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Hi Fishos

Just moved in the oatley area and have a little 420 dory.

wondering if anyone could help me out with what spots i should be fishing in for bream,falthead and even some kings and jews as i've herd around the traps.

any advice would be appreciated

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Hi Fishos

Just moved in the oatley area and have a little 420 dory.

wondering if anyone could help me out with what spots i should be fishing in for bream,falthead and even some kings and jews as i've herd around the traps.

any advice would be appreciated

Hi I'm from Oatley as well.

Anything east of Captian cook bridge you can eat, so start there and work your way East into the bay.

For three eyed fish - bream and flathead just go around Como bridge and further down West to Lugarno etc

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Hi Brooksy you launch your boat at Oatley.... so you could fish at Como rail Bridge.... there is some good water there for jew in the drop down to the channel at the Oatley side of the sand flats just away from the pylons..... for flathead and bream cast towards the sand flats...... Just got info in a post from jewhunter that gulp worms are deadly in shallower water at night. For jew use livies or large fish baits, squid don't do much good down there.

The Como station side is very good for bream and the jew hit there too, but there are a lot of unused piers all over the place about 15 metres out from the square rock platform under the bridge. Top spot all the same, but a bit of skull dragging needed there.

Also Lugarno and Menai both points looking at each one from both shores to your right is excellent jew and bi-catch territory combined. Jew are night time in the Georges but try cloudy mornings and late afternoons if you're around at the time.

The above spots are all good fishing down your way. The Kings come into Botany Bay.

Hope this helps


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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for the kings in botany, try the markers and any structure available, especially that which has deep water close by.

dont forget to look for the schools feeding on the surface, be they kings, sambos or frigates which frequent botany during the warmer water periods.

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