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Pittwater Kings


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Went out on Saturday to try and track down some bigger kingys than they have been lately, I woke up at 5:30 and relised I was about an hour late for my mate waiting on the wharf so quickly grabbed the gear and left.. We tryed getting squid inside Pittwater but it was just way to windy and by this time it was 8:00 so we headed offshore and relised I had forgoten the net and gaff we managed to pick up 3 huge squid for strips and a little one for a live bait and dropped alot more squid because I didnt have a net but we thought that should be enough so we headed to the western shoreline to downrigg the squid, about a minute away the engine died.....out of fuel rrrrrrrrr :ranting2: by now everything has gone wrong and its already 8:30 so headed home grabbed the net and gaff then drove to the royal motor to get some expensive fuel and got back to the spot at about 9:30.

We decided to use the livey straight away and as soon as he was set on the downrigger the clip had snaped and the reel was screaming after a good 5min fight my mate pulled out a nice little Sampson which was a first for my boat!! :yahoo:

We trolled all day with the strips and heads and managed to pull out about 10 little kingies and at one point we had a double hook up and when me and my mate got both fish to the surface the whole school followed them up which had about 10 kingies in it, but they didnt want any thing we put in front of them also earlier that day I saw my rod getting some hits, the clip broke and the rod was screaming in free spool, I went to set the hook and missed so I cranked my hook in to put another strip on when this little kingy came like a freight train at the bare hook which nearly made me think I was seeing things, :1yikes: but unfortunatly he did not strike the bare hook which would have given me some good bragging rights haha

anyway a fun day but want to get some big kings im pritty sick of these little fellas


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well done on such a big effort with all the dramas you still got fish...

was there any big ones amongst them followers or were they all around same size....

cheers... steve

yeh we didnt get any but there was definatly some good ones amongst them and we dropped a couple of big fellas, have you managed to find any sized ones?

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seeing the weather was real good :1badmood: not..... i decided to stock up browny points with :wife: and do the xmass things i have been neglecting..... gee i hate xmass shopping......at least wasnt as crowded as i thought it would be....... i am planning a jewy assault next sat night followed by a kingy hunt at first light sunday..... hope the weather clears as it should and cond should be spot on for both targets... im hoping to make a call for :wife: to pickup a fishy passenger early morning to get him on ice at home while i head out downrigging for kings... i recon this rain and stormy weather will stir the jew right up......im sure jewgaffer will add to this theory :biggrin2: .....

its very tempting to hit syd harbour seeing netic and others killing them there... just proves how much difference the pros do make to an area when such heavily hit like pitty/hawks area.....

cheers... steve....

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well done mate, thanks for your help by the way.

Did you score the kingy's at newport or inside pitty



yeh mate inside pittwater im sick of Newport at least we saw and dropped some legal fish I think we should just start using alot bigger baits, wont be as much fun but id prefer one decent fish than 10 little fellas

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