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South West Rocks

kiwi waynie

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G'Day Raiders,

Here Comes A long report and a stack of photos. Well South West Rocks trip was a blast, even though my Marlin cherry remains intact. We were there for one week, Sea Rabbit, Spooled Again and myself, there was no Marlin around, bait was hard to find and the bar was just plain scary to a first timer, and the water temps from 28 - 19 within 2km in one day can't have helped. Day one we raced out to gather livies for a jew sesh.


(Remora were fun)

back in the river (it was to be our only "easy" bar crossing). I had two baits snaped out of the out rigger for no result, other than that it was just Sting Rays and picker Bream.


Day two was a 4am start for a 5am launch, aboslutely peakin with anticipation. Got bait (it took a while) then Sea Rabbit was first on the board with a 5kg Yellow Fin on the down rigger, and bout an hour latter i scored my first ever Cobia just shy of 7kg.


Poor Spooled Again had a Hammer head at the boat to get bitten off then a smokin run late in the day to get Sharked only getting back 3ft of a 6ft trace. The evening river sesh saw Sea Rabbit Get a nice Estuary Cod.

post-4283-1202367483_thumb.jpg. Day three saw the bay totaly void of detectable bait, so after floging a dead horse we set a spread and made for Fish Rock, this is when we saw the craziest water temps. From there out to the fad our skirts were not troubled. On arriaval at the fad we changed to hard bodies for an instant double hook up, only for both fish to throw the lure at the boat, nearly catapulting mine into Sea Rabbit's fore head.

Switched to bait, no good, then to soft plastics and Spooled Again gets a lil one.

post-4283-1202368343_thumb.jpg We went back to Trail Bay with hard bodies most of the way, then to skirts to pick up the pace. We then managed to get our livies only to not lose a one. This was to be our last dry and not to bad day on the water weather wise.

Day four or seen rain and the bar gettin plain ugly. Not so many fish boated, still got some good runs. But the only fish landed, and the fish of the trip went to Sea Rabbit with a nice 9kg Cobia.

I'm sure this was the day that Sea Rabbit had a 40 min battle with a presumed Shark in the rain which killed the video camera for good. Day five we went out of back creek, due to the fact that Sea Rabbit could'nt negotiate the bar with his crew of comentators any more (i offered him to dong me on the head and wake me up once we were out there). On this day i got the most hard earnt catch. A 70+ cm Cobia on a bait jig while tring to get livies.

Spooled Again finally put one in the boat with a nice shark that took a trolled livie.

day five was once again rather ordianary weather wise, fishing was slow the whole trip, but this day had lots of runs and a lot to keep us on our toes, until the weather went really bad, Spooled Again had a Hammer Head that was determiand to get his livie, over and over til he got hooked in the eye. On this note while the down rigger was on the way up Sea Rabbit Made it a double hook up. Lil 3kg Yella Fin.

Day six we were like we aint gunna get out There, we did but the weather gods sent us back with our tails between our legs, ON LOW TIDE!!! . made for a very bad bar crossing for Sea Rabbit, me n Spooled missed the whole thing as we were over the bow tring to keep the weight right. All in all South West ROCKS!! Here's some general pic's of firsts and stuff.





Not too shabby.

Stuff bar crossings.

Lata Raidas.


Edited by kiwi waynie
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Sounds like a great couple of days out.

Love the nicknames. I go fishing with a guy I call Birdsnest, cause thats all he gets all day. Another hooked my prescription sunnies (WHILST ON MY HEAD!!) trying to cast a whole garfish. They went straight off my head.. everything went blurry, and into the drink!! He then chucked on diving goggles and jumped in to find them!! Guess what.. no luck :1badmood:

Anyway.. its all about fishing!!

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well done waynie good to see some good fish caught and at least you were able to fish a fair bit. ive got two mates up there at the moment and neither one has been able to cross the bar with the constant rain and damaging surf conditions.

great array of fin from the cobes to the yft shame on the marlin i guess but good bag anyways.

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Fantastic report Waynie. Loved reading it. The pictures were excellent too. When I was there in January, we weren’t game enough to cross the bar until things settled down so we only managed two trips outside and even then conditions were sloppy. I was really hoping for a cobia when I was there but had no luck. Where and how did you get the cobia? Were you trolling? I’d love to get one when I’m back in SWR next January.

Cheers and thanks


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Fantastic report Waynie. Loved reading it. The pictures were excellent too. When I was there in January, we weren’t game enough to cross the bar until things settled down so we only managed two trips outside and even then conditions were sloppy. I was really hoping for a cobia when I was there but had no luck. Where and how did you get the cobia? Were you trolling? I’d love to get one when I’m back in SWR next January.

Cheers and thanks


g'day peter

yeah we were trolling with 3 baits up top & 1 on the downrigger. waynes cobia hit the downrigger & mine hit a surface bait. we kept trolling to try & tempt a marlin for waynie & to cover more ground & find bait, as it was scarce, but if your just after cobe a lot of boats anchor or drift with their livies down deep on lead.

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Well done, Waynie & boys! Glad you made it back in one piece! Those cobias are terrific! Is that a surf candy hanging out of the 2nd lot of pics??

I'll be up there end of the month for 10 days, & will be happy with frigate mackerel & other smaller stuff, but there are a bunch of yakkers going up to try for the big stuff .... cobia & marlin! Should be fun .... or scary



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Well done, Waynie & boys! Glad you made it back in one piece! Those cobias are terrific! Is that a surf candy hanging out of the 2nd lot of pics??

I'll be up there end of the month for 10 days, & will be happy with frigate mackerel & other smaller stuff, but there are a bunch of yakkers going up to try for the big stuff .... cobia & marlin! Should be fun .... or scary



Hi Roberta,

If you are refering to what the lil cobe took that is a bait jig intended for slimeys (yeah great fight).

And you wouldn't catch me out there in a yak, too many sharks, Even seen a approx 5-7 ft one back in the river.


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Well done boys... & a good read Waynie!!! Love the pic of the sun doing it's thing on the clouds with Spooled in the frame... hands in pockets!!! Great photography in general but I guess thats not hard with one pro and a budding one in tow!!! There's only one thing missing from the report... ME!!! I love SWR it's a GR8 place to fish, unwind and have a ball in general!!! :thumbup:

Ah well!!! There's always next time I suppose... just remember your mate PJ Garn is always up for a bash no matter what the weather or conditions!!! :1badmood:

Cheers as always

PJ Garn

PS. Dropped down the river this arvo for a look... the water is well above the weir and is the best flood I've seen in decades!!! Give things a couple of weeks to calm down and there will be some serious fishing to be done!!!

Edited by PJ Garn
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