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Sydney Harbour


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Hey Raiders,

Went for a fish with fellow raider Riceball on Thursday.

Headed out from roseville about six to the Spit to see if we could jag a few squid. Sun was up and squid had ducked for cover so moved onto my newly found yakka ground.

Didnt take more than 5 mins before we had heaps in the burley trail. These yakkas are small as opposed to the ones i was getting a while back that were bigguns.

Got about 20 and moved back to MH for the last part of run in tide. It was pretty quiet and tried my trifecta of usual spots for not a lot.

Finally Riceball lands a nice flattie and not long after that another two hit the deck. Things go quiet so we head out to Dobroyd for a fish.

Yakkas just are not on the menu today with only 1 fish landed on a livie. Its funny as the day before i had a couple of excellent hits on them.

We pull out a rotten old big yakka that had just thawed out and i chucked a big slab on and put her over the side. As soon as it hit the bottom it gets smashed. Nice little fight and we landed this just legal Kingie. Mate he was just 65cm by the skin of his nose.

After that a ray then a PJ was caught and released and then the 4th and biggest flattie of day was caught by Louis at about 55cm.

Top day and great feed but we had to work hard for it.



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great day! hey zenman just wonder what rig, hook and bait were u using to catch yakkas? did u use a rod? I find that using handline is better than rod.

Also how did u hook that old piece of whole yakka? did u fillet it? or just one hook thru the whole yakka and just chuck it down ?


Edited by dazzassj6
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