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Love Those Bass


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G,day All,

About 3-4 weeks ago my daughter, brother-in-law and I went and introduced ourselves to Whatto (nice bloke).

After some lengthy discussions above the fishing (or lack of) in the hawkesbury we came to discuss the bass fishing in the Nepean. Whatto pointed us in the right direction in relation to lures and gave us some friendly advice on how addictive this type of fishing is. He was right! :thumbup:

Around 3.00pm this afternoon the brother-in-law and I headed down for a quick flick. It started off a little slow but there was a fair bit of activity with skiers and jet skiers. After about an hour i had my first Bass. Unfortunately not much to write home about but still a start. The second hook up was even smaller but again still fun, the brother-in-law then hooked his first Bass.

As I usually don't do a lot of lure fishing i did spent some time picking the lure out of the trees that hung out from the bank in my endeavours to land the lure in the best possible spot. I then had quite a good hit with a decent amount of fight and after a short time i pulled in a 32cm Bass. :yahoo:


Shortly after the brother-in-law hooked up again and we decided to call it a day before the :wife:'s started calling. All in all a great afternoons fishing and so close to home.

Thanks again for the tip and advice Whatto. This hopefully will be one of many successful Nepean fishing trips.



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we decided to call it a day before the :wife:'s started calling.


:1welcomeani: to Fish Raider,

Well done on your efforts there :yahoo:

The trick with the :wife: is that if you go far enough up the river there is no mobile phone reception. :074:

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