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An Evening On Day Release


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G'day All ,

After much planning , cajoling , threatening and begging , Team Bolan hit the Hawkesbury last night , for the first time in 2008 .

Our fearless leader Stumpy (AKA Wrasseman) , had spent quite a bit of time ( and not a little money) preparing the good ship Day Release for her first fishing trip of the year . We arrived at his place of abode at about 1630 , and loading commenced . At about 1800 , we were ready to take the short drive from his lovely residence in one of the more salubrious streets in Berowra heights to the Ramp at Parsley Bay .

Being a Friday evening , there was plenty of parking available , and we were able to go straight to the ramp and put the boat into the water .


First Mate #1 Son ( AKA King Paris ) was in charge of the vessel , and quite capably got her off the trailer , and over to the pontoon . This was all the more impressive as Day release is a 23' Bertram , with twin 150HP Mercs on the back. It was Bretts first time operating such a large vessel , and first time operating two outboards .


After a very spirited run from the Ramp to the bait grounds , we began our quest for livies , and in very short time had about 15 Yakkas in each live bait tank. The swell was up a bit , so , deciding we had an ample supply of fresh bait , we decided to head for calmer waters .

At this time , control of the boat was given to me , and once in calm waters , the order " Full Ahead Both " was given , and , having made sure that everything was secure , I opened the throttles . This boat does not accelerate , IT LAUNCHES !! Its better than the Space Shuttle : No Countdown!

We were soon at our spot in Jerusalem Bay , we found a likely looking pozzy , and anchored up for the evening.

As Chef de Cuisine for day Release , I had prepared a simple repast , which we enjoyed with a few cleansing ales !

We set out a couple of livies , and a couple of dead baits , and settled in for the evening.



Sadly , the action was rather quiet , well , not so much quiet as non existant!! It was however a very beautiful evening on the river , and we passed the time quite pleasureably with a few drinks , and some fine conversation.

Stumpy and I retired for the evening , leaving King Paris to stand his watch.

Morning came , and we awoke to a fine morning , so a quick breakfast was consumed , the vessel made ship shape , and we headed off to our chosen location for the day at Long Reef .

The trip out was made in a slightly uncomfortable sea , not rough , but with a Nor Easter blowing , and a moderate swell , we did not make as good a time as we might have . We arrived at Long Reef , and it was my job to find us a "fishy " looking patch of water.

We set up a drift over the reef , about 1/2 mile offshore , and we were soon rewarded with a Fish , a nice Wrasse for Stumpy. I was next to strike , with a good sized sweep . As the wind was pushing us along at about 6 knots , we reset the drift a few times , and each drift saw us land a few more Wrasse and sweep . Bretts rod had until the last drift remained untouched , then there were a few taps , and the reel began its lovely song ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !

Brett said " Im ON !" , and began to play the fish to the boat. We soon had colour , and after a couple of futile runs ( he was using take no prisoners 80lb braid ) , a very nice King of 57cms was landed , photographed and released . #1 Son had caught his first Kingfish !! :yahoo:


As the wind and swell were on the increase , we decided to call it good at that point , and motored back to the ramp , and finally home.

Final tally for the trip :

1 Squid

4 Sweep

3 Wrasse and

1 Kingfish ( released ) .


Brett and I would like to thank Stumpy for his kindness in taking us out , we had a great time , and to get Brett onto his first Kingy was absolute gold !!


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Good stuff lads...and a big congrats. to Brett on his first king.

Do I hear twin ETecs approaching on your craft now Ross? :074:

Stumpy = Wrassman...something to live down eh mate??

Pity about that nor easter today, otherwise would have been a perfect day on the water.



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well done brett on your first kingy.

even at that size they are still fun to catch..

even though you guys didnt catch anything decent im sure the good ship day release was a bundle of laughs with a good time had by all..

the hawks is so serene and peaceful at night,unless ross had the stereo up full boar that is...

anyway well done on getting out there guys.

... cheers... steve

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease !

Yes Flightmanager, that was a wonderful cheerfull post !............. Now, lets get down to what the Raiders REALLY want to hear!

Dont worry, the truth has never stopped me from telling a good story !

Yes, Ross was correct, Paris took the helm of Day Release and did a great job(for his first) at working a twin screw off the trailer and to the ramp without killing anyone. Superb effort lad !

Yes, and the livies went off like a brides nighty, and all I did was act as deckie and flipped livies off Ross's and Paris's lines for about 15 minutes solid! (Take note, We still called Brett, AKA Paris, Paris!.......No KING Paris as is rumoured that he would like us to say from now on)

Enough was enough, Ross took Day Release down to Jerusalem Bay at Mach 1 for our final camp!

Sooooooooo, we moored up and partook in lots of VB and Paris worked his tiny butt off making sure that all 356 lines he brought along wern't tangled. I put on my favourite top 40 MP3 CD of MY time (Not as old as Ross) and proceeded to banter on with the old man for quite some time.

Anyway, I soon went to bed and drifted off to my favourite tune of the night (Funky Town) and woke up some time later to the same tune to hear Ross snoring in perfect time! Ok, the disc had done a full play and had repeated! Cool I thought, and went back to sleep ! A little later on I woke up again to the vibes of dancing queen by ABBA ! Wow, Ross was snoring in time with that song too!!!!!!........real spooky if you ask me .

As the 27th run of Funky Town blasted my ears yet again, I looked at my watch and it was 5.30am....Went outside to look at the day and there was Paris, still bloody fishing! "Bed time boy, we are up in an hour," I commanded, and he hit the hay with lights turned out even before he could attempt to suck his thumb !

Following morning went to plan, except that Paris was a little shitty for being woken up, and we blasted down to Long Reef.Ross cooked a great meal and we were all fired up!

Got to Long Reef and Ross put us straight over a beaut spot and we were on! Sweep and wrass were the favourites , it was all great fun. The action kept us busy but the swell was a little harsh, and soon Paris started to "watch" the action, rather than partake in it.

It wasnt long before he baited my big rod up and then sat back to dwell on life(aswell as assist with the burleying up over the side routine) I felt sorry for the little bugger and motioned to Ross that we should mabe head in when Paris's rod made a little run.

Ross, thinking that he would pick it up and check it out was quickly told that it belonged to Paris for the day and he was right into it ! welcome back Paris !!!!!!!! Off the line screamed and it was on for young and old! Landed the great King, lots of Pics, Lots of high fives............. then Paris was sick again, so after a tad more fishing, headed home!

To be honest, I was rather green too, so I appreciated the call to head in.

Anyway, Brett, AKA Paris........... Now self named KING PARIS caught his first Kingy, Yeah !!!!!!!!!

Ross, swept the ocean with the sweep

And me, well, I caught the flamin wrasse!

What a hoot of a weekend!, and we will be back out there to do it again!



Edited by stumpy
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When Murray? When? Im free next weekend........ :074:


Well, If you ever snore in tune with "funky town" or "dancing queen" ever again, your bed will be in a dingy towed 30ft behind !

Next week dude, its on again !!!!!!



(For moderator )


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Thats what Im talkin about !! Will contact you during the week !!

Simple solution to the "snoring " problem oh buzz saw friend of mine , next time I will pick the music !! Lets see you snore to something like Inagaddadavida !! ( all 28 minutes of it !) :074:

Ross and Paris

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:1yikes: Ross I didn't think Iron Butterfly would have been

on your playlist - I pictured you more Johnny Cash :biggrin2:

Does "Day Release" have the mirror ball fitted yet ? :074:

Nice to see you boys out having a bonding and about time too

Stumpy things have been too quiet here without your stories :thumbup:

BTW is there any date set for the Browns trip that was posponed


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A bloke goes into self imposed exile for a little bit, comes back to find you fellas are still "PLANNING" your browns trip...I reckon by the time you actually get there it will part of the coastline!


Good to see ya's gettin' out & having a blast, hope to catch up to you fellas real soon. Next fish will probably be Feb with Mr Hunter & the raiders at Port Stephens but ya never know, I may just get down again around then to see if we can bleed a few more "Spot X's" from ya Ross.

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G'day Mik , about time ya poked your head in here ! How is McGoose ? Hope you can make it down again soon , Brett and I have indeed found a few new (to us ) productive spots in the Harbour , would be only too glad to show them to you !!

Due to circumstances beyond our control , the Browns trip had to be put on the back burner for a while , but Im sure Browns aint going away anytime soon !!


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A bloke goes into self imposed exile for a little bit, comes back to find you fellas are still "PLANNING" your browns trip...I reckon by the time you actually get there it will part of the coastline!


Unfortunately Boof, i have been "off line " for a while too. Unfortunately a few family problems......all is cool , but i'm back with new passion................. (Swordie doesn't know the implications yet, but it sure as hell it will be fun!)Good to talk again Boof!


Does "Day Release" have the mirror ball fitted yet ? :074:

Nice to see you boys out having a bonding and about time too

Stumpy things have been too quiet here without your stories :thumbup:


No Chris, Ross and I are arguing as to where the mirror should go. Apparently , Ross wants it below the hull to use as a teaser for big fish.................. I mean,,,,, how big do sweep actually get ???hehehe

Dont worry dude, I'm back !



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If it doesn't rain it pours first Stumpy and now Boof

better get reinforced sides put in for the stories that

will be coming thick and fast when these boys meet

up at Port Stephens :074::074::074::074:

Nice to see you back Mik :thumbup: all the rain

must have flushed you out :biggrin2:


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