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Finally Nailed A Fish


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After going fishless with Team Upyago and having fished every day since for big old donuts....I was having second thoughts that it was just ME!

I've hit Narra lake every day this week for bugger all using every sort of plastic known to man (or at least all I have) and have come up empty.

The closest I got was yesterday when I got a huge bustoff by a very large flattie by not using a leader..stupid me!

I looked at seabreeze this arvo and saw it was blowing a southerly at 21 knots Yikes! :1yikes: ...not the sort of fishing weather I had in mind. Bugger it I thought..I've at least gotta try, so off I trotted down to Pipeclay Point and it was low tide and the sandbar was exposed for the first time since the deluges happened.

It was blowing like crazy and made it tough to even cast a placcie 10 yards and lots of exposed seagrass which made life even harder.

After not getting even so much as a nibble there, I packed up and moved around to the end of Robertson St where the wind was at least side on but still fierce.

Throw a few SP's about and FINALLY hook up to a lonely 40cm flattie :yahoo:

That's all I needed to lift my confidence again. A quick pic and put him back to grow a bit more.

Came home a lot happier than when I left.

Here's a couple of pics of the flattie that saved my sanity.





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hi pete

good to see someone else fishing in these windy conditions

have you tried black hard bodied lures when the water has a lot of fresh in it ? or even black sps

it worked for me a few years ago when the water was like coffee black hard bodies with rattles in them

i fished mona vale this morn 8.30 for ziltch my luderick rod looked like i was hooked up all the time but it was the 20 knot southerly bending my rod [had the wind behind me] :1badmood:

peter :1fishing1:

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hi pete

good to see someone else fishing in these windy conditions

have you tried black hard bodied lures when the water has a lot of fresh in it ? or even black sps

it worked for me a few years ago when the water was like coffee black hard bodies with rattles in them

i fished mona vale this morn 8.30 for ziltch my luderick rod looked like i was hooked up all the time but it was the 20 knot southerly bending my rod [had the wind behind me] :1badmood:

peter :1fishing1:

That flattie was taken on a black paddle tail squidgie with glitter Peter.

I've had some success lately in the dirty water with mostly black placcies. The brightly coloured ones just don't do diddly I've found.

You were keen luderick fishing off the rocks in this wind mate.

I don't mind some rain, but this southerly wind is shutting things down bigtime.



thats a nice looking flathead, better than what ive achieved with plastics the last few outings with these windy conditions

G'day Raii,

I've only just started using SPs as I have been a bait only fisho all my life.

Many an outing I gave up in disgust and switched back to bait swearing they just don't work for me.

It takes some patience to begin with, but it all starts to come together with practice.

Keep at it mate and it will suddenly all just click.

Cheers and good luck with the placs.


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excellent stuff Pete good to see the fish finally come to the party.

Out of interest what kind of braid are you running???

im guessing yellow FINS but from the photo it looks a bit orange/gold



No mate, it's 6lb vanish mono

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Nice effort to move around and persevere in those conditions Pete.

Have you found the sweet spot in pausing and twitching soft plastics where you sense a fish is going to take it and then it happens ? It feels like a moment of getting the timing sweet and imparting a split second of the right swimming action, but many casts go unrewarded until you repeat the exact pause and slight twitch and bingo you hook up again. It feels as though nature is doing its part and putting it all together provided that you do it right.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Nice effort to move around and persevere in those conditions Pete.

Have you found the sweet spot in pausing and twitching soft plastics where you sense a fish is going to take it and then it happens ? It feels like a moment of getting the timing sweet and imparting a split second of the right swimming action, but many casts go unrewarded until you repeat the exact pause and slight twitch and bingo you hook up again. It feels as though nature is doing its part and putting it all together provided that you do it right.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

That's exacly it Byron..well put.

It took me ages to get the hang of that but once you get in the "groove", it all comes together nicely.

I'm into a "rattle" of the rod tip at the moment instead of a "twitch" and have found that to be productive.

It's great experimenting with different techniques..some days it works, other not, so I vary the action

until I find which one works on the day.



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Nice flatty Pete, and I really like that first photo :thumbup:

I'm glad your sanity has been restored, I know the feeling when nothing seems to be working, the fish have a wonderful habit of turning it on right when you're about to give up for good!

You definitely weren't the only one crazy enough to be out fishing yesterday evening! :1prop:



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Nice to see you reporting good things in your old stomping ground Pete! :thumbup:

Dont know about this plastic thing you have going.........youve turned to the darkside :(

I thought the only reason you weren't catching fish was because you couldn't find your Rod!. Possibly leaving it behind in Team Upyago's boat. Actually you obviously didn't leave it there because old Rosco wouldnt have remembered where he put the boat anyway!

Its really sad when you get old........... :biggrin2:



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Nice to see you reporting good things in your old stomping ground Pete! :thumbup:

Dont know about this plastic thing you have going.........youve turned to the darkside :(

I thought the only reason you weren't catching fish was because you couldn't find your Rod!. Possibly leaving it behind in Team Upyago's boat. Actually you obviously didn't leave it there because old Rosco wouldnt have remembered where he put the boat anyway!

Its really sad when you get old........... :biggrin2:



Darkside indeed... I'm in to whatever works..and at my age..things that still work are a huge bonus :tease:

Ross isn't old Stumpy...he's just like me...Chronologically gifted!

And remember...Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.


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