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Middle Harbour


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Gidday again Raiders,

I forgot to consolidate my weekend posts so apologies for making you read my stories twice this week!! Anyway, the kids always want their own post!! :tease:

The bro in law and I took the little fella, Max, out for a King on Sunday.

The weather promised to be spectacular and the anticipated crowds resultant from the pending power boat race were manageable. :wacko:

We hit the squid grounds at 5.30am and managed to produce 12 big squid by 7.45am. Little Max was a star landing two all by himself. Not bad for a 5 year old. :1prop: His ink management leaves a lot to be desired however. That goes for all of us!!! :(

Sydney Harbour has not been kind to us lately so we headed straight back into Middle Harbour to cruise the moorings.

The action was not fast and furious however, each of the three spots we tried produced Kings. One spot in particular must have had a school hanging around as everytime we went back there, the Kings were on again.. short, but sweet. They seem to go off the bite once a few are released. We found that leaving for an hour or so then returning would bring them back on.

I had Kings chasing the Gulp! but alas, would not take it. An absolute bruiser of a King followed one of the smaller hooked Kings all the way to the boat only to pivot and shoot off like a rocket back to the bottom before we could get a bait in front of him. We lost about 4 or 5 and missed a few due to double and triple hook ups and could not get to the rods in time before the fish would spit the bait or foul us on something on the bottom.

We landed eight Kings all up and kept three for the table. :biggrin2:

Edited by Ceph
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Nice work Ceph... good to see the little fishing buddy getting into it. You did much better than my disaster on Saturday.

Love the term "ink management" :074: .... will now be an official term and much sought after skill on board Slinky (the boat).

I think the cooler water out in the harbour has helped 'push' the fish back up into Middle Harbour. It was 23-25 degrees in the harbour when the kings were biting their heads off. Now that its under 23, I've been seeing lots on the sounder but not enticing many bites.

Cheers, Slinky

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:1prop: Nice Kingies there mind saying where in Middle harbour you caught those?????

Between the gum tree and the rock on the western shore adjacent to the white yatch with the yellow mooring buoy under the Spit near Balmoral. :1prop:

Edited by Ceph
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Between the gum tree and the rock on the western shore adjacent to the white yatch with the yellow mooring buoy under the Spit near Balmoral. :1prop:

That would be next to the Police Mooring near the "No Fishing" sign!

(Good Place that) :1prop:

By the way Ceph, it reads more like you were at a seafood shop, not the flamin river! (My reports never read that good :thumbdown: )


Stumpy :biggrin2:

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That would be next to the Police Mooring near the "No Fishing" sign!

(Good Place that) :1prop:

By the way Ceph, it reads more like you were at a seafood shop, not the flamin river! (My reports never read that good :thumbdown: )


Stumpy :biggrin2:


Your reports are great! :thumbup:

No fishing signs seem to attract anglers.. we regularly get shooed away from prime spots by the Navy!! :thumbdown::ranting2:

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Great sesh ceph.

I have been skimming stones with the missus, and have been unable to throw a line in.

although the boys took my boat out, and got into a few decent kings up to 85cm at a very poular local spot.

you may want to give the main harbour a go again.

well done anyway mate


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Great sesh ceph.

I have been skimming stones with the missus, and have been unable to throw a line in.

although the boys took my boat out, and got into a few decent kings up to 85cm at a very poular local spot.

you may want to give the main harbour a go again.

well done anyway mate


Arch, Now that your playing Football for Loko Cove FC you wont have time to go fishing at all ????

Has Tim got a shot of the 85cm KING???

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Well done Ceph & co ..... really living up to your name, Ceph!!

Terrific shot of the little fella & his squid ...... by 'squid management' does that mean you were all wearing it??? YUCK!

Sounds like terrific fun for all!



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Well done Ceph & co ..... really living up to your name, Ceph!!

Terrific shot of the little fella & his squid ...... by 'squid management' does that mean you were all wearing it??? YUCK!

Sounds like terrific fun for all!



We had ink all over the shop!

I copped a face full (lucky I had my sunnies on) from a squid which was still several metres from the boat.

When I got home, my :wife: banned me from coming inside. I had to get nude in back yard and hose myself down. I even found some in my ear!! :1prop:

Note to all squidders: bring them in alongside the boat and not tentacles facing you... :wacko:

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Just in case Folk have never caught squid before and may think the term 'ink' could be similar to what is found in fountain pens! WRONG!!!

It is thick, slimey, gooey stuff that is sometimes hard to get off & just very, very messy!!



I don't suppose you got an 'inked up' photo to put up?? :) :) :)

Edited by Roberta
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Just in case Folk have never caught squid before and may think the term 'ink' could be similar to what is found in fountain pens! WRONG!!!

It is thick, slimey, gooey stuff that is sometimes hard to get off & just very, very messy!!



I don't suppose you got an 'inked up' photo to put up?? :) :) :)

Unfortunately I don't have a photo... will take one next time I am squirted!!! :1prop:

The only good thing about being inked is that you're catching squid!!! :thumbup:

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