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Middle Harbour Sunday 14th October, 2007


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Gidday Raiders,

Manage to sneak out for an unexpected land based flick with my brother (Bottle Ceph) in Middle Harbour. Everything looked good. Nice high tide at 9.39am, hardly any wind (we were up Roseville way so were protected), and the most vast array of soft plastic lures all jammed into two bulging back packs. :wacko:

We managed one "see through" Flattie each and that was it!! :thumbdown:

Seems like we were not alone. Very poor weekend for fishing it appears!

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Hi Ceph Very poor fishing results around in general mate on Saturday and Sunday, I wormed my way out of it and wanted to go in the late afternoon on Sunday, when the change had settled in, but nobody else wanted to so I just stayed at home...... Put the bad results on the weekend to the good old southerlys stuff hanging in there again. Even the damariboyz, no slouches by the way, took a barometer reading dropping to a low of 1002 on Friday and when it shot up to a great 1018 they gave it a second go but the southerly rules the roost and quickly took care of that.

Something to note, during the southerly is that there were plenty of squid around the spit.

Happens that way every time Ceph but sometimes you latch onto something more suited.

As they say that's my two cents worth

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I agree with you Jewgaffer.. it was really bad.

Funny thing though.. there were heaps of bait fish around. We saw Gar cruising the surface and then a bait ball appeared at our feet. There were big mullet around and the shore was littered with tiny fish in smallish schools.

The bait ball was unusual. The fish looked like little catfish. They were brown with yellow stripes and swimming in a very tight pattern. They fled when I threw my Slick Rig on top of them. :biggrin2:

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Hey Ceph,

Bad luck about the weekend. Yeah like u said there was a heap of baitfish. I got a good 30 live frogmouth pilchards, and all i got was 2 trevallies(38 and 47cm). No sign of any kingies, but there was a small school of salmon that showed up for two minutes and that was it for the day.

better luck next time


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I agree with you Jewgaffer.. it was really bad.

Funny thing though.. there were heaps of bait fish around. We saw Gar cruising the surface and then a bait ball appeared at our feet. There were big mullet around and the shore was littered with tiny fish in smallish schools.

The bait ball was unusual. The fish looked like little catfish. They were brown with yellow stripes and swimming in a very tight pattern. They fled when I threw my Slick Rig on top of them. :biggrin2:

We actually foul hooked a few whitebait(well at least thats what they looked like) while throwing sp's around them in case there was something feeding on them with no results. We went for a little bit of exploration on tuesday after the weather went bad outside so spent around an 1hr or 2 sounding all around middle harbour and came across at least 5 schools of these things that made the sounder completely covered in colour so something will surely come in and feed on these tasty little offering soon!!!! might only be sambos or something but at least it will be action!!!!! Do kings take whitebait at all????? if not there ought to be some big fat flatties over the next few months!

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Only problem with live Whitebait is that they tend to sink with a 7/0 through the back! :1boff:

Froggies&Whitebait can be pinned on a size 2 'hoodlum' hook from Mustad

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Hard luck Ceph, was a tough weekend, Greg and myself lucked out on sat morn as well fishin for blackies, hardly a down all morning, went home dejected, so depressed that I went and brought a brand new lcd tv and digital camera to cheer myself up, gotta catch more fish as this hurts the wallet, keeps the :wife: happy and now I can post pictures of all the maaaaaaaaaasssssssssssiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeee fish I keep catching :1prop: , cheers Justin. p.s weekend still on?

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Hard luck Ceph, was a tough weekend, Greg and myself lucked out on sat morn as well fishin for blackies, hardly a down all morning, went home dejected, so depressed that I went and brought a brand new lcd tv and digital camera to cheer myself up, gotta catch more fish as this hurts the wallet, keeps the :wife: happy and now I can post pictures of all the maaaaaaaaaasssssssssssiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeee fish I keep catching :1prop: , cheers Justin. p.s weekend still on?

Gidday Mate...

I am glad I am not the only crappy fisherperson around ... man, we had nothing.. absolutely nothing! I didn't even get a snag.

Weekend looks ok. I will confirm later in the week. I have lodged my application and am awaiting approval. The governing body ( :wife: ) is usually pretty good! Might have to promise her an icecream and a walk in the park later though.

I will speak to Luderick Angler later in the week also.. ^_^

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Hey ceph, tough luck for the weekend! glad to hear that it wasnt just me! me managed a few flatties up past roseville bridge but it was a slow slow day and the fish were only 35cm and smaller so nothing special! Hopefully the coming weeks will see it get better.

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Hey ceph, tough luck for the weekend! glad to hear that it wasnt just me! me managed a few flatties up past roseville bridge but it was a slow slow day and the fish were only 35cm and smaller so nothing special! Hopefully the coming weeks will see it get better.

We are up there too Dicko.. two fifths of f.. all up there.. we were targettign Jewies though so it is to be expected. :1prop:

Hey Mate, that's very unusual that the 'Ceph' comes away empty handed, the flatties will be out in droves soon, they won't miss your plastics then...Cheers..

Yeah I know Ray.. we normally bag a few!! Anyway, that is what brings me back each time. :thumbup:

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I have to agree with you all even thopugh i target blackies i have noticed the surface action go off the boil very abruptly, only a fortnight ago there were schools of big salmon and big tailor as far up as Cockatoo island, for the last week i have seen schools of small baitfish swim around without even look like being harassed in that same area, saying that the weather or barometer has not affected the blackies so far, it is one of the best post August seasons running into Christmas i have seen in 3 years they seem to be in every bay and reef and where ever they can get west of the bridge at the moment and theres no shortage of sawtail surgeon amongst them either.

So Ceph it looks good if you get that leave pass i got mine!



P.S ask Ceph about the MMs i sent him last week! :thumbup:

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Hi Ceph,

i was beween the marina and the over hanging pipe flicking plastics around and only managed a few undersized bream and lost a small flattie. taken on pkinsd grubs and sandworms, but the rest of the time they were getting absolutley destroyed by toads and the like. :1badmood:


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Yes good stuff Royce. The week end would have been shocking fishing allright but the funny part about an ongoing southerly is, had we have waited on Sunday night until two o'clock in the morning for the north westerly change, we would have got that couple of hours of bite time, the same as we fish all day for in normal conditions.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Im gonna have to Disagree with the Southerlies equals No fish Theory......

Have had some of my best fishing days during a strong southerly.....as im sure many other members have also

I'm talking about estuary fishing champ, there's no inuendo here. I'm not talking about deep sea fishing when the fish come on and the boats run back to port.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I'm talking about estuary fishing champ, there's no inuendo here. I'm not talking about deep sea fishing when the fish come on and the boats run back to port.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Im talking about estuary fishing aswell...During summer i had days during the strong sourtherleys where we cleaned up on the kings....

I also remember one day i had to come back in because of a strong southerly and Kelvin and Rzee were able to stay out due to their bigger boat....They caught 15 kings biggest going 110cm that day in the harbour.

I have caught fish in all winds....strong and soft......all tides......I have monitored barometric pressure for 4 years and have caught on high and low days.

I persoanlly beleieve you just gotta get out there and get your bait and fish the right locations...then the fish will come..all the rest will just confuse a person.....

Its just a matter of finding the fish.....if you find em you just gotta intice em

I understand that you have been fishing for many years but fishing in our harbour has change.....more so in the last five years....

Techniques that worked very well 5 years ago dont work so well today, my father use to catch 10 kings per trip just anchoring up with pilchards and yakkas 15 years ago...today he may catch 1 king in 15 trips using those techniques.

Yakkas were a great king bait for our harbour then but now yakkas are a absolutely clear second to squid...with daylight in between....you could sit in a location with 5 yakkas on your lines and a guy will come with a live squid....the squid will get smacked in a second and the yakkas will remain for hours untouched. this is fishing today and in 2 years a few more changes will occur.

The point im making is the fishing has change especially in the harbour.......maybe in the ninetys winds, barometric presure mattered but today....from my own personal experience it doesnt matter at all

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Champ we were talking about winter conditions when every second night there's been home heating on and the top has shown some the many poor results last weekend and now your'e talking about a southerly change in summer !!! ???

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Jewgaffer...dont wanna debate with you but i know of 6 kings that were caught on sunday by 1 boat within the harbour...dont forget mate...we are only 6 weeks out of Summer and it is spring..

My point is the boat im refering to found the kings that day and caught them.....if anybody else had found em they also would have caught them......irrelavant of what direction the wind was blowing

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Netic and Jewgaffer,

heres a theory, as Jewgaffer mentioned when you get strong southerly influences for periods of time i find a lot of species will shut down or head to deeper sheltered water, the water was unbelievably cold until quite recently and the only things coming out to play in numbers were the blackies as evident in the closet anglers coming out :1prop: But i agree with Jewgaffer continous weather like that throughout winter will force fish to other areas especially predatory fish.

The moment we got the warm weather in Septembewr and the weather paterns changed the fishing changed,

Netic i will agree that during a southerly you can have excellent fishing, many a time during summer on the rocks or in the harbour i've not had a down and its 40 in the shade the minute the temp drops att he forefront of a southerly buster the fish have gone ballistic, mind you this is different from a howling 5 day winter sou easter that whips up 5 metre swells and dumps 10 inches of rain and shuts down a lot of fish, smart fishos like Jewgaffer will know that this when the fish find the deep holes where the salt is on the bottom or they head right to the entances of bays and harbours, in this case the smart angler wins out, but ithen as we all know all fish will bite when the ywant no matter how perfect or crap the weather is, but Jewgaffers theories on weather patterns holds a lot of credence with me, especially as all ireally chase are blackies and over 20 years of chasing i can tell you the bad years on the stones have been the ones when winter has produced howling sou westers and southerlies and the water has been gin clear even into the following summer and too cold , yet go inside and you would bag out as the estuary was warmer and coloured with more food.

End of the day experience willalways catch you more fish Dad proves it to me every time we go out mind you he's got 32 years on me! :1prop:

Also mind you as i said theres a difference between awinter southerly and a southerly buster late on a summers arvo to, the temp tends to go back up once the buster fizzes out!

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