back my super green prawno a big brown squiddo came in hot pursuit... i reckon mantle length 20cm it was a fairly good one... anyway, i jigged and jigged and EVERYTIME the little thing would just touch the jig with 1 tentacle and then run away... then i would reel back and cast right in front of it's face and it would follow it into the light again and the same one tentacle touch thing would happen... this went on for about 15 minutes before i decided bloody give up....

so yeah, i reckon some egimax or whatever that squid spray thing is called would have helped... also, the water was a bit murkey yesterday so i reckon some brighter glow or ones that make them rattling sounds would have been goood....

there seems to be quite a divergence of results - some fishos are getting like 36 squid in one night and others have been frustrated the hell out of... i think thats because only some of the squid are coming on the chew atm.... others will be shy and do nothing but frustrate you till your veins pop... the water wasnt particularly warm last night either... so perhaps just a couple of weeks from now they will well and truly be on the chew...

last but not least

im sorry to all the people i have told to try watsons bay i didnt mean to waste your time!!! i apologise... please feel free to feed me to the squiddies

anyway, assignmenting time now... and to all the other uni students on this website i reckon you have 2 options - 1) study hard for the finals, drink v, and dont sleep 2) RIOT AGAINST EXAMS WITH ME

mate...be4 i fninshed reading the first paragraph i realised it was u danilo....then i checked out who posted this thread, proved me right....haahhaha

ya man, i hv just managed some extension ey?! but unfortunately havent got any chance to get out for some fishing, its been bloody more than 10 days since i last touched my fishing rods...driving me insane.

i personally reckon, the best time to squid is around sunset and sunrise, something like 2am wouldnt give any decent results aye? if 2am is a must then ya glow-in-the-dark squid-jig is essential or if u r using bait put a glow-in-the-dark tube somewhere close to ur bait.

try using whittings. i have managed a few cuttles and squids using that as bait.

cheers bro.

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man, im at sydney uni doing my last semester of law school.... im dying bro... but no one hears my paaaaaaaaaaaaain..... seriously, apart from my love of fishing, i also do it to supplement my diet... all the seafood at coles are like 2X.XX per kilo... so yeah.... riot it is man!!!

in the meantime bro, check this out... the reason we get an education, is so we dont have to work at places like............................

hahah dw man i feel your pain, im studying civil engineering at UTS and im only in my second year!! I'm doing an internship now so its even worse, i cant skip lectures to go fishing anymore, im stuck at work every day.

Oh dont talk about uni diets, last semester i was either eating nothing all day, or having some form of fast food every day. Its what the stress and structure of uni does to ya!

Man i'm all for the riot!!!!


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Regarding Watsons Bay, its hot n cold. I fished there once without squid jigs and the place was littered with squids. The next tim i went there, fully equipped, not a single squid was in sight.

lol @ uni. Those days were the good old days. Myself and two other fishraiders frequently missed class to get into the kingies in the harbour. Theres no better uni exam relief than a kingie on the end of ur line, as Mario (bmar560) and Daryl (marlin_dc) would attest to.

Good luck with the squiddies n the exams :1punk:

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mate...be4 i fninshed reading the first paragraph i realised it was u danilo....then i checked out who posted this thread, proved me right....haahhaha

ya man, i hv just managed some extension ey?! but unfortunately havent got any chance to get out for some fishing, its been bloody more than 10 days since i last touched my fishing rods...driving me insane.

i personally reckon, the best time to squid is around sunset and sunrise, something like 2am wouldnt give any decent results aye? if 2am is a must then ya glow-in-the-dark squid-jig is essential or if u r using bait put a glow-in-the-dark tube somewhere close to ur bait.

try using whittings. i have managed a few cuttles and squids using that as bait.

cheers bro.


man, can i ask... if you have got the extension, then why havnt you gone fishing yet????? man, the whole reason i needed that friggin extension was because i went squidding hahaa... but bro is yours for migration law too??? man looks pretty bad on us though eh...

man dont worry about the squid man we have all the time in the world after exams.... i feel pretty stuffed man.... wanna mass dive off the merc??? or, as brother LURINGBREAM is talking about, riot!! rage!!!

man i see you in class tomorrow eh.... check eeeeeet

hahah dw man i feel your pain, im studying civil engineering at UTS and im only in my second year!! I'm doing an internship now so its even worse, i cant skip lectures to go fishing anymore, im stuck at work every day.

Oh dont talk about uni diets, last semester i was either eating nothing all day, or having some form of fast food every day. Its what the stress and structure of uni does to ya!

Man i'm all for the riot!!!!


man civil engineering?????? tough choice bro... get this, strangest thing - i study combined law, commerce and law, but graduated commerce now, but from 2nd year to now, 5th year, ive only ever had 2 days a week of class... haha.... studying 2 degrees takes less time than 1 degree eh!!!!

study hard bro, after you get some HD's you can ask your parents to buy you a boat!!!

Regarding Watsons Bay, its hot n cold. I fished there once without squid jigs and the place was littered with squids. The next tim i went there, fully equipped, not a single squid was in sight.

lol @ uni. Those days were the good old days. Myself and two other fishraiders frequently missed class to get into the kingies in the harbour. Theres no better uni exam relief than a kingie on the end of ur line, as Mario (bmar560) and Daryl (marlin_dc) would attest to.

Good luck with the squiddies n the exams :1punk:

ya bro haha skip class for fish eh but because you can get into kingies its worthwhile... i dunno man, we have been skipping class to catch nothing quite a few times... watsons bay is to blame!!!! other ppl pulling snapper off there and im getting eel!! what the hell!!

ya its a bit on off eh i once went there hit this massive school of tailor omg was getting fish cast after cast, and then when i cast some more, i got 2 bream... i dunno ever since then i have loved that place, but conversely its the place where i have caught the least fish on average...

man, strange thing with uni is (or maybe its because ive been at uni for too long)... im about to finish, have job offers all lined up, and i always thought after i get them graduate job offers in, money will roll in after i start working, so as if id ever care about what marks i get etc ever again... you know what bro? i really care... really really really care.... cant bring myself to skip some class... i dunno its pretty unhealthy but im just hoping it all ends while im still breathing... because after its all over, i will never EVER go back again... im goign to catch moby dick

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ya, its for the bloody migration law essay.

phew...at least its out of our way and now there is no excuses for not going fishing..

mate if u want squid, i will give u squid

as long as u dont mind doing a fair bit of driving.

i know a place in wollongong, it is like the venue for squids and cuttles to host their sexpos aye?!

lifting cuttles weighing up to 7 kgs is like lifting a bag of sunrise medium grain rice with ur fishing rod and it could be fun sometimes.

holla back if u have interest in getting some rice aye?

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