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Fishing Ban At Balmoral Beach


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Oh Come on peoples this is just a very progressive proactive council !!!

Progressive- want to progress to restricting every activity by everyone anywhere- easier to manage if no one does anything

Proactive- the have had a risk identified to them so have been obliged to take an action

Hmmmmmmmm............crap hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ...... badly done hmmmmmmm.....silly conclusion. That letter should be read out at a council meeting just to see the look on the Mayors and general managers face I reckon.

My only thoughts

Yes Minister in real life

PS The mess left on wharfs is a particular pet hate of mine as what was enjoyable sitting in the sun dangling feet over the edge without the smell , fish oil ,scales , guts on my pants and a hook up my ............ ain't no fun. The few fishermen who leave the sites messy wreck it for other fishermen and anyone else wanting to enjoy the wharf. How hard is it to take a chopping board , pick up all tackle remenants and rinse the area off with a bucket when you leave!!! More educational notes on fishing courteousy shoul be in the fishing lic booklets.

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Seems the wharf was never in the 'ban' equation ..... I have since heard on the rumour mill that the proposal to ban fishing from the beaches has now been abandoned!! Anyone got any other official replies from the council? Seems like the person that replied to mine must have had a BAAAAD DAY!!!

Common sense has prevailed! A win for the fisho!



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yeah - thats my understanding too. so assuming you were standing next to the waters edge (no swell/waves at balmoral) they could only enforce it at high tide....

That is a rather strong arguement there sifisho, I relate that to a camping trip we took the kids on to a dam near Tumit. All the relatives were there and as I turned up a day late (from work) , I packed a few suprises for the kids in the back of my ute.......................2 mini bikes!

Well, wasnt I the man of the minute!, off the kids rode and they had a ball. Later on that day, a ranger came down and threatened me with a fine and told the kids to get off the bikes. It was all rather over the top and the kids were devistated, leaving me most upset.

A few hours later, a "waterways" bloke turned up to check the dam and got talking to me, he was most curious as to why the kids weren't blatting around on their bikes.When I told him what happened, he laughed and told the kids to get on their bikes and have a good time! (no need to ask twice).

I asked the bloke as to why I could let the kids do this, when the Ranger threatened me with all sorts of infringements, and he told me inbetween fits of laughter, that the drought had dropped the dam levels to such a low, that we were actually on the "Catchment Management Land" and not National Park! Therefore, the kids could "Break a Leg"

Two days later, my prayers were answered and that horrible ranger returned whilst my kids were riding their bikes.All I shall say is that he left in a hurry, and I didnt get fined.


Stumpy :biggrin2:

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Today i received a letter from council.

After reading Pelicans report on the matter i sent the council an email expressing my concern over this matter.

Here is a copy of the letter. Hope you can read it - if not i will quote from the letter.

" Thank you for your submission on the matter of prohibiting beach fishing at Edwards and Balmoral Beaches.

"Due to the concern expressed by Mosman residents and other concerned fisherman at the proposal the Mayor submitted a Mayoral Minute which was adopted recommending no further action be taken to prohibit fishing at Balmoral and Edwards Beaches".

Good to see commonsense has ruled the day and congratulations to all fishraiders who sent in an email stating our case on the issue.

Mosman residents themselves seemed to be also against the prohibition. Its easy to knock people from Mosman because they have money but they enjoy the Aussie lifestyle same as you and me.

People power rules and respect to Mosman Council.

Thanks please to Pelican for kicking this off - onya mate!




Edited by zenman
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Balmoral is definatly well worth keeping as a LB fishing spot!

Lat night I walked past the jetty around 7pm some guy had caught a jew fish approx. 1m long on a live yakka

Just thought i'd let you all know (bit off topic)


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Received a letter from Mosman council last night basically saying they have changed their minds and they are no longer pursuing the ban. Must be quite embarrasing for them...

Hi guys. Just letting you know that I also made a submission to the Council. I work for a Council myself in a professional capacity and had some serious words to say to them.

Sanity has prevailed.

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I must be in the slow mail catagory but also got the form letter. Thanks everyone who made the effort as I'm sure the Council was a little surprised especially by the response and phone calls they received. Good that common sense has come to the surface. Mosman council now has other worries for the swimmers as it has removed the shark net - That's right the one that had whale shark size holes in it. Oh well that's probably where all the yakkas lived when not doung the gourmet meal that we all feed them over on the end of the island.

Bet the rangers are happy they didn't have to enforce the no fishing ban.



PS I've never lost a swimmer on 50lb braid and a big trebble but you have to be careful when dragging them up the beach and be real fast with the donga to the back of the head other wise the whingeing noise they make is really irritating.

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New short article in Mosman Daily 24th issue about Balmoral "by Olga Gerloff - page 13. Can't find it on their website. Council notes also say signs to be removed.

My summary

Basically you can fish there now, All but one submission were against the ban, NSW fisheries advised it was against provisions in fisheries management act 1994 , Cr Menzies said ünnecessary restriction of peoples rights""people need to be accountable for their own actions"- no need for council interference. Local fisherman Roy Bendall "prohibition was un Australian"

This is a good example of stopping over regulation which was near impossible to enforce and brings it back to both fisherman , swimmers and any other users to act sensibly and be responsible for their own actions. I guess it also should be noted that if you are going to end up in a court case it would be tough if the other party has limitless funds even if you were in the right ( silly legal system) so as always common sense must apply.

Just hope fellow fishers respect the area, fish sensibly and leave it tidy etc etc so these issues don't need regulation.

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....PS I've never lost a swimmer on 50lb braid and a big trebble but you have to be careful when dragging them up the beach and be real fast with the donga to the back of the head other wise the whingeing noise they make is really irritating......


Love it Pel!!!

Like you, I finally received the form letter as stated previously ..... but I got the original dummy spit one previously! :) hehehe

Peole Power Rules - sometimes you just have to stand up for your principles!!! :)


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