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Boat Licence


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Just a quick word on licences, ive just renewed mine and unless you get the 3yr one you dont get the licence card.

I asked my wife and she got the 1 yr one and you need to keep the paperwork only...what a bummer. :thumbdown:

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G'day Ivan,

I think it makes good sense to have your boat licence regardless of the speed you intend to drive at. Basically you will learn all the relevant boating and waterways rules and signs.

Nowadays you need to participate in an accredited course, prior to getting your licence. These are run by Coastguard, Coastal Patrol etc and teach you all the relevant skils for basic seamanship, as well as prepare you for sitting for you licence.

If you haven't already been here, have a bit of a read at this site.



Indeed it makes good sense :thumbup:

We can organise a boat license course through fishraider if anyone is interested. Wives, girlfriends, young folk and any member would be welcome. I am sure our Coastguard friends would do this for us.

Anyone interested?

Cheers mrsswordfisherman

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Indeed it makes good sense :thumbup:

We can organise a boat license course through fishraider if anyone is interested. Wives, girlfriends, young folk and any member would be welcome. I am sure our Coastguard friends would do this for us.

Anyone interested?

Cheers mrsswordfisherman


I would be intrested. Just depends on the time and date



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if it goes over 10 knots, yes you do. If you drive it under 10 knots you don't need a licence, however you cannot drive at night at any speed without a licence

Only if you drive over 10 knots. I can't see anywhere on http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/licence.html where you can't drive at night without a licence. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Effective 1st October 2006 applicants for a NSW boating licence must attend a compulsory course before sitting the boat licence test.



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I have never heard of not being allowed to drive at hight without a licence, In fact when I got my rego done recently I was talking to the counter staff about the laws and to quote her, " A 10 year old can drive a 60foot game boat on Sydney Harbour at night at 9.9knots and as long as they are not breaching any navigational restrictions, they are fully entitled to do so!". Now hows that for a messsed up law?


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Only if you drive over 10 knots. I can't see anywhere on http://www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/licence.html where you can't drive at night without a licence. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Effective 1st October 2006 applicants for a NSW boating licence must attend a compulsory course before sitting the boat licence test.



From 1 October 2006 anyone wishing to sit for a general or PWC licence test must first complete a compulsory boating safety course.

The Boating Safety Course requirements can be met by one of the following:

1. Attending a Boating Safety course conducted by NSW Maritime or the Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol, Australian Volunteer Coast Guard or Volunteer Rescue Associations. Click here for NSW Maritime venues and dates.

2. By viewing the Boating Safety Course online. Click here to view the course online.

3. By purchasing a DVD/video for viewing at home. Click here to purchase a DVD/video.

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