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Hard Long Rainy Squidding Night But Scored A King In End


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well guys its been abit hard for me as my backs been abit dodgy lately and decided to hit the spit around midnight sunday for squid... after about 2o - 30 mins of rewiring and checking stuff i finally get the plotter/sounder working damn not a good start as im still tied to jetty. all sorted and tony and i head towards the spit..stupid me gunning boat too fast between pickering and seaforth hit something that tore baitpump off the adjustable bracket :1badmood: now im really not impressed(with my nav skills that is) well it really is a lesson guys as i was watching the lighted shimmer across water but nothing showed and didnt even feel it hit hull,must of been submerged slightly,oh well we were all ok so thats a win in my books...

anyway quickly fixed the pump and hit the spit with rain sporadicly fallin,went to do some drifts but wally's sending sinker missiles of bridge ended that idea,what really pissed me off was those idiots sending 2 drink bottles and other stuff in drink, i just wanted to :bash: .. they moved on and did some drifts scoring 4 hard earned arrows in the wet. moved on to balmoral just before light and fished till about 7.30 ish for lots of pinkies and some bream,couple were about 20cm... not many got yakkas either....

time to hunt some kings and decided to change my plan on hitting headlands and headed to shark island instead .... got there and was not many there yet.... showed tony how to setup the riggers found my marks and proceded to do some runs... we marked 3 bait balls with 2 close together with kings so back i go after tony helped with depth adj... as we near the mark i call for tony to watch rods as i see the kings rise for bait then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz im on.... decided earlier that first strike was given to drivers side me and other him then alternate after... guess who got lucky :biggrin2: ... i grab rod out tighten drag slightly and give it too this bugger.got his head up quickly then pumped him to the boat pretty quickly.we still had other rigger out but i had this rat under control then he goes around boat same side and dives for other line and towards motor. :ranting2: i dive the rod straight down underwater trying to stop the inevitable and screamin kill motor.... well you geussed what happened next,many wraps of braid around prop and me netting a kingy tangle..... thought he was a throwback at first but the lie detector put him at a very spirited 67cm so cut throat an hung him in keeper net to bleed.now the drama none of us wants fishing braid, i rip shirt of and get my life jacket ready to go for a leasurly swim but called huntman over for a go at doing it without swimming.... thanks again mate you did well but really needed me to go swimming on this one... was nice to meet your :wife: and well done again connie on your first king..... well into the drink i go and start the task at hand,its at this point with feet kicking i remember that bleeding kingy and thoughts of jaws enter my head..tell you what didnt take real long to get braid off then guys and tony skull draged me back in.. thanks mate might of even saved my life,you never know whats lurkin below eh :074: .... anyway checked motor all ok but this all took a while so by the time we set another run this guy was anchored right next to my marks.... DOH..... so we do a few laps with one touch on the strip rigger but no king... next pass i score his anchor rope, sorry again guys and thanks for letting me lift your rope alittle to retrieve my bomb, i was in the red pongrass.....it was now about 10am so decided to try omh/nth head but nothing there so headed back in trying the usual haunts through mh nothing sounding at any of the points... pulled the boat out at roseville around 1pm and after all the dramas i still had a great time with good company and eventually a cracker weather wise(that thunder was abit worrying early on) thanks again tony sorry we couldnt score you a king,wasnt from lack of trying though and you really did great on the bomb dispersal....and that king kept the :wife: off my back.... which was really needed as i am pretty knackered after that session....

no pics as we were busy with motor an i forgot.. you all know what a 67cm king looks like anyway......

sorry for the long post but theres some lessons to be learnt here... hope i dont experiance these too many more times :1prop: ..

was nice to chat to a few raiders and i hope you got into some without any dramas like me........


Edited by roosterman
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Well you certainly couldn't say it was an uneventful trip Steve :1prop:

I really enjoyed the time on the water despite the hiccups, thanks again mate and congrats on your kingy.

Was good to put a face to a name with a few other raiders as well.

Look forward to doing it all again sometime.




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Hi Steve Roosterman and Tony Soprano, my reply will be a little lengthy too :D My favourite factor, the conditions on the day, especially as to fishing on Monday after a free for all on Sunday, I reckon are worthy of a mention and perhaps could be considered for getting good results in general next time.

Good on you, you are both very keen, getting out at midnight on Sunday :thumbup:

Shame about the slow start and all the dramas !! At least you got a kingfish Steve in spite of having to take a swim for your trouble. These dramas can sure turn you off. Instead of sitting back relaxed and fishing on happilly, you can finish up absolutely shell shocked when you're boat fishing at times.

It's amazing how you can get off to a bad start when it really counts after all your preparation and proper planning, and then having to miss out on the best part of your session having good Middle Harbour jewfish top of the tide and early run out time lost and not recoverable!

Sunday was a boom day for everybody I believe when the change came in. It seems everything frenzied at once, after the shocking results on Good Friday and Saturday in the cold southerlys. Maybe the fish stocked up because they knew Monday's low front was coming soon.

George and Larry (Cungee George & Occy1) told me they had their biggest day for quite some time on Sunday fishing around the entrance to Port Hacking, catching good numbers of general species including bagging out on good table snapper, good size sand flathead, bream, flounder and four Samson Fish.

Still you were not to know that a low pressure system was going to come in fast and settle in early on Monday morning !!

Just goes to show you had to be there early on Sunday when the first change came in and not a day late, after the awefull general results in the southerly shutdown over Easter.

A bird in the hand and fishing as the change happened on Sunday, is worth two in the bush, as you are not to know what the next day after a change will bring!

Still the good action in general was short lived on Sunday and it was all over after about 16 hours or so, I figure not long after you put the boat in the water, going on the time we caught our two jewfish in the Georges after which we experienced a shutdown and a few early am hours of untouched baits and this was at the prime time and tide for fishing in general in the Georges in the early morning too.!!

On our way back in pouring rain well after daybreak, we saw a lot of boats heading towards the Bay and behond. I wonder how they went in general apart from the chance of pelagics and a kingfish or two regardless of the low pressure system.

You've got a real asset in having Tony Soprano out there with you Steve, that's for sure.

We might have to have a Middle Harbour jewfish session, the Hawkesbury jew results are not frequent enough at the moment. Steve and Tony, I think it would be best if we go when high tide is around 2am and then move on and have a go at the kingfish around daybreak.

I could come over to Roseville early around say around 1am. It could be better organised that way and not having too many hours of non productive time.

Nice to see Andrew Huntsman come over and give you a hand :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Well you certainly couldn't say it was an uneventful trip Steve :1prop:

I really enjoyed the time on the water despite the hiccups, thanks again mate and congrats on your kingy.

Was good to put a face to a name with a few other raiders as well.

Look forward to doing it all again sometime.




mate your more than welcome as you were great company on what coulda been a miserable trip with all the hiccups we had.... i still cannot believe the yakkas were so non existent at balmoral.

i am busy next couple weeks with weddings but am working on trying to squeeze a session in so i will keep you posted....... wouldnt you believe the weather ahead :1badmood: maybe theres time for friends to cancel wedding to a more convenient time,say when its too rainy for fishing :074: ...

hi byron, my original plans were to get out earlier but my backs been bad and was only just able to get out when we did, i was watching that barometer cussing about not being out there and when i got the mail on some nice fish caught i felt good for them but sad i missed some real good conditions..... i thought with those big storms that hit mon morning might of stirred things up but i think most was shut down from the prolonged cold shitty weather as we found with the yakkas missing in action... i did alot of soundings throughout mh and was very baron throughout system... but found a spot x and marked for later :biggrin2:...

anyway thanks for the replies and reading my rantings on what turned out an ok trip...


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