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Sydney Harbour By Yak 13/4


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Launched at 5.30am with another yak. Could not raise any bait at Little Manly so we headed off with the plan being that we would get blown back home when the SW came up rather than having to slog into a head wind as often happens.

We arrived at the bouys to find one boat there already, we left them to that bouy and did the rounds of the others. I got a small trevally on an SP which I released and a few undersized reds. No life on the kingy front. At this point it was looking pretty quiet so to try and save the day I rigged a squid jig and proceded to catch 3 small southerns close in to the rocks.I got snagged once and practically ran the yak up onto the rocks to get it off. As I was squidding a shower of small gars left the water and danced just to the south of me. I tossed a stick bait in their direction but got no response. Tossed up whether to stick with the squidding to top up my dwindling freezer supply, or have a troll with live squid. The trolling option won.

I paddled back out to the bouys where the inital boat was still anchored, as I got closer I could see they were pulling a few trevally. I dropped a live squid down and it got some sizable 'picker hits' before dissapearing. Rigged another and dropped it down. This time I hooked up, I called it for a big trevally as I could feel the tail beats, however after a short fight 36cm of samson comes into the boat. These are truely beautiful looking fish when juvenille.



After that it was time to dodge the ferries and head home. A lovely moring, water temp 20C.


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Oooh, don't you love it when there is a fish panic right in front of you?? What is under it, chasing them?? Guess we'll never know!

Looks like a nice day on the water, even tho the preferred fish didn't show up! :( Ne'er mind, good excuse for going out again next time! :)



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