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Boat Names Call For Help

mr magoo

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good day guys my brothers hopefully getting a new boat in a week or so and weve been banging our heads together trying to come up with a name for the boat,it will be a alloy centre console 4.5mt estuary work mainly

so please folks give us a few suggestions

he is keen on

make my day .....so when the coast gaurd calls it will be go ahead ,make my day ,he has a sick sense of humor so as you see we need help

cheers arman

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How about "stupid thing costs me too much money and due to crappy weather i never get my moneys worth back in fish profits" or am i just a bit sour at the moment?? :)

lol i do like the way you think!


im either gonna go for anchorman or snapperhead or diversity.

anchorman cause i love the movie and it relates to boats so it works.

diversity is also from anchorman

here is the quote from the movie.

ED HARKEN: A lot of you have been hearing the affiliates complaining about a lack of diversity on the news team.

CHAMP KIND: What in the hell's diversity?

RON BURGUNDY: Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

or SNAPPERHEAD its my favourite fish and people tell me i have a temper so it may be fitting!

i would love to call make my day but i would laugh every single time and probably sound like a tosser after a month or so of fishing time!

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Hi Arman I thought "Still Afloat" but then again it's not the best name should you call for help like mayday mayday it's still afloat when you're sinking fast. :lol:

Better use something different like "Clutch Cargo" here or this is "Half Stupid" again to get a more regular mayday response. :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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