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Middle Harbour Sunday 14th October, 2007


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Netic and Jewgaffer,

heres a theory, as Jewgaffer mentioned when you get strong southerly influences for periods of time i find a lot of species will shut down or head to deeper sheltered water, the water was unbelievably cold until quite recently and the only things coming out to play in numbers were the blackies as evident in the closet anglers coming out :1prop: But i agree with Jewgaffer continous weather like that throughout winter will force fish to other areas especially predatory fish.

The moment we got the warm weather in Septembewr and the weather paterns changed the fishing changed,

Netic i will agree that during a southerly you can have excellent fishing, many a time during summer on the rocks or in the harbour i've not had a down and its 40 in the shade the minute the temp drops att he forefront of a southerly buster the fish have gone ballistic, mind you this is different from a howling 5 day winter sou easter that whips up 5 metre swells and dumps 10 inches of rain and shuts down a lot of fish, smart fishos like Jewgaffer will know that this when the fish find the deep holes where the salt is on the bottom or they head right to the entances of bays and harbours, in this case the smart angler wins out, but ithen as we all know all fish will bite when the ywant no matter how perfect or crap the weather is, but Jewgaffers theories on weather patterns holds a lot of credence with me, especially as all ireally chase are blackies and over 20 years of chasing i can tell you the bad years on the stones have been the ones when winter has produced howling sou westers and southerlies and the water has been gin clear even into the following summer and too cold , yet go inside and you would bag out as the estuary was warmer and coloured with more food.

End of the day experience willalways catch you more fish Dad proves it to me every time we go out mind you he's got 32 years on me! :1prop:

Mate cant comment on Blackies as i have never chased em...I have chase kings and i will go out and catch them in all conditions......if you go back through the reports section you will find many members have cauight high numbers on fish in sourtherlies.......

My point is that fish can be caught in all winds....period

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ive caught fish in westerlys, northerlys, SW erlys, southerlys , 1m swell no swell raining. sunshine, early morning. late afternoon,

i really dont think it has to much to do with , if the fish are on the bite THEN U WILL CATCH THEM!!

its like saying ahh u cant catch squid in the dark only in the daylight or viser verser..

maybe jewgaffer personally some of ur NOT SO BETTER days theres been a southerly blowing

but i dont think its enough to rule out that southerly activity is no good for fishing,

mate if u could predict the correct fishing patterns when to fish when not to, when the fish will be on the bite or when they wont be then it would make the game a WHOLE lot easier,

and then my advice to u is that u should start your own charter service im sure ull make a MINT !!

as for some forum members not catching this weekend just past, well geez i dont think we can all jump on the band wagon and say I DIDNT CATCH FISH JUST BECAUSE THERE WAS A SOUTHERLY BLOWING,

like some1 said in reply to the topic cant remeber who but we are only 6 weeks out of summer,

to blame the winds just doesnt cut it for me, my next door neighbour went out into the harbour on sunday although i couldnt make it with him i gave him a few pointers and i also lent him my stella, hes caught kings be4 but mainly in botany bay,

and he popped by sunday night to show off the 3 beaut kings he nailed, and 2 throw backs, one on a servo prawn haha of all things and the other 2 on live squid he caught, and the kings were 68cms, 72cm and 81cm i was green with envy,

this is a good thread, id be interested to see other peoples views on winds affecting fishing :thumbup:

cheers steve

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This is good reading. :thumbup:

I am very inetrested in the way weather affects fish and I too have caught fish in all weather.

Somehow, I don't think we will ever work it out. Luderick Angler reckons you can't work out Blackies either and I tend to agree. :tease:

It is strange that last weekend seemed very quiet for the majority of Raiders!!! :thumbdown:

Royce, I am still working on the leave pass.. I should be sweet though.

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I'm not wading into this one but I will 2nd/3rd/4th/etc the fact that it was quiet as well. I fished Pickering Point Sunday arvo with lovely fresh squid for not a touch. I did manage a plate sized snapper on a pilchard that surprised me in the middle of the day. It followed a nice burley trail. No kings though

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The point jewgaffer and i make is that certain weather paterns in winter will shut fish down we are still seeing those paterns in spring it happened last year if any one remebers and we hada late run of alot of species, i will agree you can catch fish in all wind directions, just like us the fish seek shelter that has a lot to do with it, i couls put you onto a spot that only fishes well in the most adverse conditions cause it suits the fish any other weather the place will not fire.

What we are refering to is a combination of conditions that combined make the fishing harder the fish may well be there just not interested.

Oh Ceph sorry for going off topic, i owe you a new float!



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The point jewgaffer and i make is that certain weather paterns in winter will shut fish down we are still seeing those paterns in spring it happened last year if any one remebers and we hada late run of alot of species, i will agree you can catch fish in all wind directions, just like us the fish seek shelter that has a lot to do with it, i couls put you onto a spot that only fishes well in the most adverse conditions cause it suits the fish any other weather the place will not fire.

What we are refering to is a combination of conditions that combined make the fishing harder the fish may well be there just not interested.

Oh Ceph sorry for going off topic, i owe you a new float!



Pencil or bobby cork? :074:

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Jewgaffer&luderick angler are right southerlies Do effect fish behaviour.I have also hooked kingfish on all sorts of baits.... even bread !

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Guys, the reason i bought up the Catch any fish in any winds post is because from the previous posts in this thread it was easy to presume that if its blowing a southerly....dont go fishing......

There are alot of beginnings on this site that take all the info in and that info is absolutly wrong....and there wasnt no mention of seasons...before my post.........winter only was added later.......

If a young angler was reading this he would have thought its not worth going out fishing in a southerly becuase you wont catch any fish, and that he should wait for a change......That is wrong in winter and wrong in summer......Thats my point...always understand that young and new fishos read these posts and if your going to make a statement really clarify it..........

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I have to disagree with this , Southerly winds = No fish theory.

I have caught plenty of fish in Botany bay in a southerly, but

usualy when I have seeked shelter from the wind on the Kurnell

side of the bay, or beside the oil ship that is often anchored in

the middle of the bay.Plenty a King has been caught around the

mooring drums there. You just have to fish and use the ship as

your windbreak, and when they hit just hold on, 50% of the time

you will lose them around the rusty old chains holding the drums

to the bottom :( . I have also landed many Kings and Trevs at the

3rd runway in a southerly, when most other boats have packed up

and left the scene. So that southerly theory, doesnt hold true for me. :biggrin2:


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Actually what Jewgaffer is trying to do is pass on valuable info to younger guys like myself, have a look at the combined long term conditions assess it all and then decide whether its worth going out or change tactics find a spot that may have fish holed up and target there! Just as of yesterday my Dad proved his 50 plus years of experience pays he outfished Mark84 and i 3 fish to 1. And yes it was a howling southerly but we found ahole with a nice reef out of the wind and bagged out 17 blackies to be exact in a couple of hours but look at today gorgeous! Here in lies the point a day of southerlies will not adversly affect anything but a week of them with cold currents is a different case! Like fish i will stay in bed ifthe conditions outside are adverse. From a wider view point a lot of us would do well to look at the UK scene and apply some of their methods they use in coarse and sea fishingas to target what and when.

By the way i'm a pencil man Ceph! :074:

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Actually what Jewgaffer is trying to do is pass on valuable info to younger guys like myself, have a look at the combined long term conditions assess it all and then decide whether its worth going out or change tactics find a spot that may have fish holed up and target there! Just as of yesterday my Dad proved his 50 plus years of experience pays he outfished Mark84 and i 3 fish to 1. And yes it was a howling southerly but we found ahole with a nice reef out of the wind and bagged out 17 blackies to be exact in a couple of hours but look at today gorgeous! Here in lies the point a day of southerlies will not adversly affect anything but a week of them with cold currents is a different case! Like fish i will stay in bed ifthe conditions outside are adverse. From a wider view point a lot of us would do well to look at the UK scene and apply some of their methods they use in coarse and sea fishingas to target what and when.

By the way i'm a pencil man Ceph! :074:

Glad to hear the pencil lives on..... :thumbup:

Sunday morning is a goer! PM me details Royce, for you are the Jedi Master and I am the student. :biggrin2:


Young Jedi.

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Actually what Jewgaffer is trying to do is pass on valuable info to younger guys like myself, have a look at the combined long term conditions assess it all and then decide whether its worth going out or change tactics find a spot that may have fish holed up and target there!............. Like fish i will stay in bed ifthe conditions outside are adverse. From a wider view point a lot of us would do well to look at the UK scene and apply some of their methods they use in coarse and sea fishingas to target what and when.

Luderick - angler.

Royce, I was going to continue in a pm but I decided to do a post. As regards my own fishing and should I be considering going out fishing today in this sudden overnight temperature drop for instance, I have the option of deciding how I should fish and what I should fish for based on previous experience as most experienced fishermen find it's best to spend quality time fishing and not just quantity. Others prefer to fish only when it suits them or when leisure time allows and leave before a feeding binge based on conditions they don't know enough about or had enough experience to consider beforehand.

My fishing is either in one of my boats or off the shore or a jetty etc for convenience ...... Today there was a sudden change from the ongoing southerly conditions turning towards the northern and the magic easterly direction which unfortunately added cold to the night air and estuary water in itself. The change was not the usual springtime north east wind and its source was one that only added colder conditions.

After a southerly, a warmer north / easterly change is what I wait for in winter and in cooler conditions recovering from winter like spring had been so far this year. If it was to be the case where this cooler change was due to come in the afternoon, I would give the morning a miss and fish an afternoon/ evening session instead. In my case being retired I may decide to stay out all night to try it right out, and of course jot the results down for next time and so on.

A favourable rise in my barometer made the needle move to over 1030 milibars!! So fish acting as they do binge feed when conditions suit. As you would know yourself fish come on the bite in good numbers only periodically during a full day. I believe every keen angler should eventually be able to work out prime times and conditions for more satisfying results fishing in quality time .

However today in particular, with a good barometer rise and a good wind direction, the first thing I have to consider is what the conditions were where this north - easterly change came from, I.E. was it a hot front or only another cold front from another direction at this unusually cold time in spring !! ............. Alas as far as my own fishing is concerned, the temperature forecast has just given me the answer, a maximum temperature of only 24 after a temperature rise in very windy hot north westerlies that were so gusty it made it all but unfishable yesterday. The temperature rose to well over 34 degree in my area, Campbelltown which is always warmer than it is by the seaside ! In today's case, with a sudden temperature drop caused by a north easterly change coming off a cold front in the north rather than bringing the usual warm conditions from the north, I may have considered taking a look at fishing in the late afternoon as opposed to fishing the cooler morning conditions today following the cold night.

Perhaps when giving my repy to posts I should have brought up my previous posts as new readers may not have followed what I was trying to say over and over again so that members would have it in mind everytime they experienced poor fishing in ongoing southerlys during low temperature readings, and decide for themselves when it would be the best to go fishing to pick the eyes out of quality time.

You only have to look at some of the tournament results to see that a good day is a day when at least 50% of the competitors catch fish. A fair day is when 30% catch fish and a poor day can be as far down the scale as only 5% catch fish I.E. A shut down day where only five fishermen out of every one hundred fisherman catch fish !!

My replys are directed to both young and old members and many of those members are your average fishermen, fishing with bait for whatever they can catch. There are members who are lure fishermen who spend a lot of time trying to target some species or other using flies, soft plastics or hardbodies so it's only natural that these fishermen eventually get to know when the conditions are favourable, so they can determine the quality times for doing that without leaving it all to guess work. I myself at times will just go fishing on any days. However if I want to have more chance of having quality time and not just quantity of time, I prefer, as many other experienced fishermen do is to get used to determing the conditions which have given the best results in previous sessions over the years, remembering how fish feed, which is a binge feeding habit followed by a shut down period.

We have some top fishermen on this site who, when you look at their record, you see that they certainly know how and what fish to fish for, even some of them knowing when the conditions are unsuitable for other fish, yet many of those fishermen may not go fishing landbased very often, out in a bay bottom fishing in general or go fishing most of the time only for jewfish as I prefer to do, with the hope of catching a good bi-catch and at the same time being restricted to jewfish waters.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Jewgaffer well said, agree whole heartedly on those theories and well you definately put a more finite perspective on it for meand others i hope, yesterday was a prime example, we were doing no good until the wind swung from the west to the dead south and the air temp warmed around 7.30 - 8am and they went ballistic! goes to show the fish are there its the suttle changes that can effectively make a good or bad days fishing.



P.s hope you get out and get into a few. :beersmile:

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Guest Big-Banana

Some of the best fishing I've had is when the southerlies on the way and the barometer drops.

I think you blokes are looking too far into it :biggrin2:

Just get out there an fish :thumbup:

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