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The $3 Bream And A Dart

The Poacher

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post-5073-1195897274_thumb.jpgThe rain eased up at lunch time, so I thought I would take my kids down the beach for some fun. Threw in the rods and picked up some servo frozen beach worms ($3) as I thought there might be a few whiting around between 2 and 4pm today.

I was really just intent on letting the kids fish with no real ambitions of decent fish. There were plenty of bites just behind the shore break but I think these were dart. Ended up catching a little one. My 6 year old uses a cheap outfit of 11 foot 6 that he can casst himeself. When the fish are in close like this he can do it all without my help.

Today he got a nice bream without me touching the rod!!!! Certainly the body boarders and volleyballers on the beach were impressed.

Beats sitting at home on playstation.


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