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Syndey Harbour


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Finally a break in this crappy weather, so what better to do than go for a fish?

Caught some live yellowtail, it was very difficult and i only managed four in about an hour and a half. So off to the kingie spot. Up until today i have usually had to wait about 30 mins for a hit but today was within 2 mins. First bait hit and killed, didn't hook up. Second bait soon after hit and hooked up, nice 69cm fish. Then another yellowtail hit, hookd up and lost midway through the fight as he busted me off.. bugger. last bait went down and hooked up to a smaller king, but still good.

I then resorted to using some left over frozen squid. The first busted me off on the marker (was actually fishing for leatherjacket at the time and a kingie grabbed the light gear). Then to cut a long story short managed another 2 on the squid strips.

Also got two leather jackets around 35-40cm


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Nice kings!


Finally a break in this crappy weather, so what better to do than go for a fish?

Caught some live yellowtail, it was very difficult and i only managed four in about an hour and a half. So off to the kingie spot. Up until today i have usually had to wait about 30 mins for a hit but today was within 2 mins. First bait hit and killed, didn't hook up. Second bait soon after hit and hooked up, nice 69cm fish. Then another yellowtail hit, hookd up and lost midway through the fight as he busted me off.. bugger. last bait went down and hooked up to a smaller king, but still good.

I then resorted to using some left over frozen squid. The first busted me off on the marker (was actually fishing for leatherjacket at the time and a kingie grabbed the light gear). Then to cut a long story short managed another 2 on the squid strips.

Also got two leather jackets around 35-40cm


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Giday guys loving all this Kingfish action,but im wondering,are they good eating? do you have to bleed them? whats the best prep if your lucky to get amongst a few?

Cheers twoducks

Yes very nice to eat

yes bleed immediatly then put on ice

guys steak them up

personally i fillet them

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