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Jb And Basin Over Australia Day Long Weekend

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Stayed at Vincentia with friends for a little get away over the long weekend.

Got there on Friday and fished near the bridge of Moona Moona creek in the afternoon while the :wife: was doing groceries for the weekend. My friend was eager to try sp’s for the first time so I tied on a gulp 2” grub in pumpkinseed and it didn’t disappoint. He pulled up his first flattie ever and his first fish on sp. I wish I had a camera to capture the moment but left it in the holiday house :thumbdown: . I think he is hooked for life :biggrin2: . We ended up catching 5 flatties and they were all around the 40cm mark . Kept 3 for dinner and release the other 2 to fight another day.

Next morning woke up about 8AM and walked back down to the creek for a morning flick before every1 woke up. I could see big whiting swimming around but was unable to fool them and I tried everything from sp’s to sx40s and even my new px45 surface lure. I got 1 follow on the px45 and a whiting took a swipe at it but missed :mad3: . First time I have used a pencil style popper and I must admit I do love the variations of action you can get like walking the dog, ripping, skipping …you name it. Anyway gave up on the whiting and reverted back to sp. Tied on a 2” worm in camo with instant success. A Trevally of about 35cm took it…I say “about 35cm” because as I was walking back to the shore to beach it on the sand but I pulled the hooks on its last effort run for freedom. Oh well it deserved its freedom as it fought so well on 4lbs.

On Sunday morning woke up around 8AM for a 1hr session and headed to the Basin at a spot recommended to me by Robeebee. Again I was using the px45 and I was throwing it around areas where there was weed and sandy patches. I got heaps of follows and swipes from stonker bream and elbow slapping whiting but was unable to entice 1 for a hookup :1badmood: . Didn’t catch any this session and was left to think what I was missing. Done my thinking while relaxing on the beach and decided to try scent on the px45. That evening while the sun was setting I went to paradise beach and waded way way out. Again flicking the px45 around but now with some YUM sprayed on it and did it ever make a difference as I ended up catching 6 whiting and 1 bream. The largest whiting was 34cm and the bream was 33cm. Kept 4 for dinner and the rest were released. Out of all the surface hits I must say that the bream was the most exciting visually. It was trying to annihilate the lure with massive splashes and when it finally hooked up all I heard was zzzzzzzzz.



All in all it was a great weekend and I was very happy to catch on my new lure and to beat my own surface lure records.

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That was a good read, mate. Pleased to see you stuck to your guns and persevered with the HB. Sounds like the fish were very active for the weekend and you finally received a reward for all your efforts with a nice feed of fish. Well done, and look forward to reading about more success in the future!


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Well done mate bream and whiting on surface lures good work and a nice feed to boot :thumbup:

I had a look at those PX45's and they realy do look the bussiness for breambos, bit small for Bass though so i bough a sammy instead :biggrin2: gets it's first swim tommorrow morning



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