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Sunday Harbour Session


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Took Spongy out for a plastics session on sunday afternoon.. Sunny with a bit of wind so I cant complain.

Met Jeff at the boat ramp and headed out to a few spots in the harbour.

First cast met with 2 kings chasing a big 9" plastic back to the boat.. good sign for the run out tide.

After 10 mins of not a lot else we pushed on to the next spot.. A few casts and I get a touch..

Tap tap zzzzzing - away I go on 12lb line - the fish and i playing tug of war for a min or two when Ping- 40lb leader lets go - OUCH... retrieved to see the leader roughed up: only ever one power dive away from freedom!

Get out the heavier rod and start working the area - a few more follows from some fish including one BEAST in the school - would have gone 8kg, dwarfed the other fish in the water...

Not to be outdone and after picking up a few new techniques, Jeff calls a fish on a small white sluggo, his rod buckling over and the tussle of the fight was on - oooh's and the ahhh's from jeff as the drag sung its sweet song and a few mins later an undersized rat was boated. Big smile on Jeff's face - a quick pic on the phone and back for another swim. Congrats on your first king!

The wind got up after that and we didnt get much more after that.. Called it a day with more sessions to come.

Pics to come.



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I had a great time out there with skunga showing me the ropes, and then landing my first kingie.

Hope to get out there more to feed my new addiction now....

Thank you Steve for you time, patience and generosity to help a fellow raider out.



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Sound's like a great session there. :biggrin2:

Congrat's on your first kingi Spongy. :thumbup:

Just wondering what size jig heads are you guy's using?

Cheer's Rod.

Not exactly sure, but had a bit of weight on it and the hook is about 4/0.


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Not exactly sure, but had a bit of weight on it and the hook is about 4/0.



I use anything up to 2oz on the big plastics...

was using a very small running sinker to a worm hook on 9" plastics on sunday tho..

really depends on how hard the current is running and where in the water column the fish are holding.



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