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Browns 15-11-07


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Hi everyone,

The plan was to go to Browns today, with Crazy Faridation and Crazy Johns brother Mark.

Another raider who shall remain nameless, also came along in his boat with a new crew that he

had mustered up. Crew members who are all seasoned yft fishers so I am told. They wanted a comp their experienced crew vs me and my yft virgins.

This nameless raider told me to head south of Browns, as that is the place to get the yft, and that I should use lures for trolling that imitate whitebait, coz thats what the yft have been feasting on. :wacko: This

sounded soooooo very strange to me, and all of a sudden my crew and I felt unwanted and unloved :(

So we left nameless raider, and new crew at Watsons Bay to continue gathering their yakkas (which incidentally don't imitate whitebait).

We made our way to Browns in some sloppy conditions. We trolled around a bit then when we were 6km north of Browns we spot nameless raider's boat trolling in a north easterly direction, after trying earlier to send us to all those yft down south :thumbdown: . We kept trolling nth for another 5kms, then we decided

to turn around and go our own way. So we trolled east,south, and north again before head west towards home. 3km after we had past over Browns heading toward the harbour, there is a tap and bend on one of the rods and a slow taking of line off the Tyrnos 30, then the drag stops and the rod straightens back up,

but somethings not right as the next rod gets a bump but no line is taken. but now this rod, and the 1st one to go bump, are now both bouncing at the tip, lines are crossed as Crazy faridation and I bring in the

tangled lines, a Marlin appears just metres behind my boat, he comes up one side of the prop wash, and

then across the wash to the other side ever so slowly then just tags a long for half a minute then slowly veers off and down into the depths.This thing was about 7-8 feet in length from head to tail and thick as, across the body,back and dorsal were black in colour with silver sides.

We brought in the two tangled rods, and done a wide 180deg turn back over the same area with the two

remaining lures in the water, a couple more passes were made but we didn't see our visitor again.

We told the nameless raider and crew about it later but they are convinced that we only saw a dolphin :074:

We saw plenty of them too, but not behind our propellers.

At the end of the day we caught zip, but then again so did the nameless raider and his crew of professionals.

We had a good time and a new experience seeing a Marlin up so close.

We were left happy, and that's what its all about. :thumbup:


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bad luck out there today mate, but on the topic of whitebait, when we got back in last sunday and cleaned the 5 fin we got 3 of them had heaps of whitebait sized baitfish in the guts and i mean heaps maybe 500g-750g worth in each fin.

we got the fish on dark skirted lures predominately. shame they wernt on the chew for you guys out there.

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badluck mate but sounds like a good day out.

doesnt sound particulary friendly of the other raider, would have been great if you went that way and got some quality fish. there have been some good fin and albies taken south so it wasnt all bad advice.

when youve got a bill around like that. it pays to have a bridled yakka at the ready to pitch to him if hes not eating. or at least give the lure hes following a bit more action and sometimes they will bite.

happens alot with striped marlin. fussy buggers


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AHHHH thats fishing!!! That little oasis north of browns couldnt stay there forever! Good to have a beakie follow you guys around for a while! We had one out to the side of us last week but we only got one look at him as he tore towards our lures then we hooked a yellowfin and never saw him again!!!! Hopefully it wont be the last!

We also saw heaps of whitebait lookalikes in our fin over the last few weeks but they look alot like juvanile hairtail or gemfish..... well what i would expect them to look like anyway, I think they must have been feeding on a big nursery of baby somethings anyway!!!!

Better luck nextime

tight lines :1fishing1:

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AHHHH thats fishing!!! That little oasis north of browns couldnt stay there forever! Good to have a beakie follow you guys around for a while! We had one out to the side of us last week but we only got one look at him as he tore towards our lures then we hooked a yellowfin and never saw him again!!!! Hopefully it wont be the last!

We also saw heaps of whitebait lookalikes in our fin over the last few weeks but they look alot like juvanile hairtail or gemfish..... well what i would expect them to look like anyway, I think they must have been feeding on a big nursery of baby somethings anyway!!!!

Better luck nextime

tight lines :1fishing1:

i beleive there sauries most of the fish we have caught in the last 3 weeks have been absolutely chockers of them to the point you wonder why they took your lures

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Gee fixlexic no wonder the marlin weren't around today they'd be all nice and crook if they dined on hairtail :lol:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Yeah i know!!!! They probably were sauries but every time i have ever seen sauries they have been much bigger, maybe they are all just the juniors!!!!

hey nathen, the boat i usually go out on no regrets is heading out there tomorrow, i was supposed to be on it but my dad had a little accident and is in hospital for a minor operation so im not heading out, but im sure clifford will post up a report of how they go tomorrow and no doubt they will be heading to where we have had all our luck the last 3 weeks as a starting point. If he doesnt post up tomorrow send me a pm and ill let you know how they went otherwise ill forget!!!!

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Mate well done Penguin for getting out there, shame you couldnt interest the Marlin but hey sh it happens,

As for the other unnamed raider, well what can i say...........he can be a little woman at times....lol

:Funny-Post: Is'nt that the truth :074:


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I dunno if its just me but from the sounds of what your saying you had two bites, possibly from that marlin that you saw but didnt sink the hooks.

You dont often get "taps" out there, nor does line slowly peel off reels for no reason

Im surprised about the other raider leading you astray though, isnt that the exact opposite to what this websites about ?


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Im surprised about the other raider leading you astray though, isnt that the exact opposite to what this websites about ?


Chris I have known this Raider for nearly a decade and I know what he is like, he is very competitive by

nature. He means no harm, and those that know him, know that he is always good for a laugh. Funny

things always seem happen to him in his never ending quest to be a winner. We have learnt to accept him for how he is, and we still call him, mate.

I hold no grudges against him, my crew and I found his behaviour yesterday very amusing. Just so typicaly him. :biggrin2:


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i would like to make it clear that im the raider that advised him to go south of browns only because i was informed by other fishos on my boat,i told him what i was told.


as the lure advice ,i told penguin that they have been catching albies and yellow fin on small jet head lures ,the size of white bait.

as we were at watsons bay catching livies he popped over.we were busy catching,no one told him to venture off.

we then told him to come to the colours to try for slimies but he was already out on his way.

one of the people on board was a pro fisho,wont mention his name and was advised to head north,we tried to get a hold of penguin on the vhf channel that we had given him with no answer many times.

i can only help out a mate so much with the info i am given without affecting other peoples charter businesses and to not let to many people know where they may be.

even though i was advised not to give out any info and i still told him everything i was told coz he is a close long time mate of mine. :wacko:

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he is a close long time mate of mine. :wacko:

Gee thanks Johnno mate, :thumbup: I feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside now :1prop:

But I did think your pro fisho mate, knew that u may talk so he gave u bum info to

pass on. I read the reports on this site and Roscoes reports and they all said go nth.

If your pro bloke believed sth was the go, he should have taken u sth instead of nth.

And to tell us that we saw a Dolphin instead of a Marlin, is an insult to my inteligence.

He wasnt on my boat how does he know what we 3 all saw.

Thank god this fellow is not a sponser of this site.

Thats the last I gotta say in this thread. See u next time we go for a fish buddy :thumbup:


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