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Sydney Harbour 3/1/08


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Left the ramp at 4am, hitt all the spots but nix, nada!

Strange water in the harbour at the moment, funny colour, and could not even find any baitschools on the sounder!!!

Only fish I saw where plenty of dead small eels and leatherjackets drifting around the harbour. Wonder what happened there. Possible trawler bycatch being "taken care off" in the usuall way the professionals have with our marine stock?

Anyway, big fat doughnut scored, only thing I caught was a young bird that had a lure stuck in its wing, and the line had been cut off about one meter in lenght. (Wrapped around the poor bugger of course). Removed the lure as gently as I could, then released the bird. He looked quite happy, however the parents where trying to dive bomb me out of the boat the whole time!

What a racket.

Cheers for now.

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Very nice of you to help out the bird, its a shame to see things like that. Not so good about the eels and leatherjacket either :(

Was a nice day at least so hopefully that was something for you to enjoy and get out of it

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We fished Fri for the same results as everyone else.

We soaked 2 live squid and a live slimie for over 4 hrs in our usually productive spot X for zippo.

We then bridled up the slimie and D/R him for another hour and ended up releasing him!

Hardly any bait was seen on the sounder either, certainly a lot different to the last few weeks.

Probably a good thing the kingie social was cancelled for this weekend otherwise there would have been a lot of dejected fishraiders around!

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