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What's The Toughest Fish That Swims?


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Just because I have too much time on my hands thought I'd start an on-line brawl by asking which is the toughest fish (pound for pound) that swims....

My opinion (and it's bound to raise eyebrows) is Frigate Mackerel.

I reckon if they grew to 20kg they'd be terrifying.

Cheers, Slinky

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Just because I have too much time on my hands thought I'd start an on-line brawl by asking which is the toughest fish (pound for pound) that swims....

My opinion (and it's bound to raise eyebrows) is Frigate Mackerel.

I reckon if they grew to 20kg they'd be terrifying.

Cheers, Slinky

And in the red corner i reckon a striped tuna would give him a run for his money pound for pound there would have to be hard to beat....

with there never say die and never give up attitude......

Cheers Warnie...

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Not being bias here but i think Kingfish would have to be up there.......

If you were to compare 20kg kingy with all the other species thst grow to or are at 20 kg i think kings will be hard to beat

20kg Jew

20kg YFT

20kg Marlin

20kg Samson

A king of 20 kg will give you a harder time then all of the above...

All that said i think Trevallys are good fighters also pound for pound.......

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I have found that striped tuna don't have the stamina of the king but perhaps most would have a laugh at this but a good sized bonito has given me hell in the past and broke one of my prized rods that I had only just had rebinded a week before.


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It has to be a King I reckon. That said, I have never landed a Tuna, GT or Bone. I read an article recently on Bones and from what the author was writing, I believe they go very hard. He wrote that one of the specimens he hooked dragged him a km up the sand flat!!!

Edited by Ceph
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Remember that 'toughness' is only one element of a good fight.

There are many (myself included) who rate other elements such as visual display, violence of the strike and length of fight as being as, if not more, important than 'toughness'. Fish like Barramundi offer a fishing experience that is absolutely unique in terms of these three elements, and are one of Australia's most prized sport fish as a result.

For mine, I'd much rather fight a barra that mauls a well placed lure and then completely exhausts itself with five minutes of spectacular acrobatics and smoking runs than a yellowfin that requires two hours of pump and wind.

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If we are talking true pound for pound then two that have already been mentioned have to be winners.

Drummer are straight out drag racing machines and trevs arent far behind them. When you compare them to similar sized fish they outstrip them every time.


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im with netic, kings all the way pound for pound although a GT would mybe change my mind if i caught one.

they are very similar although gt's fight a little more lateraly rather than kings which fight more or less up and down.

pound for pound mangrove jack, just for their initial violent power burst.

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Slinky I'm with you on the Frigates. I've never encountered another fish that can change it's repertoire of tactics so rapidly. surface running, then sounding, coming up on the wrong side of the boat, jinking left, right, up, down then planing on it's side fins extended for max resistance. circles deep...then finally - when it sees the boat shows it's true colours & strips off another 20m of line to do it all over again. Awesome little Tuna!

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