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Worming Seven Mile With Kirkby


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Hi guys

Met up at Seven Mile Beach yesterday with Dave (Kirkby) and his Dad Rob & Uncle Mike. All keen to learn the dark art of Beach Worming. My usual spot was full of smaller worms that weren't too keen on sticking their heads out too far! That made it a bit difficult for Dave & Rob to grab one, but they are well on track for getting one soon! Hopefully our next session will have them really hungry & sticking their necks out!

Rob looking for 'V's'

post-2231-1191909388_thumb.jpg post-2231-1191909436_thumb.jpg Dave & I taking "the Stance"

post-2231-1191910148_thumb.jpg Got one!!

We then moved to another spot on the beach & I continued worming whilst Rob & Dave had a fish. Dave caught his first 'Beach session' fish - a nice whiting that he returned to the water. I caught a couple of dart & also put them back. We both had a couple more hits but no more hookups. They were keen to get back to Blueys & try the worms on the incoming tide yesterday afternoon!

All going well, we'll give it another go tomorrow - younger brother Steve was arriving today & is also a dead keen fisho. We are hoping to get out in a hire boat on Thurs & frighten some of the fish in the lake!

Cheerio for now


PS Had a great blackie on this afternoon - but with the big wind here today, the fish was going in one direction & the wind had the net going in the other direction! I had it half out of the water trying to swing it into the net (off the rocks) & it got off! Nice fish, too! :mad3:

Edited by Roberta
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Hi Roberta,

A lesson obviously well taught.

Scoring a few on the first outing and then catching a couple, SPECTACULAR!!

I bet there will be a few less worms around your way before long!

How good does it feel to drop a litte knowledge

into open minds and outstretched arms.

Shame about the Blackie, by the sounds of it you did a hell of a lot

better in those conditions than you could have.

Stand proud young Lady, stand PROUD.

Catch ya


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Hey Roberta, beach worming is fun and sometimes painful , Hutcho and I were taught the art by an old guy up at Hawks Nest beach, we stood hunched over in the blazing afternoon Feb sun and got scorched, but we were not leaving until we got that worm which we eventually did 4 hours later. Good to see you teaching the worm art to others Roberta... Cheers Ray R...

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Arrr teaching the dark art hey. Best wormers I've seen were the Koori's around Crescent and Hat Head, made me look like a dill,mmmmmmm that didn't take much though.

When I was younger used to go on holidays up the coast with my young step brother plus my mate and his 2 kids. Spent many hours chasing worms, with the kids and having a great time in the process. Fun way to spend a few hours.

Fond memories.

But as Ray R said, geeez you can get burnt if your not careful. Missus ended up with sun stroke once and was really crook for a few days.

There's still a few up around your way Ray we chase in Summer, though sometimes they make me go :wacko:

Edited by Blackfish
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Roberta you are the Miss Australia of beach worms !!!

There's a lot of beach worms between Ballina and Lennox Head. I was up there one January not long after a back op. staying with the boys from the Ballina Fish farm and we decided to go for trevally off culverts that day for a bit of fun and we had to get worms because we had to get whiting first.

I made a squid tube fitted to the hook end of my walking stick gaff which can be extended out. It worked really well and I had them raising right up on the squid and performing like cobras. I might bring a piano accordion or a flute up there next time. :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi guys

I was a bit disappointed at Dave & Rob not pulling their first worm, but I reckon the 'pros' had cleaned the beach out! It is their favourite worming beach & word is that they then take them to other centres (Port & Newcastle) & sell them, as there are only about 4 places in Forster that sell them live. Our buddies at the Tikki were not allowed to stock them live - one pro wormer told me that it wasn't worth his job to supply anyone else in the area, as the others (already selling) would spew! The pros would get 1000 a session (every day, & sometimes twice a day when 2 lows happen) & I doubt if they would all be sold here (limited shelf life, even tho they keep them in big tubs of fresh salt water with aerators.) Shame.

Ray & Blackfish - I know how you feel about the sunburn ..... first session when I was learning, I got massive sunburn on the backs of my legs (in shorts) .... never again! Boy, I was crook! See my gear now - long 'light' trousers & long sleeved shirt, with wide breamed hat! You still cop the sun on your face from reflected glare off the water tho!

hey Jewgaffer - that would have been worth videoing, I reckon! Isn't it great when they are 'on the chew' & literally 'stick their necks out'!

It is ages since I pulled a few worms & I reckon it is almost the best fun you can have, standing up! I enjoy worming as much as I enjoy fishing! Amazing that with the humble worm, you can catch anything from a simple whiting thru to the mighty Jew! Just hope my next jew isn't on 10lb bream line!



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Aaaah worming, RayR and I have spent countless hours chasing this prime bait up the coast and sometimes at Copacabana. I reckon you're dead right I get as much enjoyment out of worming as puting them on the hook. But it is the greatest time burner, I always get in a `trance when I adopt the stance'.

Well done for passing on the ancient art.

Regards, Hutcho

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