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Greendog & I Try For Blackies


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Hi guys

Met up with Peter at 9am this morning .... boy! Did I get the tides wrong! I had guestimated it to be the last of the runout & turn of the in (based roughly on an outing I had mid last week.)

By the time I got there at 8.30am it was already screaming in! Just as Pete got there, we could see schools of big fish heading out towards the heads & I tossed my float in, not really thinking I'd get a fish. They were hugging the rocks of the breakwall & blow me down if one doesn't jump on the hook on my first cast!! About 31cm, so happy with that.

We stayed for about 1/2 hr hoping some others would follow suit, but it didn't happen. We headed up the wall towards the end, where the flow was much slower & eddying quite nicely. Pete hooked up to a good fish with his first cast :1prop: ..... but it got off!! :( Shortly after, he hooked up again ..... it got off, too!! :1badmood: Not fair!

I hooked up to 2 small blackies & put them back. Pete missed another down, then hooked up to what appeared to be a good one ... till it surfaced .... Another bloody Rock Cod/wrasse - the same as the one I hooked yesterday! :mad3: We could see the fish down there, but they just weren't taking what we were offering!! Darn it! :thumbdown::wacko:

Ne'er mind - it was an absolutely magic day - clear blue skies, no wind, we had the place to ourselves & enjoyed watching the boaties come & go.

I stayed on till Keith came & picked me up at 12pm & just before, I had a good hit, but, wouldn't you guess ..... I was untangling a loop on the reel when it dipped & instead of setting the hook just lifted the rod & of course, it got off! :tease: Hopefully I'll have better luck up at Laurieton over the next couple of days!!

Cheerio for now


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Hi Roberta,

At least its good to get a chance to get out on the water and have a try for some blackfish. I have just retired and hope to be able to go out more often with my Father in Law who taught me how to fish for these crafty little devils. He is 82 years old and still loves it. He reckons that fishing for so many years has kept him alive and well :thumbup: . Hope it does the same for both of us.

I see you are headed North later this week. Good luck I hope you get onto a few. I'm off to Sussex Inlet on Thursday with the tinny to give the Blackfish a bit of a work out :biggrin2: (hopefully).

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Hi FGH - you've gotta get out & have a fish - it will calm the nerves & sooth the brow!! DOn't work too hard!

Hi Howard

COngrats on Retiring!! Isn't it neat?? Enjoy Sussex - a spot that is on my list to visit! I think I am going to have to get Peter to dust off his boat & head up around the leases. I have heard they are bagging out up the lake (not that I want 20!) We'll also keep an eye open for other blackie fishos & see where they tend to anchor up!



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