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Can I Use Car Bog On Fibireglass

kiwi waynie

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It's only a kayak i scored super cheap from Kingfisher Cam (BIG thanks mate).

The gel coat is lifting, and without a major strip back, i recon even resin will still crack and lift again.

It's just a dolly up to get my young bloke out bassin in somthing he can be proud to own.

???? any implications to glass over bog later????



Thanks for the reply.

Lata Raidas.


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hi Waynie,

i was told not to use car bog when fixing up my last boat... something about shrinkage i think and as robbie said porous.also not to fill anything bigger than 50 cent piece.... what you have got def needs glassing over and as long as you prep area properly will be a once done forget about it job.... better to do it right way then worry about it later on.... should not cost too much either...

good luck whatever you do..... post some pics of work in progress.......

cheers... steve...

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You Can buy Fibreglass bog

Or just use the resin, mix in Talc ( plain unperfumed ) keep adding until it is the

same consistancy as bog - then add your catalyst.

works the same as fibre glass bog and sets rock hard

It takes heaps of talc - a cup of resin might soak up two or three cups of talc before it gets like bog

Once its set you can grind or sand it


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Thanks for the input fellas. I went to bias and found a tub of gelcote repair putty, cost $24.50 for 375g tin and should do the job just fine. I didn't thing car bog was such a good idea thats why i put it up for ???

I will post up a report on the tidy up with pics, even though i'm not going to go to alot of trouble with it,

just a quick tidy up.

But not today, gunna take it out the way it is for my young blokes first paddle

Lata Raidas.


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  • 1 month later...

You have obviously completed the task by now, however I mostly use "Epifill" an International product. As Fishfinder Tony says, the kayak is flexible and Epifill sets hard. Places where movement is prevalent I use the HT 9000 resin with a slow hardener (speed of hardener depends on your climate) and mix in the micro balloons. This always remains flexible, but very strong and waterproof.

Edited by Mariner 31
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