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Today Tue 8th

marcel haber

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Well done, :thumbup:

Where did u get this none, what waterway and what bait did you use?



Sorry mate im abit peeved.

Fished around the spit and seaforth also dropped a line at Quarantine.

Was using frozen squid which I had caught three weeks ago and froze the proper way without coming in contact with fresh water. the squid was caught in the harbor.

Saw plenty of boats around sow and pigs, water was abit choppy and seeing I had my six year old son with me on his first trip did not want to risk it so fished the calmer waters around the spit.

I had two game rods out packed with squid heads and a live slimey, the slimey was taken by pickers and the squid was picked at as well, no massive hits at all.

What am I doing wrong? is my approach to a days fishing wrong or what.

I usually set out and catch squid and liveys for the first two hours before bottom bashing.




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We picked up a couple of Legal kings and a couple of undersized ones today all on live squid. Strips and heads were no good. I think you need to get em and keep them live when the going is tough as it has been the last couple of weeks.

Regards Hawkeye

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got none today, only a slimey,

any one have better luck, could not even land the pickers.

Fished for six hours for no show, am I a poor fisho or was it just a bad day?

Hi Mate,

What time of day and what stage of the tide were you after the Kings?

They are there you just need to be there when they are active.

There is nothing as frustrating as a fruitless day, but they do hold the secrets to the good days :):)


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got none today, only a slimey,

any one have better luck, could not even land the pickers.

Fished for six hours for no show, am I a poor fisho or was it just a bad day?

its not you 4000 members and two to three new reports a day ,one who has actually caught fish.

,for any one who feels bad about not catching fish every now and then i hire charter fisherman to take me fishing on my boat and we still catch nothing how do you think i feel 400 dollars later.

I made the mistake the first time i fished was on hamilton island you caught so many so quick so big what a wild time so i came back to sydney and bought a boat what a mistake ,

good luck to everyone

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Hi Mate,

What time of day and what stage of the tide were you after the Kings?

They are there you just need to be there when they are active.

There is nothing as frustrating as a fruitless day, but they do hold the secrets to the good days :):)



I anchored up and sat in one spot for 2 and three quarter hours, being 1 and a half before the turn of the tide and the rest after the tide change for zilch.

Lately a gear my fishing around the rising tide to increase my chances but still have not had something to write home about.

Twin 1


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Sorry mate im abit peeved.

Fished around the spit and seaforth also dropped a line at Quarantine.

Was using frozen squid which I had caught three weeks ago and froze the proper way without coming in contact with fresh water. the squid was caught in the harbor.

Saw plenty of boats around sow and pigs, water was abit choppy and seeing I had my six year old son with me on his first trip did not want to risk it so fished the calmer waters around the spit.

I had two game rods out packed with squid heads and a live slimey, the slimey was taken by pickers and the squid was picked at as well, no massive hits at all.

What am I doing wrong? is my approach to a days fishing wrong or what.

I usually set out and catch squid and liveys for the first two hours before bottom bashing.




Thanks for clearing that up, better luck next time out :thumbup:


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Hi Marcel,

Yes mate its not what your doing but those particular spots.

If you fished the spots we have talked about then i have had the same results for the last three outings.

It seems to have shut down a bit around those spots.

Fished a few days ago for the same result as you. All i got was lots of small snapper with a few legals that i let go.

However i did see a monster king feeding on the surface. About 1m i reckon. I was fishing the bottom with livies and didnt bother rerigging a plastic as he was gone pretty quick. Smashed the surface a couple of times and moved on.

Water temp seems reasonable but i dont like the colour. A lot of very fine weed moving through the last half of the water column. My lines come up coated in slime.

I think harbour proper ATM is a better option.

Cheers. Just remember that monster you had on at that spot before. They are there at times just not lately.

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Hi Marcel

I read your story and couldn't resist replying. You're report hit a few similarities - I've got a 7yr old son (you might know him better as "Rod Hogger") and the pressure is always on to get some fish and keep things interesting and it can be a real pain to have several hours on the water and come back with nothing whilst at the same time dealing with the short attention span of kids.

I come from a LBG background so am used to soaking livies for long periods of time or throwing lures a few hundred times a day but try doing that with RH and he lasts 15 minutes max. Add this to the limited amount of time we all have which makes every moment fishing precious, you don't want to come back pissed off.

To avoid these ongoing frustrations, I've had to change my entire "philosophy of fishing" over the past year and have found other benefits to come from this, including much more enjoyable "father & son" time and improved fishing results.

As you pointed out there are safety aspects to having a child on board plus we fish out of a 3.8m tinnie so this limits things even more in the continued quest to get bigger & better fish. And you know what, I have discovered bigger & better is not required for a 7yr old. For them the entire experience can be an adventure so I have had to adjust accordingly

* No more rushing to the ramps and speeding to the fishing spots - RH wants to help launching boats, starting engines, packing gear away, getting baits, etc so it becomes a total experience for him rather than just fishing

* He can't last more than 15-20 minutes sitting in one spot with no action and hates drifting around, so I have to think carefully now before I go. What spots will be working? What are the tides doing? Do I have multiple baits for every occassion? Do I have different gear for different situations? If things are not happening after 20-30 minutes we move on - flexibility is the key

* I don't go out anymore with a specific fish or spot in mind (only a general idea of likely targets) - the best day we had a couple of weeks ago featured salmon & tailor on lures early, fishing for yakkas & squid, live & deadbaiting for rat kings and bottom fishing for bream. We scored on all these techniques and left the kings biting as RH was getting tired

* Most fishing sessions these days last 3-4 hrs max. Even with fish going off everywhere RH gets to a point where he wants to go home

* Most importantly we have to catch fish every time we head out! Of course this is what we all want but even more important for a child. Whilst Kingfish are great to catch, RH is not really big enough to mix it with a decent King on 8kg gear - he'll get dragged over the side so we chase everything depending on what's happening. We had a great session on slimies last week and chopper tailor this week. 1-3 kg gear and they go great and RH managed around 30 fish both sessions.

I have learnt that to a child there is not much difference between a 30cm slimey on 1kg or a 70cm king on 5kg tackle. They have a blast everytime they get a hit and I have learnt to fish vicariously through their eyes. My proudest moment was 2 weeks ago when RH hooked a 65cm King on a live squid on 8lb gear amongst 6 other boats. It took him 3 laps of the boat and 5 minutes to get him in and when I netted him the guys in the other boats all clapped. RH had the biggest smile I have seen and it was one of my happiest fishing days and I didn't even catch a fish the whole bloody day (now you know why I call him Rod Hogger) and all the fish we caught went back in the water.

My wife has a term for it - "Daddy's Fishing Charters". I prefer to think of it as showing a child the joys of fishing and rather than getting a buzz out bringing home a trophy fish, I get a buzz from seeing my son have a great time.

Sorry if all this is a bit long winded and I don't mean this to be advice or a "how to fish with kids" column, but by changing my views on this great sport, I am now better at it, fishing less in terms of time on the rod but enjoying it much more. So a shit day catching only slimeys becomes a great one and my 7yr old son showed me how.

Hope this helps and I'm sure there is great fishing times ahead for you and your son. :1fishing1:

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Hi Marcel,

I never sit in the one spot for more than about 20mins if i get nothing or see nothing on the sounder.

Move around try a few spots that you know of, PM me if you want a few of my favs.

We fished for 6hrs today and got nothin!! :)

We could see the Kings checking out our bait at one spot, circling them and scaring the sh1t out of them but nothing

We threw every thing we had at them and they still ignored us :pokey:

Still a top day on the water :beersmile:


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Great Post

I go with the sprats and they seem to have the patience to catch bait and love being out early. Someoone else in the house likes them being out early as well so they can sleep in!!

They catch the bait and then get picked up from the waters edge as they have had enough ( 3 hours) and I go for a fish outside or wherever. I get my "looking after the kids" browny points and if anyone tells their mother that it is actually really enjoyable watching them catch baitfish and little bream I'll lose those browny points so Shhhhh!!! I need all the points I can get.

Kids get a buzz out of it and aren't as "size" orientated unless you are "size orientated" in front of them so I try and teach them the right methods and how to care for anything we release. They love the photos more than they enjoy eating any fish I think. Hopefully that will help prepare them if they are interested in chasing bigger fish later on or coming out all day.

Short and sweet they love it and I get my browney points - win win win

Now if I could just put the bait they catch and make it into something more worthwhile.

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We could see the Kings checking out our bait at one spot, circling them and scaring the sh1t out of them but nothing

We threw every thing we had at them and they still ignored us :pokey:


Did u try throwing a few peeled prawns at them, I find this sometimes works

when all else fails, if they take em, then throw them one with a hook in it, on as

light a line as u dare.

and Twin 1 your Slimey looks like a yakka to me :biggrin2:


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Twin1 - I'm no expert kingy fisherman by any means, but every single time I've caught one it has been preceeded by something showing on the sounder - being bait or fish.

My point is that kingies move around, and a good Kingy fisherman (in my understanding) will rarely drop a bait over the side unless there's something on the sounder indicating the likely presence of fish in that area at that time. Simply anchoring in a good 'spot' without knowing that there are fish there is primarily an appeal to luck - you need to thoroughly sound the spot first and if it's barren of any activity, move on.

Sounders are generally recognised as the most powerful tool in a king fisherman's arsenal these days (just read one of namesay's reports) and are pretty much mandatory to find the fish.

Having said that Zenman is totally correct about the nil days being far more common than this site might lead you to believe. Six hours with no fish is pretty standard for a heavily fished waterway like the harbour!!

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post-3455-1199853109_thumb.jpggot none today, only a slimey,

any one have better luck, could not even land the pickers.

Fished for six hours for no show, am I a poor fisho or was it just a bad day?

looks like you also got a yellow tail aka yacka (not a slimey)!!!!!!!!

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