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Staying Motivated At Work


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G'Day all

Seem to have trouble staying motivated at work, especially on over-cast, slightly breezy days :1prop:

These photos taken 10 metres from my office door: Moruya River


Looking the other way


From the office window


Ho hum. Back to work!


Edited by Hodgey
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Hi Hodgey

I was going to say just by thinking about your next fishing outing .... then I saw your pics!!! Beautiful!! That view would be most people's idea of heaven (or hell ..... if you actually see folk pulling fish in at the time & you are still working!)

It is bucketting with rain here as I type! Very frustrating & depressing!!

Your work view would have a calming action on you in times of frustration, I reckon! :)



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A company I used to work for had a plant right on the water. When there was weekend work the engineer used to take a boat out and fish. He'd tell the fitters if you have any problems just run the flag up the pole and I'll be in in 5 minutes!

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Modern technology is great, however I remember when we used to have a "beeper' - NO MOBILE PHONES TO ANSWER. - There was many times I was fishing in Botany Bay when the dreaded beeper went off. Fortunately, it was the same time that most public phones had been vandalised, so if I was to reply 2 or 3 hours later then none would be the wiser. Where is the priority - Work or Fishing?

How many of you guys have been either fishing, or on the golf couse when your beeper went off in the 80's. Only to "fabricate your location" -I THINK I WORKED FOR SPURWAY COOKE THEN!!!! It would be pretty difficult to bullshit these days!

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