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Looked at seabreeze and saw the NE wind pretty good for another session at the end of

Robertson St...this time doing a proper comparison on SPs vs bait.

Had some frozen whitebait (not as good as last sessions unfortunately) and threw those around for a big donut.

There were lots of families fishing today, crossing lines and paddling canoes and splashing about which made for difficult fishing.

Soon ran out of the WB to pickers and the smallest bream known to man. I swear one was smaller than the long shank I was using and a quarter the length of the WB.

Time to give the placcies another run.

Tied on a nitro 1/8th jighead and got into the Gulps in the car boot. First up, the 2" shrimp in pearl..3 just sized bream hit them in quick succession and quickly released. The families by this stage were getting more noisy and stirring up the water.

I walked away from the madding crowds and wandered the shallows to the south of Robertson St..not much happenning and was switching between the shrimp and the 3" minnow in P.Seed and flicking between the weed beds.

The I got hit that put a nice bend in the rod and off he went like a scalded cat.

He buried me in the weed bed, so kept some pressure up to him until he decided it was safe to swim off.

Got control of him again and after 2 more blistering runs, finally got him beside me to lift him out of the water (the net was back on shore and I'm in waist deep water).

It was a nice 30cm whiting that sure had plenty of life in him...It sure felt bigger with the runs he took.

Walked him back and got a pic of him and decided he's dinner tonight.

Nothing much after that apart from a couple of tiddler flatties that took a shine to Gulp bloodworms.

Gave it away after that and left it to the increasing family kayakers and swimmers.

So today..SPs won the battle...Not the world's biggest fish, but all the more satisfying knowing he took an artificial.




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nice fish pete

looking at the colour of your sp , iwonder how pink nippers would have scored

yes its very busy this time of year on the lake

peter :1fishing1:

Yeah Peter...Nippers might just be the trick...I think this bloke may have been a lone

ranger in that part of the lake as no others even touched it after that one.

I was surprised the bloodworm SP didn't get more hits.

Just got my yabbie pump fixed, so will gather some next week and try them.



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This is where i probably should say something about sp's but all I will say is - how good do whitting go. A 30cm model pulls as hard, at times, as a big bream. If you are nailing them in the shallows then they go even harder.

I reckon they are one of the best fish to target on light line. I have had them on the flats at Miainbar jumping out of the water like a salmon.

Nice job Pete.


Edited by davemmm
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This is where i probably should say something about sp's but all I will say is - how good do whitting go. A 30cm model pulls as hard, at times, as a big bream. If you are nailing them in the shallows then they go even harder.

I reckon they are one of the best fish to target on light line. I have had them on the flats at Miainbar jumping out of the water like a salmon.

Nice job Pete.


Good on ya Dave...600 posts!! and you didn't bag SPs :074: once

Yeah mate...this thing felt rather large on light line and went like a cut cat. :whip:

Just had him for dinner, beer battered fillets and Deeeeeelicious!!

I tried a small popper on them today too for zip...might have to target them on the outgoing nearer the entrance soon.




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Well done Pete - the Sps come up trumps again!!! Even the whiting 'go' when you are on light gear! I hooked a couple of small bream on a small surface popper today when out yakking - totally unexpected! One legal, one not - both returned! Had lots of 'takes' without hookin up ..... even when I was sorting out my gear! :1prop:

Funny, eh??

Will try again tomorrow morning!!



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Ah Pete,

You have my number one lure there. I don't know why the pumkin seed colour works so well but it is awsome of eastury fish. I snuck up the back of the lake mid wekk on dusk and landed to nice flathead going 45 and 47 both were released to fight another day as they came off the mud. I was using unweighted gulps in shin deep water.

Good fun.


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