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Monday Arvo Madness


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Went out yesterday arvo after work with Steve and Glen. Glen had never caught a kingy before so he was keen to get out with me n steevie on one of our weekday arvo trips as they seem to be firing for us of late.

Yesterday didnt dissapoint .. we arrive at the mark and both Steve and myslef instantly declared that things looked very "fishy", all three launch our plastics and within 20secs Glen shouts "IM ON" 2 mins later and many exclamations of "GEEZUZ" and the Glen lands his first ever kingy :1fishing1: was about 65-67cm (me current ruler/sticker only goes to 45) which was hooked on a large 9" red sluggo like stick bait.

Stayed for about another hour, glen lost another rat at the side of the boat and i hooked onto something major on my light rod ... but alas the 10lb braid gave way on the 4th or 5th run :05: but im thoroughly determined now to land one on the light rod :1fishing1:

I had one other hit and for no take and so did steevie and that was it for our 1hr session

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on fire boys! on fire! :devil:

Glen couldn't believe his luck, he was even falling over himself(and the boat)!

...the placcie hadn't sunk more than 2m on the first cast - doesn't get better than that!!

Dale and I are having a 'who-can-get-the-biggest-king-on-the-lightest-gear' comp this season haha

on 10lb the guy has a death wish!


ps: Ill post a pic when i get home tonight - pics are on my phone..

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Way to go.

I've only ever hooked 1 king on a plastic. It was a 5 inch squidgy flick bait with a 3/8 jig head. I got gready with the drag & snapped the leader. I haven't been able to hook up since.

How much weight did you have on?

To funny, mine is a similar story only hooked one one a 5 inch lumo shad as i left it out behind the boat as we made our way up for another pass at a fad, so i guess you could say that i trolled up my first king on plastics..... i got him in but he was only a little tacker!!!! :thumbup:

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To funny, mine is a similar story only hooked one one a 5 inch lumo shad as i left it out behind the boat as we made our way up for another pass at a fad, so i guess you could say that i trolled up my first king on plastics..... i got him in but he was only a little tacker!!!! :thumbup:

The more you give the kings the more they will give back - if you are gentle with them *sometimes* they can be turned and boated with ease.

Ahh all this talk of kings...

the wind looks light this arvo and i was in at work early again this morning - looks like ill be giving them another crack solo today.

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