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Captive Bass!


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Decided i would go and get a bass for the tank last night.

So i headed down my favorite bomshizzle and casting kokoda bats all over the joint to be smashed by a 40cm Bass. Quickly and carefully i put him in the polystyrene tank in the boot and drove home as quickly and carefully as i could and put it in the tank. Caught some fresh water shrimp and about 4 hours in the tank he's already taking live cockroaches!.

Cant wait to be eating dinner and casting hookless lures at him! :yahoo:





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Make sure you have soaked the log properly to leech out all the black stuff that comes out of it otherwise the water will go dark real quick.

You gotta give him a name too mate! I used to keep a bass years ago that I named Sherman.

Sherman the bass!

They're awesome fish.



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Thats lookin' awesome mate :D

Like the others have mentioned, ensure you've got everything planned out. Don't want him dying.

Nice size tank too. Best bit of it all is you can watch it grow and reminisce on the day you caught him.

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My friend has a bass and I've wanted to do this for ages. When I get enough space I will. 40cm is a bit too big for me though, and then there's the problem of I have no idea about freshwater fishing :(

It's cool how hard they smash the insects though hey. I would definately sacrifice any pesky spiders who invade the house to the bass!

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Used to have a Fresh water tank set up a few years ago(now have tropicals for the kids),had a couple of small bass,a barramundi,and an archer fish.Trouble was put a couple of small turtles in aswell,that when they grew abit killed the fish :mad3:

My bass were only fairly small but was great fun emptying a dozen or so feeder guppies and watching them stalk/smash them. :biggrin2:

I also had a log set up,that stuck out of the water(as tank wasnt filled to top because of turtles)used to put insects on it and watch the bass patrol under it waiting for them to fall off,or try to beat the archer fish to them when it shot them off.



Might have to think about getting rid of the tropicals and going fresh again.

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