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A Day With Dad, A 10lber And A Rod Lost And Found!

PJ Garn

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Hi Guys

Ventured back to my little spot on the Nepean for a days fishing with my Dad... it's been years since I fished with him and after reading 666Carpcatchers response to who his fantasy fishing partner is; I thought it was high time my Dad and I spend a day together fishing!!! :D (I also post on a UK Carp site)

We arrive at the Nepean River at about 8.30am, pack my new acquisition and proceed to our chosen spot... "New acquisition" I hear you say!!! I've been reading about how the Brits transport all the gear they need for a top days carping and have invested in something similar and although it's not sold as a fishing trolley(I actually got it at a hardware store) it works rather well!!! My new tackle vehicle holds all the gear I need and even FLOATS!!! (as I had intended and expected) The only difficulty I encountered was pulling the trolley over the large pebbles that are in the area... the going was a tad rough but happily I had no turn overs!!!!


We decide to fish exactly the same two swims I'd fished with The Kiwi last weekend and although the water has dropped about 6" through the week (no rain this last week) things still looked Carpy!!! With the sun rising steadily and another beautiful Spring day in the making, I help Dad to setup both of his lines and get them in the drink!!! As I'm busily rigging my second rod with a PJ Garn Carp Lollie (Boilie) the bite alarm on my first starts to sing... success again as I hook up on a hair rigged Sweetcorn pop-up!!! I drop the rod I'm working on to battle with the creature at the end of my line who is intent on escaping to his weedy hideouts!!! After an honest 10 minute battle I'm rewarded with a beautiful common. We duly christen my new unhooking mat (another of my recent acquisitions) and tip our hats once again to a lovely fish of approximately 10lb!!!


So after a great start and with both rods finally doing their thing, I looked around and spy rubbish strewn around the area from other (ignorant) fishos; all from the week preceding!!! :ranting2::ranting2:

(I know this to be the case as The Kiwi and I had left the place in a pristine condition the weekend before. We had picked up 3 shopping bags of rubbish between us - corn tins, bread bags, drink cans, broken bottles, etc, etc!!!) So I venture off just yards away from my lines to "Do The Right Thing" and also toss some bread in an attempt to get some surface action going!!! As I break the slices into squares my second bite alarm squeals and I witness my boilie baited rod jump off its rest and disappear into the warm Nepean waters!!! (Water temp 23.6 Celcius)

I completely forget the rubbish and bolt back to my swim hoping, praying, willing my rod to be just there at my feet!!! But as I'd expected it was GONE!!! After a second or twos contemplation and a moan or three, I whip of my shirt and hat and enter the bath like conditions in search of my favourite outfit!!! (I found if I put my nose into the water just up to the bridge I could actually see the bottom quite clearly but to no avail!!!) Finally just as I was giving up hope I come across some light blue mono in the green water and after some frantic backtracking I locate my missing rod caught up in some long ribbon type weed...


Now my thoughts turn to the perpetrator and the reason I'm in this predicament!!! I start winding the mono back onto the Baitrunner reel and head for a tree on the far bank... as I near the lowly reaching branches I see him... lightly coloured, muscular and tangled amongst the branches but still hooked!!! I reel some more line until I'm finally just about in touch with my quarry when from the corner of his eye he sees me, panics, rolls violently and snaps the 12lb leader at the hook!!! I'm unsure how big he would have gone (I find it hard to estimate a fishes size in the water) but he was certainly a bigger fish than the first!!! I return to the bank with my rod and my pride intact... I was missing the physical prize for the photo opportunity but was rewarded something you can't photograph... The memory!!! This is a fish I'll never forget!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

After this interesting first hour Dad and I settle into the routine of Carp fishing... he does his Soduku puzzles, as I groundbait, scan the water for an activity, change rigs (only to catch a small Australian Bass on the surface on bread!!!) but unfortunately we are unable to coax any more Carp to our baits!!! We eat our lunches... Dad - Bacon Sandwiches and I - Cheese rolls and then enjoy some homemade pickled onions(PJ's Garn Burpers) and bitey cheese together!!! Gee my onions are good!!! :puke:


Most of the remaining afternoon I frustratingly (through my Poloroids) watch a beautiful fish cruising the shallows feasting on the free offerings amongst our hookbaits... even a change of rig from Mono to Flurocarbon is not successful in tricking this beauty into giving us a thrill!!! So after a relaxing 6 hour session we pack up and head for home... happy for the experience of spending a day together even though we didn't quite catch as many as we'd hope for!!! And as an end note... for those of you who who may have a Dad or Grandad and you haven't seen them or spent time with them for a while... give them a call and ask them to go fishing this weekend!!! You'll be glad you did!!!


PJ Garn

Edited by PJ Garn
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Nice report PJ. I bet you were glad you got the rod back. Just as well it is summer, and not winter. By the way, I notice that you and alot of carp fishos lay your rods horizontal, on top of a couple of rod rests when fishing from the bank. Where can you buy these?


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Great report PJ and also glad you got the rod back.

I can see that elusive crap carp being the target

on future visits.

Yep..I have fond memories of fishing with my Dad

and wish he was still around often.

Give your Dad a call to go fishing if you have one..and get

those memories locked away.



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I can see that elusive crap carp being the target

on future visits.

Yep..I have fond memories of fishing with my Dad

and wish he was still around often.

Give your Dad a call to go fishing if you have one..and get

those memories locked away.

LOL Pete... some may think they are CRAP but honestly they are one of the best fish you could hope to catch!!! I believe a change of mind set is needed here in Oz about Carp Fishing and recognition of them as the sports fish they are!!!

Thanks for your bit on your Dad!!! I hope he's fishin' where ever he may be!!! :1fishing1::1fishing1:


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Yes PJ..I was just taking the p*ss a bit.

We shouldn't discriminate between fish...cuz after all...they are

all sportfish in their own way.

Australia would have to have one of the largest wild populations

of carp (maybe I'm wrong) and to eradicate it from our streams

and rivers as a target species can only be good for the native's survival.

More power to ya for taking another one out of circulation.. and to do it with

your Dad...Even better.



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Hey Mr Garn,

Good on ya for taking your Dad out for a fish, but i wish i was there to see Moby the great white Pommie

go for a swim. That trolly looks the goods i think we could take a slab next time :beersmile:

Great read mate. But on a sour note who the ..... is leaving the rubbish down there, i hope if any Raiders know or see somone do this they let em know about it, we cleaned that place up last weekend :ranting2::badmood:

Lata Raida.

Waynie The Carpinator

Edited by kiwi waynie
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Great report PJ really enjoyed reading that. :thumbup:

Also nice to see someone taking the time to describe their "fishing lunch" in detail & with obvious enthusiasm (I never take lunch but you have started me thinking).

Hard luck on the last carp, keep at em mate


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Good on you for 'giving it a go' - terrific to hear you got the rod (and almost the fish) too!!

Carp make great garden compost! Bury them over winter & then plant your veges on them in Spring!



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:Funny-Post: its definately an elite club.

Yeah and I have two memberships!!! I was fishing at Juno Point throwing a few lures to chopper taylor when suddenly without warning a just threw the rod into the drink!!! Long story short, I managed to hook the pink mono with a bottom rig by mistake and managed to gently retrieve all the 6lb line until it reached the knot on the spool... with the rod snagged on something we let the anchor out till we drifted directly above it and hey presto the rod makes it back to my slimy hands... no more casting with bait covered hands for me!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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What a great read... I love a bit of Carping....... is there anywhere to fish for them in Sydney fishraiders?

Hey Cattfish,

Just about any fresh water will have carp in it, even the lakes they put in parks. If you could be more specific as to what part of Sydney you want to fish i'm sure sombody could direct you to them.

Lata Raida.

Waynie the Carpinator

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